wordpress 小程序_在WordPress托管程序包中寻找什么

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While dedicated WordPress hosting is available from many service providers, the features offered can vary considerably from host to host. Knowing what to look for can help site owners make informed decisions about which provider to opt for, a choice that can have a significant long-term impact on the success of the website. Here, we discuss the essential features you should look for in a dedicated WordPress hosting solution.

虽然许多服务提供商都提供了专用的WordPress托管服务,但主机之间的功能可能会有很大差异。 知道要寻找的内容可以帮助网站所有者就选择哪个提供商做出明智的决定,这一选择可能对网站的成功产生重大的长期影响。 在这里,我们讨论您应该在专用的WordPress托管解决方案中寻找的基本功能。

WordPress优化的服务器 (WordPress optimised servers)

The key difference between a standard hosting package and dedicated WordPress hosting is the server. By only hosting WordPress websites on a server, the service provider is free to configure it to boost the performance of the WordPress platform. This will include optimising the server with features like NGINX cache, PHP7+OPcache and HTTP2. The NGINX caching engine delivers frequently requested website files to users’ browsers in milliseconds, PHP7 together with OPcache enhances performance and the latest HTTP/2 protocol increases website responsiveness.

标准托管软件包和专用WordPress托管之间的主要区别在于服务器。 通过仅在服务器上托管WordPress网站,服务提供商可以免费对其进行配置以提高WordPress平台的性能。 这将包括使用NGINX缓存,PHP7 + OPcache和HTTP2等功能优化服务器。 NGINX缓存引擎可在几毫秒内将经常请求的网站文件交付给用户的浏览器,PHP7与OPcache一起提高了性能,而最新的HTTP / 2协议则提高了网站响应速度。

Another feature to look for is MySQL database management which, when powered by MariaDB, enables the server to be optimised for the read-heavy workloads which occur in WordPress. Users should also have access to tools like PHPMyAdmin, which enable easier management of their MySQL databases.

寻找的另一个功能是MySQL数据库管理,当由MariaDB支持时,该服务器可以针对WordPress中出现的读取繁重的工作负载进行优化。 用户还应该可以访问PHPMyAdmin之类的工具,这些工具可以更轻松地管理MySQL数据库。

While PHP 7 currently provides the best performance, some WordPress sites still need to use older versions of PHP to maintain compatibility with legacy versions of WordPress, plugins or themes. The server should be configured to cater for these sites and the hosting package should give you the option to choose a version via a PHP version selector.

虽然PHP 7当前提供最佳性能,但某些WordPress网站仍需要使用旧版本PHP来维护与WordPress,插件或主题的旧版本的兼容性。 应该将服务器配置为满足这些站点的需要,并且托管软件包应为您提供通过PHP版本选择器选择版本的选项。

Additionally, users should also look for SSD storage, which offers far superior read-write speeds compared to more traditional HDD drives.


先进的安全性 (Advanced security)

Used to create 35% of the world’s websites, the popularity of WordPress makes it a regular target of cybercriminals. A good web host will know this and ensure that your WordPress hosting comes with first-rate security. This will include a WordPress application firewall that will detect and repel attacks from hackers and bots.

WordPress用于创建全球35%的网站,其受欢迎程度使其成为网络犯罪分子的常规目标。 一个好的网络托管者会知道这一点,并确保您的WordPress托管具有一流的安全性。 这将包括WordPress应用程序防火墙,该防火墙将检测并抵御来自黑客和机器人的攻击。

The most advanced service providers offer WordPress security toolkits, accessible on any device, that enable you to manage a wide range of security features from anywhere at any time. These toolkits will scan your website for security issues, let you know if you are following best practice and warn you when you need to carry out updates. For additional ease of use, look for 1-click hardening capabilities that ensure you follow best practice without having to put it into place yourself. This is ideal for those new to WordPress.

最先进的服务提供商提供了可在任何设备上访问的WordPress安全工具包,使您可以随时随地管理广泛的安全功能。 这些工具包将扫描您的网站是否存在安全问题,让您知道您是否遵循最佳实践,并在需要进行更新时警告您。 为了进一步提高易用性,请寻找一键式强化功能,以确保您遵循最佳实践而不必亲自进行安装。 这是WordPress新手的理想选择。

Beyond this, look for a hosting solution that provides free SSL certificates to encrypt data sent between your server and a user’s browser and which ensures the secure padlock icon is displayed next to your web address on browsers. Finally, to protect you against data loss, choose a host which carries out daily backups so your data can easily be recovered.

除此之外,寻找一种托管解决方案,该解决方案可提供免费的SSL证书来加密在服务器与用户的浏览器之间发送的数据,并确保安全的挂锁图标显示在浏览器上您的网址旁边。 最后,为了保护您免受数据丢失的影响,请选择一台执行每日备份的主机,以便轻松恢复您的数据。

易于使用的功能 (Ease of use features)

Ease of use starts with a user-friendly control panel. Ideally, this should be a fully-featured toolkit that is accessible on all devices, enabling you to manage your websites wherever you are. With this, you should be able to install and manage multiple sites and the installation should be easy, using a one-click installer that can get the task completed in less than 30 seconds. Also, look for a plugin and theme manager that will allow you to install, patch and update themes and plugins directly from within the control panel.

易于使用始于用户友好的控制面板。 理想情况下,这应该是一个功能齐全的工具包,可在所有设备上访问,使您无论身在何处都可以管理网站。 这样一来,您将能够安装和管理多个站点,并且使用一键式安装程序即可轻松完成安装,该安装程序只需30秒即可完成任务。 另外,寻找插件和主题管理器,使您可以直接从控制面板内安装,修补和更新主题和插件。

Users should be able to easily carry out a wide range of other tasks from within the control panel. These include enabling automatic patching for WordPress core; creating development environments to test things like new plugins before going live; and cloning sites for use in development and staging and syncing these to production. To prevent major development issues, you should also look for features that enable you to create snapshots which you can restore to should changes not go to plan, putting the site into maintenance mode with a single click and having a debug mode for debugging code. Another helpful feature to look for is the ability to create, schedule and automate tasks using an inbuilt cronjob manager.

用户应该能够从控制面板内轻松执行各种其他任务。 其中包括为WordPress核心启用自动修补; 创建开发环境以在上线之前测试新插件之类的内容; 以及用于开发和分阶段的克隆站点,并将其同步到生产中。 为避免出现重大开发问题,您还应该寻找使您能够创建快照的快照,这些快照可以在不按计划进行更改的情况下还原到快照,只需单击一下即可将站点置于维护模式,并具有用于调试代码的调试模式。 寻找的另一个有用功能是能够使用内置的cronjob管理器创建,计划和自动化任务。

服务与支持 (Service and support)

First and foremost, you should expect that your web host provides 24/7 technical support. This will mean that, whenever you have an issue, a WordPress expert will be available to deal with it and help you put things right. You also need to look for guaranteed uptime, storage capacity, unlimited or unmetered bandwidth (data transfer) and the number of websites and mailboxes you can create in your package. If you are moving from another host, finding a web host that offers inbuilt migration management and who will migrate your site for free is a big plus.

首先,您应该期望您的虚拟主机提供24/7全天候技术支持。 这意味着,每当您遇到问题时,WordPress专家都会为您提供帮助,并帮助您解决问题。 您还需要寻找保证的正常运行时间,存储容量,无限制或无限制的带宽(数据传输)以及可以在包中创建的网站和邮箱的数量。 如果您要从其他主机迁移,那么找到一个提供内置迁移管理并可以免费迁移您网站的Web主机将是一大优势。

结论 (Conclusion)

WordPress is a unique CMS and has its own particular needs when it comes to hosting. A dedicated WordPress hosting package should fulfil those needs and make it easy for the site to be managed. Hopefully, the information given here will help you find a WordPress hosting solution that is right for you.

WordPress是一个独特的CMS,在托管方面有其自己的特殊需求。 专用的WordPress托管程序包应满足这些需求,并使其易于管理。 希望这里提供的信息将帮助您找到适合您的WordPress托管解决方案。

For more information visit our WordPress Hosting page.


翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/what-to-look-for-in-a-wordpress-hosting-package/

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