multipath aas_如何区分一个aaS:IaaS,PaaS,SaaS,CaaS和MaaS

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Confused by all the different types of ‘as a Service’? It’s not surprising. When you’re considering a managed service, you’ll frequently come across a range of IT acronyms, such as IaaS, PaaS and SaaS. Although you’ll soon learn what each one stands for, understanding what they mean and what kind of services each one provides can be a challenge. To help you get your head around the concepts and be able to differentiate between each service, this post will provide an overview of the main aaS types you are likely to find.

是否对所有不同类型的“即服务”感到困惑? 这并不奇怪。 在考虑托管服务时,您经常会遇到各种IT缩写词,例如IaaS,PaaS和SaaS。 尽管您很快就会学到每个人代表什么,但了解它们的含义以及每个人提供的服务类型可能是一个挑战。 为了帮助您掌握概念并能够区分每种服务,本文将概述您可能会发现的主要aaS类型。

Iaas:基础架构即服务 (Iaas: Infrastructure as a Service)

Infrastructure as a Service is when the service provider supplies the preconfigured hardware and equipment you need to run your business’ IT system. In this way, you lease the use of hardware rather than owning it, and the service provider takes responsibility for the effective operation and maintenance of the equipment.

基础架构即服务是指服务提供商提供运行企业的IT系统所需的预配置硬件和设备。 这样,您租用了硬件,而不是拥有硬件,服务提供商将负责有效操作和维护设备。

IaaS often includes the use of a server and storage, as well as failover server replication, remote backups, load balancing and firewalls.


In most situations, customers are charged on a pay as you go basis, where the more resources you use, the more you pay – with the advantage that you can be flexible when it comes to scaling up or down. As this is the lowest level type of cloud service, infrastructure software, such as an operating system, are not usually included so you would need to provide your own.

在大多数情况下,向客户收取按使用时付费的费用,您使用的资源越多,您支付的费用就越多-优点是在放大或缩小时可以灵活处理。 由于这是最低级别的云服务,因此通常不包含基础结构软件(例如操作系统),因此您需要提供自己的软件。

PaaS:平台即服务 (PaaS: Platform as a Service)

Platform as a Service goes one level higher than IaaS, providing both the hardware infrastructure and the web applications that organisations need. Using this kind of service means companies can often save on the cost of acquiring these applications for themselves and do away with the burden of deploying them or managing them. The savings come from the fact that the software licenses are owned by the service provider and the costs for these can be shared out among those who opt to use them.

平台即服务比IaaS高出一个级别,可提供组织所需的硬件基础架构和Web应用程序。 使用这种服务意味着公司通常可以节省自己购买这些应用程序的成本,并消除了部署或管理它们的负担。 节省的原因是软件许可证归服务提供商所有,并且可以在选择使用许可证的人之间共享这些费用。

One of the advantages of using PaaS is that you can be guaranteed that the applications are entirely compatible with the service provider’s system and, being based in the cloud, they are also web accessible.


Users will have total control over their apps and, for some solutions, may also take control over the hosting environment. However, as IaaS is part of PaaS, they won’t have to deal with the more complex burdens of managing the infrastructure.

用户将完全控制自己的应用程序,对于某些解决方案,他们还可以控制托管环境。 但是,由于IaaS是PaaS的一部分,因此他们无需处理管理基础架构的更复杂的负担。

Benefits for PaaS for enterprises include a quick time to market and speedy solutions for application design, development and testing. It can also provide these services significantly cheaper than doing them in-house.

PaaS为企业带来的好处包括缩短产品上市时间并为应用程序设计,开发和测试提供快速的解决方案。 它提供的服务也比内部提供的服务便宜得多。

SaaS:软件即服务 (SaaS: Software as a service)

Software as a Service is essentially software made easy. Service providers offer a range of on-demand applications, such as enterprise resource planning (ERP), HR, customer relationship management (CRM), payroll and productivity apps like Microsoft Office. Subscribing SaaS users can access these easily through an internet browser.

软件即服务实质上是使软件变得容易的软件。 服务提供商提供了一系列按需应用程序,例如企业资源计划(ERP),人力资源,客户关系管理(CRM),工资单和生产力应用程序,例如Microsoft Office。 订阅SaaS用户可以通过Internet浏览器轻松访问这些内容。

One of the main advantages of SaaS is that the management of the applications and the server they are housed on, together with the storage and backup of data, are all taken care of by the service provider. In addition, as they are cloud-based applications, it enables users to log in to the services from any compatible device with an internet connection and ensures that data can be easily synced across devices so that everyone has the latest versions of files and documents.

SaaS的主要优点之一是应用程序和它们所驻留的服务器的管理,以及数据的存储和备份,都由服务提供商负责。 另外,由于它们是基于云的应用程序,因此它使用户能够从具有Internet连接的任何兼容设备登录到服务,并确保可以在设备之间轻松同步数据,从而使每个人都拥有最新版本的文件和文档。

CaaS:通信即服务 (CaaS: Communication as a Service)

Investment in the creation of an enterprise level, unified communication system can be very expensive when you include components such as email, telephony, online chat, VPN and video conferencing.


Communication as a Service can bring several benefits to businesses. Firstly, it removes the burden of managing the services by transferring responsibility to the service provider and, as a consequence, it saves money by removing the need to employ staff to undertake that management. Also, should an issue arise with one of the communication systems, the task of dealing with it is left to the service provider who will be in a much better position to provide continuity of service through their redundant, failover resources.

通信即服务可以为企业带来诸多好处。 首先,它通过将责任转移给服务提供商而减轻了管理服务的负担,因此,它消除了雇用员工进行管理的需要,从而节省了资金。 另外,如果其中一个通信系统出现问题,则处理该问题的任务将留给服务提供商,后者将通过其冗余的故障转移资源来更好地提供服务的连续性。

MaaS:监控即服务 (MaaS: Monitoring as a Service)

With so many critical applications being moved to the cloud, monitoring the performance of cloud-based applications has become crucial to ensure that businesses do not suffer from unnecessary downtime. This has led to the emergence of Monitoring as a Service (MaaS), which removes the need for expensive in-house tools to keep an eye on applications and infrastructure and replaces them with a service provider hosted, internet-based, monitoring dashboard.

随着大量关键应用程序迁移到云中,监视基于云的应用程序的性能对于确保企业免受不必要的停机影响变得至关重要。 这导致了“监控即服务”(MaaS)的出现,从而不再需要昂贵的内部工具来关注应用程序和基础结构,而将其替换为服务提供商托管的基于Internet的监控仪表板。

This enables users to monitor the status of their critical apps on a pay as you go basis and, crucially for many businesses, can be accessed over the internet.


结论 (Conclusion)

As you can see, there are clear differences between these types of cloud services, hopefully, this post has given you a better understanding of what each type is and how it can benefit your organisation.


If you are considering migrating to the cloud, check out our cloud services page. Alternatively, if you are looking for a particular cloud service, call us on 0800 862 0380.

如果您正在考虑迁移到云,请查看我们的云服务页面 。 或者,如果您正在寻找特定的云服务,请致电0800 862 0380。


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