

Welcome to our latest round-up of news from the technology and hosting world. Here’s what we’ve discovered this week.

欢迎访问我们来自技术和托管领域的最新新闻摘要。 这就是我们本周发现的东西。

苹果雄心勃勃的碳中和目标 (Apple’s ambitious carbon neutral target)

Following previous announcements by Amazon and Microsoft, Apple has now set itself the ambitious target of becoming carbon-neutral by 2030. What’s more, its carbon-neutral aim extends to its entire supply chain, meaning its suppliers will also have to commit to using 100% renewable energy within the next ten years.


Although this is a significant target, it doesn’t go quite as far as Microsoft which plans to be carbon negative by 2030 and to have completely negated its entire lifetime carbon emissions by 2050. Microsoft is also collaborating with other leading enterprises, including Mercedes-Benz, Nike and Starbucks, to help develop and deploy technologies that reduce carbon emissions.


Google, meanwhile, is already ahead in the race. Its use of renewable energy, together with its offsetting programs, means the company has been carbon-neutral since 2007. Like Apple, it also plans to extend this to its supply chain.

同时,谷歌已经在竞争中领先。 它对可再生能源的使用以及抵消计划,意味着该公司自2007年以来一直在碳中和。与苹果公司一样,它也计划将其扩展到其供应链。

那个汉堡很好吃 (That burger’s flipping good)

Non-contact, socially distanced fast food is one step closer thanks to Miso Robotics, a US company that has invented Flippy, a robot that is something of an expert at flipping burgers and preparing French fries.

多亏了Miso Robotics,这是一家美国公司,发明了Flippy,这是一家擅长翻转汉堡和准备炸薯条的机器人,这是一家非接触式,与社会保持距离的快餐产品,这一步骤更加近了一步。

Fitted under the hood of a frying station, this one-armed burger bandit not only improves kitchen efficiency; it also reduces human food contact and makes social distancing much easier in often cramped fast-food kitchens.  

这款单臂汉堡匪徒安装在油炸锅的机盖下,不仅提高了厨房效率,而且还提高了厨房效率。 它还减少了人们与食物的接触,并在经常拥挤的快餐厨房中使人们与社会之间的距离更加容易。

Ideal for post-pandemic fast food joints, it’s already being used throughout the US. Expect to see Flippy becoming a feature of your local Burger King and McDonald’s in the not too distant future.

大流行后快餐店的理想之选,已经在美国各地使用。 希望在不久的将来看到Flippy成为您当地的汉堡王和麦当劳的特色。

科技和互联网带来就业希望 (Technology and internet bring jobs hope)

The impact of the pandemic has been forecast to cause the worst economic downturn in 300 years. However, a recent report from CV-Library shows that while the number of UK jobs being advertised has decreased by over 60% in the three months to June, some sectors are much more buoyant. Those areas include technology, internet retail and associated industries.

据预测,大流行的影响将导致300年来最严重的经济衰退。 但是,CV-Library最近发布的一份报告显示,尽管在截至6月的三个月中,英国招聘的职位数量下降了60%以上,但某些行业的发展更为活跃。 这些领域包括技术,互联网零售和相关行业。

The push for digital transformation in order to help companies recover from the pandemic has seen a 15% rise in the number of vacancies for web developers, software engineers and IT security experts.


Online shopping, which was increasing well before the lockdown, seems likely to maintain its popularity. As a result, there’s been a surge in demand for warehouse staff. Amazon, alone, has created 15,000 new UK jobs and fulfilment centres around the country are looking for new staff. Getting internet retail goods to the warehouse and from there to customers’ doorsteps has also resulted in more HGV driver and local delivery vacancies. German shipping outfit, Hermes, has just announced plans to increase its UK workforce by 10,500 to cope with rising demand.

在锁定之前,在线购物一直在增长,它似乎很可能会保持其受欢迎程度。 结果,仓库人员的需求激增。 仅亚马逊一家就在英国创造了15,000个新工作岗位,全国各地的履行中心正在寻找新员工。 将互联网零售商品运到仓库,再从那里运到客户家门口,也导致了更多的HGV驱动程序和本地交付空缺。 德国航运公司爱马仕(Hermes)刚刚宣布了计划,将其在英国的劳动力增加10,500人,以应对不断增长的需求。

中国科技成为全球威胁 (Chinese tech a global threat)

The issues surrounding the removal of Huawei from the UK’s 5G network is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to China’s technological threat according to a report by the US Democratic Party. The report is highly critical of China’s use of technology to monitor and control its own population and to flex its muscles in other nations.  

根据美国民主党的一份报告,有关将华为从英国5G网络中删除的问题只是冰山一角,涉及到中国的技术威胁。 该报告高度批评中国使用技术监测和控制自己的人口,并在其他国家展示自己的力量。

The use of surveillance technology is particularly worrying. Heavily deployed throughout China, it is now being exported to other repressive governments like Venezuela and Zimbabwe, and there are fears that the communist state can access their data for its own use.

监视技术的使用尤其令人担忧。 它已在中国各地广泛部署,现在正被出口到委内瑞拉和津巴布韦等其他镇压政府,并且担心共产党国家可以访问其数据以供自己使用。

Elsewhere, there is concern over commercial technologies harvesting user data, social media being used to interfere and influence, and state-sponsored cyberattacks disrupting infrastructure and stealing corporate, government and military data. The report concludes that if unstopped, China is likely to dominate global technology and increase its authoritarian influence.

在其他地方,人们担心商业技术会收集用户数据,社交媒体被用来进行干扰和影响,以及国家发起的网络攻击破坏了基础设施并窃取了公司,政府和军事数据。 报告得出的结论是,如果不间断,中国很可能会主导全球技术并增强其威权主义影响力。

辅助功能:唇读器的LED面罩 (Accessibility: LED facemasks for lip readers)

While compulsory facemasks may be required for reducing the risk of COVID-19, they don’t help the deaf community when it comes to lip reading. However, Hull-based disability campaigner, Dan Watts, has come up with a possible solution: a voice-activated LED that fits inside a facemask and mimics the shape of the mouth when the wearer speaks.

虽然可能需要使用强制性口罩来降低COVID-19的风险,但对于唇读来说,它们并不能帮助聋人社区。 但是,基于船体的残疾人运动家Dan Watts提出了一个可能的解决方案:语音激活的LED可以安装在面罩内,并在佩戴者讲话时模仿嘴巴的形状。

After seeing US games designer, James Glaiel, come up with an idea for a novelty, voice-activated, LED facemask, Watts sought to redesign it for helping people who relied on lip reading and facial gestures for communication. Aside from making mouth movements when the user speaks, the mask can also make facial gestures through sound, for example, smiling when the user makes a click sound.   

在看到美国游戏设计师James Glaiel提出了一种新颖的,声控的LED面罩的想法后,Watts试图重新设计它,以帮助依靠唇读和面部手势进行交流的人们。 除了在用户讲话时进行嘴巴动作之外,面罩还可以通过声音做出面部手势,例如,在用户发出点击声时微笑。

At the moment, the masks are not available for sale, however, there are online instructions on how to make them.


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翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/tech-and-hosting-news-round-up-26/






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