

The impact of the pandemic has led to a dramatic rise in the number of small businesses adopting cloud technology. With nine out of ten companies now making use of cloud IT and 60 per cent of workloads being run in the cloud, it has become the go-to option for forward-thinking firms. By providing them with the same technologies used by larger rivals, but without the need for capital investment, the cloud delivers an affordable way to innovate, automate and become more agile. Here are just some of the ways small businesses are benefitting from cloud adoption.

大流行的影响已导致采用云技术的小型企业数量急剧增加。 目前,十分之九的公司正在使用云IT,并且60%的工作负载都在云中运行,因此它已成为有远见的公司的首选。 通过为他们提供大型竞争对手使用的相同技术,而又不需要资本投资,云提供了一种负担得起的方式来进行创新,自动化和变得更加敏捷。 这只是小型企业从云采用中受益的一些方式。

强大的低成本功能 (Awesome power at low-cost)

In the age of digital transformation, companies need hi-tech solutions to help them compete. While technologies such as data analytics, AI, machine learning, IoT and automation are widely used, a lack of financial resources has left many smaller businesses out of the loop. However, by migrating to the cloud, companies can have access to the necessary infrastructure without having to invest heavily in setting up an on-site datacentre. All the hardware is provided by the service provider and paid for on a pay-as-you-go basis.

在数字化转型时代,公司需要高科技解决方案来帮助他们竞争。 尽管广泛使用了数据分析,人工智能,机器学习,物联网和自动化等技术,但由于缺乏财务资源,许多小型企业陷入了困境。 但是,通过迁移到云,公司可以访问必要的基础架构,而无需花费大量资金来建立现场数据中心。 所有硬件均由服务提供商提供,并按使用量付费。

Furthermore, the cloud offers the ideal set-up for fast and easy expansion, enabling companies to scale up or down their IT resources on-demand, helping them to increase capacity in line with growth and cope with spikes in demand in a convenient way. Expansion that would take considerable expenditure and days of work to set up in-house, can be had cost-effectively at the click of a button.

此外,云为快速,轻松地扩展提供了理想的设置,使公司能够按需扩展或缩减IT资源,帮助他们根据增长来增加容量并以方便的方式应对需求的激增。 仅需单击一下按钮,便可以经济高效地进行扩展,而这将需要花费大量的支出和几天的工作才能在内部进行设置。

新的正常适应 (New normal adaptation)

The pandemic has led many companies to reassess the way they operate, especially with regard to their working practices. Across the globe, swathes of employees are finding themselves able to ditch the commute and work more flexibly from home as executives seek to downsize offices.

大流行导致许多公司重新评估其运营方式,特别是在其工作实践方面。 在全球范围内,成千上万的员工发现自己能够摆脱通勤,并在企业高管寻求缩小办公室规模时更加灵活地在家工作。

Cloud technology is a key enabler of remote working, giving employees the ability to access the company’s IT resources anywhere with an internet connection. Firms can also make use of software as a service (SaaS) packages, providing them with a multitude of business applications, such as Microsoft 365, with which to carry out their work.

云技术是远程工作的关键推动力,使员工能够通过Internet连接随时随地访问公司的IT资源。 公司还可以使用软件即服务(SaaS)软件包,为他们提供用于执行其工作的大量业务应用程序,例如Microsoft 365。

These technologies enable employers to offer flexible hours, recruit staff from further afield and reduce office occupancy. What’s more, they can also monitor staff productivity and task progress, as well as tracking inventory and shipping.

这些技术使雇主可以提供弹性工作时间,从更远的地方招聘员工并减少办公室的占用。 此外,他们还可以监控员工的工作效率和任务进度,以及跟踪库存和运输。

更好的协作 (Better collaboration)

Over the course of the lockdown, the leading software companies have gone all out to improve the collaborative cloud-based applications that teams rely on. Existing apps have been enhanced and new ones created to provide far better video chat, messaging and document sharing platforms. Features such as group editing, instant syncing and project management, together with improved security, enable remote working teams to be assembled and collaborate on a wide range of initiatives.

在锁定过程中,领先的软件公司竭尽全力改善团队所依赖的基于云的协作应用程序。 现有应用已得到增强,并创建了新应用,以提供更好的视频聊天,消息传递和文档共享平台。 诸如组编辑,即时同步和项目管理之类的功能以及更高的安全性,使远程工作团队可以在广泛的计划中进行组装和协作。

掌控变革技术 (Transformative technology in your hands  )

The cloud is the ideal place to benefit from today’s must-have technologies, like artificial intelligence, data analytics and the Internet of Things. Indeed, many of these are cloud-native, with applications that can be deployed at the click of a button in a cloud environment. What’s more, a lot of these cloud-based apps are open-source, meaning that they are free to use.

云是从人工智能,数据分析和物联网等当今必备技术中受益的理想场所。 实际上,其中许多都是云原生的,只需单击一个按钮即可在云环境中部署应用程序。 而且,许多基于云的应用程序都是开源的,这意味着它们可以免费使用。

This means small businesses can take advantage of the cloud immediately, accelerating their ability to benefit from data-driven insights. As a result, they can reduce costs, improve operations and discover new opportunities much quicker than before.

这意味着小型企业可以立即利用云,从而提高其从数据驱动的见解中受益的能力。 结果,他们可以比以前更快地降低成本,改善运营并发现新机会。

稳固的安全性 (Solid security)

While security is a concern for every business, small firms have an additional issue when it comes to providing the in-house security expertise and resources to keep their systems protected. Migration to the cloud removes many of these headaches as the service provider will undertake a great deal of this work on their customers’ behalf. 

尽管安全性是每家企业都关心的问题,但是在提供内部安全专业知识和资源以保护其系统时,小公司还存在另一个问题。 迁移到云消除了许多此类麻烦,因为服务提供商将代表他们的客户进行大量的这项工作。

Cloud providers have to comply with stringent regulations to ensure their infrastructure is robustly secure. By migrating to the cloud, small businesses will be automatically protected by a wide range of sophisticated security tools, such as next-gen firewalls, intrusion prevention apps and malware scanners – all of which are managed and maintained by security experts.

云提供商必须遵守严格的法规,以确保其基础架构的安全性。 通过迁移到云,小型企业将受到各种复杂的安全工具的自动保护,例如下一代防火墙,入侵防御应用程序和恶意软件扫描程序,所有这些工具均由安全专家管理和维护。

快速恢复 (Swift recovery)

Data loss can have a devastating impact on a business: taking its services offline, preventing it from trading and damaging its reputation. Swift recovery is essential to minimise the impact.

数据丢失可能会对企业造成毁灭性影响:将其服务离线,阻止其交易并损害其声誉。 快速恢复对于最小化影响至关重要。

Cloud-based backups are the ideal solution for disaster recovery: they store data at a geographically separate location to your cloud server; they are encrypted for security and checked for integrity, and they can be scheduled to occur at the frequency a company demands.

基于云的备份是灾难恢复的理想解决方案:它们将数据存储在地理上独立于您的云服务器的位置; 它们经过加密以确保安全性并进行完整性检查,并且可以按公司要求的频率进行安排。

Perhaps most crucially, they enable companies to restore data, and even entire servers, quickly and easily, ensuring that disruption is kept to an absolute minimum. And with 24/7 technical support, the issue of internal expertise is easily overcome.

也许最关键的是,它们使公司能够快速,轻松地恢复数据,甚至整个服务器,从而确保将中断保持在绝对最低的水平。 借助24/7全天候技术支持,可以轻松解决内部专业知识的问题。

结论 (Conclusion)

The pandemic has accelerated the pace of digital transformation, with growing numbers of small firms adopting cloud technology in order to adapt to the new business environment. Its cost-effectiveness and easy scalability, together with its wide range of open-source, easily deployable applications, make it highly attractive to companies that want to take advantage of the technologies and insights it offers.

大流行加快了数字化转型的步伐,越来越多的小公司采用云技术来适应新的商业环境。 它的成本效益和易扩展性,以及广泛的开源,易于部署的应用程序,使其对于希望利用其提供的技术和见解的公司具有高度的吸引力。

For more information, visit our cloud hosting or enterprise hosting pages.


翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/2020-cloud-rush-why-so-many-small-businesses-are-adopting-cloud/


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