

In this week's roundup, create a seating plan, do case sensitive lookups, learn Excel from Joel Spolsky, and more.

在本周的综述中,创建一个座位计划,进行区分大小写的查找,向Joel Spolsky学习Excel等。

Excel Roundup http://blog.contextures.com/
1. 7种求和方式 (1. 7 Ways to Sum)

Last week, I posted a video that shows 7 ways to sum in Excel. The quickest way to get a total is with the AutoSum button – just select the amounts, and a blank cell, then click the button. You can also see screenshots from Excel 3.0, and see how we did things in the old days (1990). Were you even using a computer, way back then?

上周,我发布了一个视频,该视频显示了用Excel求和的7种方法。 最快的总计方法是使用“自动求和”按钮-只需选择金额和空白单元格,然后单击按钮即可。 您还可以查看Excel 3.0的屏幕截图,并查看我们在过去(1990年)的工作方式。 您甚至还在使用计算机吗?

2.用删除线标记已完成的项目 (2. Mark Completed Items With Strikethrough)

Do you ever use the Strikethrough font format, to mark completed items in a list? It might look nice, but you can't filter or sort by that formatting. If you have to use it, Sumit Bansal shows how to apply the strikethrough with conditional formatting, based on the contents of another cell. Then, you can use that other column for sorts and filters.

您是否曾经使用过删除线字体格式来标记列表中已完成的项目? 看起来不错,但是您无法按照这种格式进行过滤或排序。 如果必须使用它,Sumit Bansal会显示如何基于另一个单元格的内容以条件格式应用删除线 。 然后,您可以将该另一列用于排序和过滤器。

3.区分大小写的查询 (3. Case Sensitive Lookups)

Usually it doesn't matter if text is upper or lower case, when you're doing a lookup in Excel. But, if you have to do a case-sensitive lookup, Chandoo show how to use EXACT, with other functions.

通常,当您在Excel中进行查找时,文本是大写还是小写都没有关系。 但是,如果您必须进行区分大小写的查找 ,Chandoo会展示如何将EXACT与其他功能一起使用。

And be sure to read the story about Chandoo, and his Excel journey, on the PC Mag website.

并且一定要在PC Mag网站上阅读有关Chandoo故事及其Excel历程

4.座位图 (4. Seating Plan)

On the Tekhnologic blog, a classroom seating plan uses a drop down list of names with a little twist. In addition to the standard list of names, there is a random name at the top, and an option for leaving an empty seat

在Tekhnologic博客上, 教室的座位计划使用名称的下拉列表,但要稍加改动。 除了标准名称列表之外,顶部还有一个随机名称,还有一个用于保留空位的选项

5.日期计算 (5. Date Calculations)

Mike Alexander shared his list of 130 date calculations -- more that you'll ever need! For example, find the date of next week's Tuesday, or the last Friday of the current month.

Mike Alexander 分享了他的130个日期计算列表 -您将需要更多! 例如,找到下周的星期二或当前月份的最后一个星期五的日期。

6.向Joel Spolsky学习Excel (6. Learn Excel from Joel Spolsky)

I've read many of Joel Spolsky's articles, but this "You Suck at Excel" video is the first time that I've seen him teaching Excel tips. His goal is to teach his team members the "bare minimum of non-incompetence". He was a program manager on Microsoft's Excel team from 1991-1994, and led their VBA strategy.

我已经阅读了Joel Spolsky的许多文章 ,但这是“ You Suck at Excel”的视频,这是我第一次看到他教Excel技巧。 他的目标是教他的团队成员“最少的无能为力”。 从1991年至1994年,他曾担任Microsoft Excel团队的项目经理,并领导了他们的VBA策略。

Unfortunately, Mike Alexander predicts that Microsoft will eventually rename VBA to "Old People Magic".

不幸的是,迈克·亚历山大(Mike Alexander)预测微软最终会将VBA重命名为“ Old People Magic”

7. Excel幽默 (7.  Excel Humour)

Finally, for a bit of spreadsheet humour, you can see what people are saying about Excel, in my weekly collection of tweets. Here's one of my favourite tweets from this week's collection.

最后,对于电子表格的一些幽默,您可以在我的每周推文集中看到人们对Excel 的评价 。 这是本周收藏中我最喜欢的推文之一。


翻译自: https://contexturesblog.com/archives/2015/09/14/excel-roundup-20150914/






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