

While enterprises, today, still heavily rely on datacentre and single cloud infrastructures, technological developments in artificial intelligence (AI) machine learning (ML) and the Internet of Things (IoT) are requiring applications and their data to be dispersed across multiple locations, including edge sites, multi-cloud and multi-datacentres. While this accounts for a small fraction of current usage, Gartner predicts that within five years, this will be the standard IT infrastructure for three-quarters of organisations.

尽管当今的企业仍然严重依赖数据中心和单一云基础架构,但人工智能(AI)机器学习(ML)和物联网(IoT)的技术发展要求应用程序及其数据分散在多个位置,包括边缘站点,多云和多数据中心。 尽管这仅占当前使用量的一小部分,但Gartner预测,在五年之内,这将成为四分之三组织的标准IT基础架构。

边缘计算的云化 ( The cloudification of edge computing )

Edge computing is becoming increasingly important to enterprises that use IoT, ML and AI. Many of their technologies rely on the ability to process data locally so that real-time decision making can take place. The sheer volume of data these technologies use means sending everything to the cloud for processing would require unacceptable levels of latency.

边缘计算对于使用IoT,ML和AI的企业变得越来越重要。 他们的许多技术都依赖本地处理数据的能力,以便可以进行实时决策。 这些技术使用的海量数据意味着将所有内容发送到云进行处理将需要不可接受的延迟水平。

That said, enterprises do want edge IT to operate in a similar fashion to the cloud. They want to be able to centrally manage operations rather than having local outposts undertake siloed management. For this, edge computing needs cloudification, the development of micro-clouds that enable organisations to deploy and connect an application and its infrastructure across a range of edge environments.

也就是说,企业确实希望边缘IT以与云类似的方式进行操作。 他们希望能够集中管理操作,而不是让本地前哨站进行孤立的管理。 为此,边缘计算需要云化,即微云的发展,使组织能够在一系列边缘环境中部署和连接应用程序及其基础架构。

The cloudification of edge IT brings numerous benefits to enterprises. It brings edge sites global connectivity that is both secure and high-performance; it provides distributed edge sites with integrated storage, networking and compute resources; and it enables the business-wide management of distributed data and applications across its diverse infrastructure.

边缘IT的云化为企业带来了许多好处。 它为边缘站点带来了既安全又高性能的全球连接; 它为分布式边缘站点提供集成的存储,网络和计算资源; 而且,它可以跨其各种基础架构对分布式数据和应用程序进行全业务范围的管理。

At the moment, edge cloudification is still in its infancy. However, new capabilities are constantly being developed and it is only a matter of time before cloud providers offer edge computing with a wide range of functionalities.

目前,边缘云化仍处于起步阶段。 但是,新功能正在不断开发中,云提供商为边缘计算提供各种功能只是时间问题。

另一种多云 ( A different kind of multi-cloud )

The way enterprises use different cloud services is about to change. At present, the term multi-cloud means that organisations have several cloud providers and, usually, each of these is used to run separate applications. It is a way of not keeping all your eggs in one basket and to defend against vendor lock-in.

企业使用不同云服务的方式即将改变。 当前,术语“多云”表示组织具有多个云提供商,通常,每个云提供商都用于运行单独的应用程序。 这是一种不将所有鸡蛋都放在一个篮子里并防止供应商锁定的方法。

In the future, this set-up will change to one which is significantly more modular and where different app components will be run in different cloud environments. This enables enterprises to carry out workloads where the unique qualities of each cloud environment and the expertise of the cloud provider are best matched to the needs of the task being run.

将来,此设置将更改为模块化程度更高的设置,并且将在不同的云环境中运行不同的应用程序组件。 这使企业能够执行工作负载,其中每个云环境的独特质量和云提供商的专业知识最能满足正在运行的任务的需求。

As a result, enterprises which adopt this methodology will be better placed to run and support more effective microservices. If today’s siloed approach is akin to a family buying all its food from a single supermarket and being limited to what was on the shelves there, the new way of approaching multi-cloud would let you buy your wines from a wine merchant, your meat from the farm shop and your pizzas from favourite Italian restaurant. If, for example, you ran an application that used both a database and machine learning, each of these two components could be run in the cloud environment that offered the best infrastructure and support.  

结果,采用这种方法的企业将更有条件运行和支持更有效的微服务。 如果今天的孤立方法类似于一个家庭从一个超级市场购买所有食物并且仅限于那里的货架,那么采用新的多云方法可以让您从葡萄酒商人那里购买葡萄酒,从农场商店和您最喜欢的意大利餐厅的比萨饼。 例如,如果您运行一个同时使用数据库和机器学习的应用程序,则这两个组件中的每一个都可以在提供最佳基础架构和支持的云环境中运行。

At the same time, this multi-cloud approach also offers an added layer of availability protection. Should one of the cloud environments go offline, the application will still be available in the other so you can bring the affected component back online. For companies that need to keep the personal data of EU citizens stored on servers within the EU, this approach also helps with compliance, enabling data to be stored where it needs to be while other components can be run more effectively around the globe.

同时,这种多云方法还提供了额外的可用性保护层。 如果其中一个云环境脱机,则该应用程序仍将在另一个云环境中可用,因此您可以使受影响的组件重新联机。 对于需要将欧盟公民的个人数据存储在欧盟内部服务器上的公司,此方法还有助于合规性,使数据可以存储在所需的位置,而其他组件可以在全球范围内更有效地运行。

分布式云与未来 ( Distributed cloud and the future )

At present, the move towards edge cloudification and the changing use of multi-cloud environments are separate advancements. However, they are both indicators of a growing trend towards the development of a distributed cloud. This new way of working is becoming increasingly necessary as it will enable enterprises to manage not only a wide variety of discrete components, e.g. edge applications, legacy datacentre apps and apps spread over multiple cloud providers; but crucially, the infrastructure required to support them. In doing so, it will operate as a unified distributed cloud where organisations can manage and operate their entire IT services. Indeed, it will enable applications to be deployed with common policies and provide global visibility across all locations and infrastructures.

当前,向边缘云化的转变和多云环境的使用变化是单独的进步。 但是,它们都是表明分布式云发展趋势的指标。 这种新的工作方式变得越来越必要,因为它将使企业不仅可以管理各种各样的离散组件,例如边缘应用程序,旧数据中心应用程序以及分布在多个云提供商上的应用程序; 但至关重要的是,支持它们所需的基础架构。 这样,它将作为统一的分布式云运行,组织可以在其中管理和运营其整个IT服务。 确实,它将使应用程序可以使用通用策略进行部署,并在所有位置和基础架构上提供全局可见性。

结论 ( Conclusion )

The distributed cloud, essentially, is an approach that lets enterprises use the best tool for each job. It enables real-time processing to happen at the edge where decision making needs to be made quickly and enables app components to be run in the cloud environment where the infrastructure and support best fit. Crucially, however, it takes all these disparate elements and enables them to be centrally managed. If you are looking for bespoke, managed IT solutions, take a look at our Enterprise Hosting page.

本质上,分布式云是一种使企业能够为每个工作使用最佳工具的方法。 它使实时处理能够在需要快速做出决策的边缘发生,并使应用程序组件能够在最适合基础架构和支持的云环境中运行。 但是,至关重要的是,它需要所有这些不同的要素,并可以对其进行集中管理。 如果您正在寻找定制的托管IT解决方案,请查看我们的企业托管页面。



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