

If you have Excel, do you even need any other programs? In this week’s video, David Buchanan, from the Chef’s Resources website, shows how to use an Excel workbook to plan every step in an event, from the idea phase, to prep and ordering, to recipes. I like his description of this process as "mental mise en place" worksheets, to help you organize tasks.

如果您有Excel,您是否还需要其他程序? 在本周的视频中,Chef's Resources网站的David Buchanan展示了如何使用Excel工作簿来计划活动的每个步骤,从构思阶段到准备和点菜,再到食谱。 我喜欢他将这一过程描述为“就地进行工作”,以帮助您组织任务。

excel event planning http://blog.contextures.com/

You can download some cooking-related workbook templates from their website too.



Or watch on YouTube: Excel Event Planning for Chefs

或在YouTube上观看: Excel Chef的活动策划

语境帖子 (Contextures Posts)

Here’s what I posted recently:


  • Finally, for a humorous peek at what other people are saying about spreadsheets, read the latest collection of Excel tweets, on my Excel Theatre blog.

    最后,要幽默地窥视其他人对电子表格的看法,请在我的Excel Theater博客上阅读最新的Excel推文集

其他Excel文章 (Other Excel Articles)

Here are a few of the Excel articles that I read recently, that you might find useful:


  • Annie Cushing made a video to show how to use INDEX, instead of OFFSET for marketing analysis. It’s worth a visit, just to see the cat picture.

    Annie Cushing制作了一个视频,展示了如何使用INDEX而不是OFFSET进行营销分析。 值得一看,只是看猫的照片。

  • Summer is almost over, but there are still a few holidays left this year. Glen Feechan explains how to calculate working days, and account for upcoming holidays.

    夏天快结束了,但是今年还有一些假期。 Glen Feechan解释了如何计算工作日以及如何计算即将到来的假期。

Excel公告 (Excel Announcements)

Here are some upcoming events, courses, recently published books, and other new items, related to Excel.


Beginning Power BI with Excel 2013, by Dan Clark

"Guides you step by step through the process of analyzing and visualizing your data. Daniel R. Clark, an expert in BI training and a regular speaker on these topics, takes you through each tool in turn, using hands-on activities to consolidate what you’ve learned in each chapter."

Registration has opened for this year's ModelOff competition. Test your financial modeling skills against top modelers from around the world. Participants from over 100 countries progress through two Online Qualification Rounds with a Live Finals Event held in New York.
  • Round 1 (online) is Oct. 25th, and Round 2 (online) is Nov. 8th.
  • The Top 16 finalists will compete in New York in December.

Note: A video starts to play automatically on the ModelOff site – turn off your speakers, if you don’t want to alarm your co-workers.

Microsoft Excel 2013 Functions and Formulas 3rd Ed. by Bernd Held

”In this completely updated edition covering Excel 2013 and previous versions, Microsoft Excel Functions and Formulas 3/e demonstrates the secrets of Excel through the use of practical and useful examples in a quick reference format. A comprehensive CD-ROM accompanies the book with tips, video tutorials, shortcuts, and ready-made Excel formulas.”

101 Ready-to-Use Excel Formulas by Mike Alexander and Dick Kusleika

”The recipes in the book are structured to first present the problem, then provide the formula solution, and finally show how it works so that it can be customized to fit your needs. The companion website to the book allows readers to easily test the formulas and provides visual confirmation of the concepts presented.”

Excel 2010 for Health Services Management Statistics by Thomas Quirk and Simone Cummings

”This is the first book to show the capabilities of Microsoft Excel to teach health services management statistics effectively. It is a step-by-step exercise-driven guide for students and practitioners who need to master Excel to solve practical health services management problems. If understanding statistics isn’t your strongest suit, you are not especially mathematically-inclined, or if you are wary of computers, this is the right book for you."

用Excel 2013开始Power BI ,作者Dan Clark

“指导您逐步完成分析和可视化数据的过程。BI培训专家,有关这些主题的定期演讲者Daniel R. Clark,将通过动手实践来逐步指导您使用各种工具,以巩固您的工作目标。您在每一章中都学到了。”

今年的ModelOff竞赛已开始报名。 与来自世界各地的顶尖建模师一起测试您的财务建模技巧。 来自100多个国家/地区的参与者参加了两场在线资格赛,并在纽约举行了现场决赛活动。
  • 第一轮(在线)是10月25日,第二轮(在线)是11月8日。
  • 前16名决赛选手将于12月在纽约竞争。


Microsoft Excel 2013函数和公式第三版。 由Bernd Held

“在涵盖Excel 2013和以前版本的此完全更新的版本中,Microsoft Excel Functions and Formulas 3 / e通过使用实用且有用的示例以快速参考格式演示了Excel的秘密。 本书随附完整的CD-ROM,其中包含提示,视频教程,快捷方式和现成的Excel公式。”

101个现成的Excel公式 ,作者Mike Alexander和Dick Kusleika

“本书中的食谱经过结构设计,首先提出问题,然后提供公式解决方案,最后展示其工作原理,以便可以对其进行定制以满足您的需求。 本书的配套网站使读者可以轻松地测试公式,并视觉确认所提出的概念。”

Excel 2010 for Health Services Management Statistics

”这是第一本展示Microsoft Excel有效教授健康服务管理统计信息功能的书。 它是针对需要精通Excel解决实际卫生服务管理问题的学生和从业人员的循序渐进的练习指导。 如果理解统计数据不是您的最佳选择,或者您对数学的偏爱不是特别高,或者如果您对计算机保持警惕,那么这是适合您的书。”

分享您的活动和文章 (Share Your Events and Articles)

If you read or wrote any other interesting Excel articles recently, or have upcoming Excel events, please share a link in the comments below, with a brief description. Thanks!

如果您最近阅读或撰写了其他有趣的Excel文章,或者即将举行Excel活动,请在下面的评论中共享一个链接,并提供简要说明。 谢谢!

翻译自: https://contexturesblog.com/archives/2014/09/08/excel-roundup-20140908/






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