

The world is getting smarter. Every day, devices and technologies that were once standalone are getting connected to the internet. From robots to running shoes, these smart devices contain sensors that allow them to be monitored and controlled remotely and to gather large quantities of data. Collectively known as the Internet of Things (IoT) these devices are transforming modern business. Here, we’ll take a look at how.

世界变得越来越聪明。 每天,曾经独立的设备和技术都可以连接到互联网。 从机器人到跑鞋,这些智能设备都包含传感器,可以对其进行远程监控和收集大量数据。 这些设备统称为物联网(IoT),正在改变着现代业务。 在这里,我们将看看如何。

什么是物联网? (What is IoT?)

The IoT is a system that comprises the smart devices deployed by companies, together with the infrastructure and applications needed to connect, monitor and control them and to gather and analyse the data they generate.


In most cases, IoT systems are automated so that processes can be done with little or no human intervention. This often requires the use of cloud-based technologies, such as real-time analytics, artificial intelligence and machine learning. By adopting such technologies, highly complex operational processes can work smoothly while employee involvement can be radically reduced.

在大多数情况下,物联网系统是自动化的,因此几乎不需要人工干预就可以完成流程。 这通常需要使用基于云的技术,例如实时分析,人工智能和机器学习。 通过采用此类技术,高度复杂的运营流程可以顺利运行,同时可以从根本上减少员工的参与。

Today, IoT systems are used everywhere. Domestically, they are used by consumers to manage their homes: controlling lighting, heating, security cameras, etc., via their phones and smart speakers. Businesses and other organisations use them for a much wider range of purposes: logistics management, server monitoring, remote automation, personalisation, energy management, remote workforce monitoring and much more.

如今,物联网系统无处不在。 在国内,消费者可以使用它们来管理自己的房屋:通过手机和智能扬声器控制照明,暖气,监控摄像头等。 企业和其他组织将它们用于更广泛的用途:物流管理,服务器监视,远程自动化,个性化,能源管理,远程劳动力监视等等。

Here are some of the main ways the IoT is having an impact.


库存管理 (Inventory management)

Inventory management is traditionally a time-consuming, labour-intensive process. The complexities of managing inventory mean data is rarely accurate or up-to-date and this often causes difficulties with procurement and order fulfilment.

传统上,库存管理是一个耗时,劳动密集的过程。 管理库存均值数据的复杂性很少是准确的或最新的,这通常会导致采购和订单履行方面的困难。

Today, goods are labelled with RFID or Bluetooth tags and these are scanned automatically by IoT-connected scanners on entry to and exit from the warehouse and during transit. The scanners don’t just calculate stock levels, they also record the item’s location (making it easier to deploy warehouse robots, like Amazon) and the dates and times of movement.

如今,货物已经贴有RFID或蓝牙标签,并且在进出仓库以及运输过程中,通过IoT连接的扫描仪会自动扫描这些货物。 扫描仪不仅计算存货水平,还记录物品的位置(使部署仓库机器人(如Amazon)更容易)以及运输日期和时间。

Companies which use this technology always have accurate, real-time data about stock levels and can quickly find products in the warehouse. What’s more, the system can report issues with stock shortages, shelf-life, temperature control, travel delays and even flag potential theft from staff. On top of this, the company can be notified which stock items are in short supply and those which aren’t being sold, helping them make better decisions about procurement, product choice and pricing while ensuring that accurate fulfilment details are available.

使用该技术的公司始终可以获得准确的库存水平实时数据,并可以在仓库中快速找到产品。 更重要的是,该系统可以报告库存短缺,保质期,温度控制,旅行延误甚至标记潜在的员工失窃问题。 最重要的是,可以通知公司哪些货品短缺,哪些货品未售出,从而帮助他们在确定采购,产品选择和定价方面做出更好的决策,同时确保可以获得准确的履行细节。

客户体验 (Customer experience)

The customer experience is a critical element of the modern marketing strategy, with companies going all out to satisfy the ever-increasing expectations of the consumer. Those that succeed benefit from enhanced brand loyalty and significantly increased customer lifetime value.

客户体验是现代营销策略的关键要素,公司会竭尽全力满足消费者不断增长的期望。 成功的企业受益于品牌忠诚度的提高和客户生命周期价值的显着提高。

IoT plays a key role in enhancing the customer experience as devices are used to gather customer information from every available touchpoint. Data from mobile apps, social media interactions, home devices, customer communications, website browsing and sales histories are unified to glean insights that provide personalised customer experiences which meet the needs of the user.

物联网在改善客户体验方面起着关键作用,因为设备用于从每个可用接触点收集客户信息。 来自移动应用程序,社交媒体交互,家用设备,客户通信,网站浏览和销售历史的数据经过统一,以收集见解,从而提供满足用户需求的个性化客户体验。

生产率 (Productivity)

Sensors built into devices gather data that help companies drive up productivity in all areas. From production line processes to shipping delivery routes, operations and tasks can be completed quicker, more effectively and more cost-efficiently. Employee workloads are also reduced and the potential for automation is increased, enabling companies to reduce staffing levels or increase production.

设备中内置的传感器收集数据,以帮助公司提高各个领域的生产率。 从生产线流程到运输交货路线,可以更快,更有效和更经济地完成操作和任务。 员工的工作量也减少了,自动化的潜力也增加了,使公司能够减少人员配备或提高产量。

远程工作和操作 (Remote work and operations)

IoT enables organisations to undertake remote working at levels previously inconceivable. An example which perhaps illustrates this best is the da Vinci robotic system, used by surgeons to carry out remote operations on patients. The surgeon views the patient in real-time while the connected robot holds the instruments and mimics their hand movements. Another advanced example is the real-time monitoring of aircraft engines during flight which enables specialised technicians to remotely deal with any issues that may arise.

物联网使组织能够进行以前无法想象的水平的远程工作。 达芬奇机器人系统也许是最好的例子,外科医生使用它来对患者进行远程手术。 外科医生在连接的机器人握住器械并模仿其手部运动的同时实时查看患者。 另一个高级示例是飞行过程中飞机发动机的实时监控,使专业技术人员可以远程处理可能出现的任何问题。

On a less advanced level, IoT technology helps owners run their businesses or operations from anywhere in the world. During the lockdown, numerous companies have relied upon remotely connected devices to help employees work from home. Businesses that work on the go, such as plumbers, electricians, broadband installers, delivery drivers, etc., have been using IoT devices for a long time, helping them maintain schedules, track productivity, order and collect equipment and parts, obtain customer signatures and so forth.

在较低的水平上,物联网技术可帮助所有者在世界任何地方运营其业务或运营。 在锁定期间,许多公司依靠远程连接的设备来帮助员工在家工作。 水管工,电工,宽带安装人员,送货司机等忙于工作的企业长期使用IoT设备,以帮助他们维护计划,跟踪生产力,订购和收集设备及零件,获取客户签名等等。

数据驱动的见解 (Data-driven insights)

IoT technology enables far more data to be gathered. That data can be analysed using advanced analytics programs, together with AI and machine learning, to provide previously unobtainable insights into the business. These can be used to improve efficiency, productivity, marketing and communications strategies; to predict market movements and forecast supply and demand; and to monitor machine health and improve security. When data is gathered from devices used by customers, the insights can be used to develop better products, offer better services and better meet the customer’s needs and expectations.

物联网技术可以收集更多的数据。 可以使用高级分析程序以及AI和机器学习来分析数据,以提供以前无法获得的业务见解。 这些可以用来提高效率,生产力,营销和传播策略; 预测市场走势并预测供需; 并监视机器运行状况并提高安全性。 当从客户使用的设备收集数据时,这些见解可用于开发更好的产品,提供更好的服务并更好地满足客户的需求和期望。

结论 (Conclusion)

With so many connected devices for businesses to deploy, and with the infrastructure needed to make use of the IoT readily available in the cloud, IoT adoption is becoming increasingly popular amongst the business community. Its potential to bring improvements across so many areas of business operations is making it a technology hard for business owners to ignore, regardless of the industry they work in.   

由于有如此多的互联设备可供企业部署,并且拥有在云中随时可用的物联网所需的基础架构,物联网的采用在商业社区中变得越来越流行。 它具有在众多业务运营领域带来改进的潜力,这使该技术成为企业主难以忽略的技术,无论他们从事的行业是什么。

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翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/how-iot-is-transforming-modern-business/


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