

In this week's roundup, take the pivot table survey, learn new chart tricks, see what's new in Power BI Desktop, and much more.

在本周的综述中,进行数据透视表调查,学习新的图表技巧,查看Power BI Desktop中的新增功能等等。

We're on our summer schedule now, so the next roundup will be published on Monday, August 31st.


视频:Excel综述20150817 (Video: Excel Roundup 20150817)

Watch this video to see the highlights for Excel Roundup 20150817. The details and links are below the video.

观看此视频,以查看Excel Roundup 20150817的重点内容。详细信息和链接在视频下方。


1.数据透视表调查 (1. Pivot Table Survey)

In the latest collection of Excel tweets, on my Excel Theatre blog, someone said, "How do I make a pivot table? I don’t have time to try a bunch of stuff and see what works!" And, at the other end of the pivot table scale, someone else said, "if it doesn’t have a pivot table then I’m not interested."

在我的Excel Theater博客的最新Excel推文集中 ,有人说:“如何制作数据透视表?我没有时间尝试一堆东西,看看有什么用!” 而且,在数据透视表规模的另一端,有人说:“如果它没有数据透视表,那么我就不感兴趣。”

Do you use pivot tables? Do you love them or hate them? Here's a 3-question survey, and I'll share the results in the next Excel Roundup.

您是否使用数据透视表? 你爱他们还是恨他们? 这是一个三题调查,我将在下一个Excel综述中分享结果。


2.时分下拉 (2. Hour and Minute Drop Downs)

For a time entry worksheet, you can prevent invalid time entries with drop down lists of hours and minutes. This technique uses data validation, and no macros. However, as Jeff Weir pointed out in the comments, someone could still find a way to enter invalid times.

对于时间输入工作表,您可以通过小时和分钟下拉列表防止无效的时间输入 。 此技术使用数据验证,并且不使用宏。 但是,正如Jeff Weir在评论中指出的那样,仍然有人可以找到输入无效时间的方法。

Remember, data validation can be defeated, even by a simple copy and paste, so don't depend on it if you're building nuclear missiles, or anything critical! My goal, usually, is to make a workbook easy to use, and idiot resistant (not idiot proof). How about you?

请记住,即使通过简单的复制和粘贴,数据验证也可能失败,因此,如果您要制造核导弹或任何重要武器,请不要依赖它! 通常,我的目标是使工作簿易于使用,并且具有防白痴功能(不支持白痴功能)。 你呢?

3. Power BI桌面更新 (3. Power BI Desktop Updates)

SQL Server MVP Reza Rad gives all the details on what’s new in Power BI Desktop 2.0 GA. It's an easy-to-read summary of the changes, with lots of screen shots that show the changes.

SQL Server MVP Reza Rad提供了有关Power BI Desktop 2.0 GA中新功能的所有详细信息。 这是对更改的易于理解的摘要,其中有许多屏幕截图显示了更改。

If you'd rather see the changes in a video, watch this 40-minute overview from the Power BI team.

如果您希望在视频中看到所做的更改,请观看Power BI团队40分钟的概述

Rob Collie has written a great article on how an Excel pro can get started with Power BI Desktop, so check that out if you're not sure where to start. Rob has a few minor complaints about Power BI Desktop, and read the comments to, to see other people's concerns.

Rob Collie写了一篇很棒的文章, 介绍了Excel专业人士如何使用Power BI Desktop入门 ,因此请检查一下您是否不确定该从哪里开始。 Rob对Power BI Desktop提出了一些小抱怨,并阅读了相关评论,以了解其他人的担忧。

4.图表技巧 (4. Chart Tricks)

I found a couple of article with chart tricks this week. Jon Peltier explains how to plot values along the axis of a chart, in a single line, similar to the markings on a thermometer.

我本周发现了几篇有关图表技巧的文章。 乔恩·Perl捷(Jon Peltier)解释了如何沿着图表的轴以单线绘制值 ,类似于温度计上的标记。

On her blog, Stephanie Evergreen shows how to create a slopegraph, which is based on the Excel line chart type.

Stephanie Evergreen在她的博客中展示了如何基于Excel折线图类型创建坡度图。

5. 40个最出色的Excel技巧 (5. 40 Greatest Excel Tips)

Bill Jelen (Mr. Excel) has just finished his latest book, Mr. Excel XL – The 40 Greatest Excel Tips of All Time. Bill sent me an advance copy, and it’s a beautiful book, packed with great tips and colour photos, and a nice touch of humour. He even included 40 of my favourite tweets, from the weekly collections on my Excel Theatre website.

Bill Jelen(Excel先生)刚刚完成了他的最新著作Excel XL先生–有史以来40个最伟大的Excel技巧 。 比尔给我寄了一份预付本,这是一本漂亮的书,里面装满了很多技巧和彩色照片,并带有幽默感。 他甚至在我的Excel Theater网站上的每周收藏中收录了我最喜欢的40条推文。

You can hear Bill talking about his book, and many other Excel topics, on John Michaloudis' latest podcast.

您可以在John Michaloudis的最新播客中听到Bill谈论他的书以及许多其他Excel主题。

6. Excel问题 (6. Excel Problems)

Excel is a great application, but things can go horribly wrong, as I'm sure you know. After working with a nightmare workbook, Melissa P. Esquibel shared the biggest lessons that she learned from the experience.

Excel是一个很棒的应用程序,但是我确信您知道,事情可能会出错。 在完成噩梦工作簿后,Melissa P. Esquibel 分享了她从这次经历中学到的最大的教训

Becky Collins uses Excel too, and doesn't mention any nightmares, but does have "huge enormous spreadsheets full of superfluous data". Don't we all? Becky shares her top 10 annoyances, and I hate it when Excel forgets what I copied too.

贝基·柯林斯(Becky Collins)也使用Excel,并且没有提及任何噩梦,但确实有“巨大的电子表格,里面充满了多余的数据”。 我们不是吗? 贝基分享了她的十大烦恼 ,当Excel也忘记了我复制的内容时,我讨厌它。

7.准备9月 (7. Prepare for September)

September is just around the corner, and school will be starting again soon, so Tracy Duncan has 8 Excel tips and tricks for teachers and students.

9月将至,学校将很快再次开学,因此Tracy Duncan 为教师和学生提供了8个Excel技巧和窍门

Or maybe you'll be looking for a new job in the fall. If you are, Lauren Miliotis explains how to use Excel when you're looking for a new job.

也许您会在秋天寻找新工作。 如果您是,Lauren Miliotis会在您寻找新工作时说明如何使用Excel

翻译自: https://contexturesblog.com/archives/2015/08/17/excel-roundup-20150817/






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