域名注册商 域名解析商_注册域名之前要考虑的6件事

域名注册商 域名解析商

Choosing the best domain name for your business is a critical but often challenging decision. Get it right and it can attract lots of visitors to your website and improve your online presence. However, before you make a final choice there are a number of things you need to consider and, in this post, we’ll look at what they are and explain why they are important.

为您的企业选择最佳域名是一个至关重要但往往具有挑战性的决定。 正确处理它可以吸引大量访问者访问您的网站,并改善您的在线形象。 但是,在做出最终选择之前,您需要考虑很多事情,在这篇文章中,我们将研究它们的含义并解释它们为何如此重要。

1. 正确掌握基础知识 (1. Getting the basics right)

Before coming up with ideas for a domain name, you first need to consider how visitors will use them. If someone is looking for your website, they’ll need to remember what it is called and then type it into the search bar. A good name, therefore, is one which is easy to remember and easy to spell. Keeping it short and simple and doing away with over quirky spellings make for a good starting point.

在提出有关域名的想法之前,您首先需要考虑访问者将如何使用它们。 如果有人在寻找您的网站,他们将需要记住该网站的名称,然后在搜索栏中输入该名称。 因此,一个好名字是容易记住和容易拼写的名字。 保持简短和简单,并避免使用古怪的拼写,这是一个很好的起点。

2. 关键字名称与品牌名称 (2. Keyword names versus brand names)

There’s lots of debate about whether your domain name should contain keywords, e.g. cambridgecleaners.com or brand names, e.g. hargreaves.com. In reality, there is no right or wrong, however, the choice you make should decide upon the market you are in and the long-term goals of your business.

关于您的域名是否应包含关键字(例如cambridgecleaners.com)或品牌名称(例如hargreaves.com),存在很多争论。 实际上,没有对与错,但是,您做出的选择应该决定您所处的市场以及企业的长期目标。

A brand name is unique and once your business is established can have a status that attracts customers because of your reputation. If you are in a market where brand is important, then that option might be best for you.

品牌名称是唯一的,一旦您的公司成立,由于您的声誉,其地位就可以吸引客户。 如果您所在的市场中品牌很重要,那么这种选择可能最适合您。

Keyword-based domains help people associate you with the products or services you sell and/or the location where your business operates. Cambridgecleaners.com would be helpful to anyone in Cambridge looking for a cleaner because the name says it all. A potential issue, however, is if your company diversifies or specialises in the future and the keywords in the domain name don’t accurately indicate what you do.

基于关键字的域可帮助人们将您与您销售的产品或服务和/或您的业务运营地联系起来。 Cambridgecleaners.com对在剑桥寻找清洁剂的任何人都将有所帮助,因为名字就说明了一切。 但是,潜在的问题是,如果您的公司将来会进行多元化经营或专门化业务,并且域名中的关键字不能准确地表明您的工作。

3. 找到您理想的域名 (3. Finding your ideal domain name is already taken)

This is a common problem and not simply because there are other organisations with the same name. Some companies register thousands of unused domain names just so they can sell them at a profit when someone else wants them.

这是一个普遍的问题,不仅仅是因为其他组织具有相同的名称。 一些公司注册了数千个未使用的域名,只是为了在他人需要时可以出售它们以获利。

If you find that the domain name is already taken, the first step is to visit the site and see if the website is live and being used. If it is and the site looks successful, there’s little chance of you being able to purchase it and you may need to seek an alternative domain name. If there is no live site, there is a much better chance that it can be purchased. You should check the Whois database to find out the site’s owner so you can make an offer. There are, however, no guarantees the owner will sell and they can charge what they like.

如果您发现该域名已被占用,则第一步是访问该站点,并查看该站点是否已启用并正在使用中。 如果是这样,并且该网站看起来很成功,那么您购买该网站的可能性就很小,您可能需要寻找其他域名。 如果没有实时站点,则可以更好地购买它。 您应该检查Whois数据库以找出站点的所有者,以便提出报价。 但是,不能保证所有者会出售,他们可以收取自己喜欢的东西。

4. 寻找理想的域名已在社交媒体上使用 (4. Finding your ideal domain name is being used on social media)

While your ideal domain name might be free, it is also a good idea to see if someone else is using that name on social media. If you want to create a brand called GameU and register the GameU.com website thinking you’re good to go, it can be disconcerting to find out immediately afterwards that there’s a massively successful GameU YouTube channel with 10 million subscribers. Chances are, everyone who visits your website would be looking for the YouTuber, not for you. It’s the same with influencers on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

虽然您理想的域名可能是免费的,但最好还是看看其他人是否在社交媒体上使用该域名。 如果您想创建一个名称为GameU的品牌并注册GameU.com网站,认为自己很擅长,那么令人不安的是,事后立即发现拥有1000万订阅者的GameU YouTube频道非常成功。 很有可能,每个访问您网站的人都在寻找YouTuber,而不是您。 Facebook,Instagram和Twitter上的影响者也是如此。

5. 选择正确的域扩展名 (5. Choosing the right domain extension)

Domain names come in two parts, the part before the dot and the part that follows it. While the first part is important for your branding and for helping people find you, the second part plays a number of important roles and shouldn’t be overlooked.

域名分为两部分,即小数点之前的部分和其后的部分。 尽管第一部分对于您的品牌塑造和帮助人们找到您很重要,但第二部分扮演着许多重要角色,因此不应忽视。

The second part of the name is known as the Top Level Domain (TLD) and this is used to categorise your website so that users and search engines have a better understanding of what its purpose is. We all know, for example, that .gov is for government websites, .co.uk is for UK companies and .org for non-profit organisations.

名称的第二部分被称为顶级域(TLD),用于对您的网站进行分类,以便用户和搜索引擎更好地了解其目的。 例如,我们都知道.gov用于政府网站,.co.uk用于英国公司,.org用于非营利组织。

Not so long ago, choosing the right TLD was a fairly simple affair as there were few to choose from. Today, however, there is a far greater number and more are being added all the time. The good news is that many of these are keyword-based and this means that there is less need to use keywords in the first part of the domain name. Some examples of new TLDs include .London, .restaurant and .finance.

不久前,选择正确的TLD只是一件相当简单的事情,因为几乎没有可供选择的选择。 但是,今天的数量更多了,并且一直在增加。 好消息是,其中许多都是基于关键字的,这意味着在域名的第一部分中较少使用关键字。 新TLD的一些示例包括.London,.restaurant和.finance。

One of the advantages of these new TDLs is that it gives people more chance to get the domain name they want. If hargreaves.com has been taken by a builder in Macclesfield, the chances are that hargreaves.london or hargreaves.cafe is still available.

这些新TDL的优点之一是,它使人们有更多机会获得他们想要的域名。 如果hargreaves.com被Macclesfield的建筑商采用,则hargreaves.london或hargreaves.cafe仍然可以使用。

6. 注册多个扩展 (6. Registering multiple extensions)

It is common practice for companies to register multiple TDLs associated with their brand name in order to protect their reputation.


If you ran a successful eCommerce store called abcfashions.com and only registered that one domain, it wouldn’t take long for others to register an abcfashions.co.uk or abcfashions.co website and pretend to be your company. They may sell counterfeit versions of your products to unsuspecting customers or just plain steal from them. All of this can have a devastating effect on your reputation. This is why registering multiple TLDs became so common.

如果您经营一家成功的名为abcfashions.com的电子商务商店,并且仅注册了该域,那么其他人很快就可以注册abcfashions.co.uk或abcfashions.co网站并假装成您的公司。 他们可能会将产品的仿冒产品出售给毫无戒心的客户,或者只是从他们那里偷走。 所有这些都会对您的声誉造成毁灭性影响。 这就是为什么注册多个TLD如此普遍的原因。

This may be something you want to consider. However, with so many TLDs available today it would cost you thousands of pounds a year to register them all. Instead, it might be worth registering the ones you think most useful. If you have a .co.uk TLD, for example, it might be wise to consider registering the .co, .com and the .uk versions at the same time.    

这可能是您要考虑的事情。 但是,由于今天有这么多TLD,要全部注册它们,每年将花费您数千英镑。 相反,可能值得注册您认为最有用的功能。 例如,如果您使用.co.uk TLD,则最好考虑同时注册.co,.com和.uk版本。

结论 (Conclusion )

As you can see, there are quite a few things you need to consider before choosing a domain name for your business. You need a memorable and easy to spell name, to consider the use of keywords or brand names, to check whether it is already registered or being used on social media, to pick the most appropriate TLD and to consider whether to register multiple TLDs. If you are looking for a domain name for your website, you can search for and register them on our Domain page.

如您所见,在为您的企业选择域名之前,需要考虑很多事项。 您需要一个令人难忘且易于拼写的名称,考虑使用关键字或品牌名称,检查其是否已注册或已在社交媒体上使用,选择最合适的TLD并考虑是否注册多个TLD。 如果您正在寻找网站的域名,则可以在我们的“ 域名”页面上进行搜索和注册。

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/6-things-to-consider-before-registering-a-domain-name/

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