

Many companies use cloud-based platforms that enable their employees to work remotely, whether from home or out in the field. While this brings benefits to both the company and its employees, it does create challenges which need to be addressed for the company’s systems and data to remain secure. Here, we’ll look at the best practices to ensure cybersecurity for your remote employees.

许多公司使用基于云的平台,使他们的员工可以在家中或外地进行远程工作。 虽然这给公司及其员工带来了好处,但它确实带来了挑战,必须解决这些问题才能使公司的系统和数据保持安全。 在这里,我们将研究确保远程员工网络安全的最佳实践。

1. 审核您的员工 (1. Vet your employees)

If you are going to keep your data and systems secure, you need to know that the people who have access to it are trustworthy. Vetting employees can highlight anyone with a background that makes you think twice about giving them access. This doesn’t merely relate to someone’s criminal history; it also means looking at employees who have a record of flouting the company’s IT policy.    

如果要确保数据和系统的安全,则需要知道可以访问它们的人员是值得信赖的。 审核员工可以突出显示具有背景的任何人,让您三思而后行。 这不仅与某人的犯罪历史有关; 这也意味着要查看有违反公司IT政策记录的员工。

2. 培训员工 (2. Train your employees)

All employees can pose a security risk if they do not understand how to keep your system and data safe. While most companies undertake cybersecurity training for their staff, there are differences between using an in-house system which is not connected to the internet and a remote system which is. If you have recently begun to implement remote working, you will need to update your training to cover the new procedures and best practices that your employees need to follow.

如果所有员工都不了解如何保护您的系统和数据安全,则会造成安全风险。 尽管大多数公司都为其员工进行网络安全培训,但是使用内部系统(不连接到Internet)和远程系统(不连接到Internet)之间存在差异。 如果您最近开始实施远程工作,则需要更新培训以涵盖员工需要遵循的新程序和最佳实践。

3. 安全地存储远程用户数据 (3. Store remote user data securely)

If a hacker gets hold of information about your employees, such as their usernames, passwords and privileges, it makes it very easy for them to undertake even wider and more damaging hacks. For this reason, the data you keep on these employees should be stored very securely.

如果黑客掌握了有关您员工的信息,例如其用户名,密码和特权,则使他们很容易进行更广泛,更具破坏性的黑客攻击。 因此,您保存在这些员工上的数据应非常安全地存储。

4. 提供自己的设备 (4. Provide your own devices)

While many companies operate a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policy, this gives you far less control over security. As the device your staff access your system with is also for personal use, you are unable to manage how that device is used or even who it is used by. If your employee lends their laptop to their child who unwittingly clicks on a malicious link, your data may be put at immediate risk.

尽管许多公司都采用自带设备(BYOD)策略,但这使您对安全性的控制要少得多。 由于员工访问设备时还使用该设备供个人使用,因此您无法管理该设备的使用方式或使用人。 如果您的员工将笔记本电脑借给他们的孩子,而孩子无意间点击了恶意链接,则您的数据可能会受到直接威胁。

Although it is more expensive, providing your own devices means you can set up firewalls and security settings in-house, install antivirus and internet security, and ensure that the employees are obliged to follow security protocols when using the devices.


5. 知道设备在哪里 (5. Know where devices are)

One of the biggest issues with remote working is that lots of devices get lost. Even the UK government lost over 2000 devices in the year up to June 2019, nearly 800 of which belonged to the Ministry of Defence. For this reason, devices must be fitted with a location finder, be securely locked and, where possible, be set up for remote deletion.

远程工作的最大问题之一是很多设备丢失了。 截至2019年6月,英国政府甚至损失了2000多台设备,其中近800件归国防部所有。 因此,设备必须装有定位器,并已牢固锁定,并在可能的情况下设置为远程删除。

6. 安全的互联网连接 (6. Secure internet connections)

Where your employee connects to the internet can also be an issue. Public wi-fi hotspots, for example, can be easy to hack into and this makes it possible for data transmitted across them to be stolen. Although you may insist employees do not connect from an insecure connection, you can further increase security by preventing company data being accessible when the device is not logged into a secure network.    

您的员工连接到互联网的位置也是一个问题。 例如,公共wi-fi热点很容易被入侵,这使得跨它们传输的数据有可能被盗。 尽管您可能会坚持要求员工不要通过不安全的连接进行连接,但是可以通过在设备未登录安全网络时阻止公司数据的访问来进一步提高安全性。

7. 加密数据和电子邮件 (7. Encrypt data and emails)

Encryption prevents data from being stolen when it’s in transit or at rest, so even if a hacker gets to the data, they will not be able to access it. Using VPNs, SSL and TLS are important ways to protect your data, as are Personal Signing Certificates that encrypt emails and their attachments.

加密可以防止数据在传输中或静止时被盗,因此即使黑客访问了数据,他们也将无法访问数据。 使用VPN,SSL和TLS是保护数据的重要方式,加密电子邮件及其附件的个人签名证书也是如此。

8. 两因素和多因素身份验证 (8. Two-factor and multi-factor authentication)

No matter how unique and strong username and passwords are, on their own, they are not robust enough to guarantee that whoever is logging in to your system is who they say they are. Adding further levels of security, such as a passcode sent to a user’s mobile phone or a biometric fingerprint scan, offer a far greater degree of authentication that can prevent hackers from getting access.

无论用户名和密码多么独特和强大,它们的鲁棒性都不足以保证登录到您系统的人就是他们所说的人。 进一步提高安全性,例如发送到用户手机的密码或生物指纹扫描,可以提供更高程度的身份验证,从而可以防止黑客访问。

9. 控制访问权限 (9. Control access privileges)

Limiting what employees can access on your system also limits what a cybercriminal can access if they hack into an employee’s account. By setting privileges so that employees only have access to the information they need to carry out their work, you minimise the risk of data being stolen or the system being taken down.

限制员工可以在您的系统上访问的内容还限制了网络犯罪分子侵入黑客的帐户后可以访问的内容。 通过设置特权,使员工只能访问执行工作所需的信息,可以最大程度地降低数据被盗或系统被关闭的风险。

10. 使用安全的云提供商 (10. Use a secure cloud provider)

Your cloud provider can provide significant help in keeping your system and data safe. At eukhost, our team can develop and implement a security policy that meets both your internal and regulatory requirements. We use next-gen FortiGate firewalls with built-in intrusion prevention systems and in-flow virus protection, while also offering extensive VPN features, server and network monitoring, personal signing and SSL certificates, application firewall configuration, DDoS protection, email security, industry-leading remote, encrypted backups and more.

您的云提供商可以为确保系统和数据安全提供重要帮助。 在eukhost,我们的团队可以制定和实施可以满足您内部和法规要求的安全策略。 我们将下一代FortiGate防火墙与内置的入侵防御系统和流中病毒防护结合使用,同时还提供广泛的VPN功能,服务器和网络监控,个人签名和SSL证书,应用防火墙配置,DDoS保护,电子邮件安全性,行业领先的远程加密备份等。

结论 (Conclusion  )

Remote working provides companies with opportunities to save money, improve collaboration, offer flexible working conditions and cope with crises like Coronavirus. However, it is critical that systems and data remain secure. Hopefully, the ten points raised here will show you ways that such security can be put in place.  

远程工作为公司提供了节省资金,改善协作,提供灵活的工作条件并应对诸如冠状病毒等危机的机会。 但是,确保系统和数据的安全至关重要。 希望这里提出的十点要告诉您如何实施这种安全性。

For more information about our secure cloud solutions, visit our cloud hosting or enterprise hosting pages.








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