

If you are investing time, effort and money in setting up an online store, you want to make sure it is successful. Often the focus for startups is on the products being sold and creating a website with the right brand image. While these are obviously important considerations, there are other matters which if not handled correctly can cause your fledgeling business to fail. Here are seven mistakes that eCommerce businesses should avoid.

如果您花费时间,精力和金钱来建立在线商店,则要确保它成功。 初创企业通常将重点放在所售产品上并创建具有正确品牌形象的网站。 尽管这些显然是重要的考虑因素,但还有其他一些问题,如果处理不当,可能会导致您处于起步阶段的业务失败。 这是电子商务企业应避免的七个错误。

1.产品摄影无效 (1. Ineffective product photography)

For all its convenience, the big drawback of purchasing anything online is that consumers don’t get to see the product in real life. For most consumers, the biggest clue to what a product looks like is the photograph. The product image, therefore, is crucial to achieving a sale. Indeed, for 82% of Netflix viewers, it is the main factor in helping them choose a movie – so much so, that the company now serves different images to different audiences.

为了方便起见,在线购买任何东西的最大缺点是消费者无法在现实生活中看到该产品。 对于大多数消费者来说,了解产品外观的最大线索就是照片。 因此,产品形象对于实现销售至关重要。 确实,对于82%的Netflix观众来说,这是帮助他们选择电影的主要因素-如此之多,以至于该公司现在为不同的观众提供不同的图像。

One of the mistakes new eCommerce companies make is to overlook the importance of the product image. Photographs not only have to be of a high quality, but they also need to be resizable and show the product in a way that is compelling. For many products, a single image will not suffice. You may need to have a series of images showing the product from all angles and others which zoom in to show features and details. This is what customers want and those stores which provide this are going to get more of the sales.

新的电子商务公司所犯的错误之一就是忽视了产品形象的重要性。 照片不仅必须具有高质量,而且还需要调整大小并以引人注目的方式展示产品。 对于许多产品,单张图像是不够的。 您可能需要一系列图像,从各个角度显示产品,而其他图像则放大以显示功能和细节。 这就是客户想要的,提供这种服务的商店将获得更多的销售额。

2.产品说明写得不好 (2. Badly written product descriptions)

If a product image catches the visitor’s eye, the next stage of their purchasing journey will be to read the product description. Although no-one is looking for a long-winded essay, generally, customers do want more than a couple of lines of text. The more information you can tell them about a product the more they are likely to find a feature or a benefit that makes them want to buy it.

如果产品形象吸引了访问者的注意,那么他们购买过程的下一个阶段就是阅读产品说明。 尽管没有人正在寻找冗长的论文,但总的来说,客户确实希望获得多行文本。 您可以向他们提供有关产品的更多信息,他们越可能找到使他们想要购买的功能或优势。

Any text should be in plain English with technically accurate spelling, punctuation and grammar. Details given must be accurate and include things such as size, colour, weight, energy efficiency ratings and part numbers.

任何文本均应使用简单的英语,并具有准确的拼写,标点和语法。 给出的详细信息必须准确,并包括尺寸,颜色,重量,能效等级和部件号等内容。

3.狡猾的客户评论 (3. Dodgy customer reviews)

After images and product descriptions, one of the other major factors that help consumers make purchasing decisions are customer reviews. Reviews are increasingly important as they let potential customers discover what others think about a product, warts and all.

除了图片和产品说明之外,有助于消费者做出购买决定的其他主要因素之一是客户评论。 评论越来越重要,因为它们可以让潜在客户发现其他人对产品,疣和所有事物的看法。

However, as the BBC recently highlighted, there are some businesses that will write 5-star reviews of the products they sell or pay individuals to write 5-star reviews for them. Consumers, though, are a sceptical lot: just as they are alerted by gushing product descriptions, they are equally as suspicious of a product with a perfect run of 5-star reviews. The moral is a simple one – don’t be tempted into writing 5-star reviews of the products you sell, not only is it likely to get you into hot water, it can have the opposite effect on sales to what you intended.

但是, 正如英国广播公司(BBC)最近强调的那样 ,有些企业会为其销售的产品撰写五星级评论,或向个人付款以为其撰写五星级评论。 不过,消费者对此持怀疑态度:正如他们对产品说明的警觉性一样,他们同样怀疑具有五星级评论的产品。 道理很简单–不要试图对所售产品撰写五星级评论,这不仅可能使您陷入困境,而且可能对销售产生相反的影响。

4.积极的退货政策 (4. Aggressive returns policies)

From a legal point of view, online customers in most countries have the legal right to return goods bought online. In the UK, for example, the Distance Selling Act means that anything purchased online from a business (not from private individuals) can be returned within 14 days of delivery. They then have 14 days to return the products and the refund must be given within 14 days of their return.

从法律的角度来看,大多数国家/地区的在线客户都有退回在线购买商品的合法权利。 例如,在英国,《远程销售法》意味着从企业(而非私人)在线购买的任何商品都可以在交货后的14天内退还。 然后,他们有14天的退货时间,必须在退货后14天内退款。

While these protections are statutory, many businesses have other clauses in their policy designed to make it difficult to return the products – such as making the customers pay for return postage or requiring special repackaging conditions. While some of these conditions are understandable, the main consideration should be on how these affect purchasers. If your returns policy puts customers off buying from you, it will lose you sales. Offering free returns may improve overall sales and help retain customers, even if it is inconvenient and costly.

尽管这些保护是法定的,但许多企业在其政策中还有其他条款旨在使产品退货变得困难-例如使客户为退回邮资付费或需要特殊的重新包装条件。 尽管其中一些条件是可以理解的,但主要考虑因素应该是这些条件如何影响购买者。 如果您的退货政策使客户不愿意向您购买商品,那将失去您的销售。 提供免费退货可能会改善整体销售并帮助留住客户,即使这样做不方便且成本高昂。

5.难以浏览的网站结构 (5. Hard to navigate site structure)

It can be a challenge just to get customers visiting your site. When they do, you want to make the most of the opportunity while they are there.  You can’t do this, however, if they can’t easily find what they are looking for.

仅吸引客户访问您的网站可能是一个挑战。 当他们这样做时,您想在他们在那里时充​​分利用机会。 但是,如果他们无法轻松找到所需的内容,则无法做到这一点。

A user-friendly website enables customers to find products without any hassle. The easier it is, the more chance they will buy from you. For this reason, make sure you have your products correctly categorised and that you use menus and search bars. The search feature, in particular, should enable visitors to refine their search by things like price, colour, size, brand, etc.

用户友好的网站使客户可以轻松找到产品。 它越容易,他们从您那里购买的机会就越大。 因此,请确保对产品进行正确分类,并使用菜单和搜索栏。 尤其是搜索功能,应使访问者可以根据价格,颜色,尺寸,品牌等来完善搜索条件。

6.复杂的结帐和意外的惊喜 (6. Complicated checkouts and unexpected surprises)

You will be surprised by the number of people who abandon a sale at the checkout. There are two main reasons for this. One of the big issues is that some eCommerce companies hide their shipping costs until the very last part of the process. When customers suddenly see how much more things are going to cost, they bail out of the sale. It is always better to include shipping in your product pricing and state that you offer free shipping. If you can’t do this, be upfront and transparent about what the costs are before customers get to the checkout.

结帐时放弃销售的人数会令您感到惊讶。 这有两个主要原因。 最大的问题之一是某些电子商务公司将其运输成本隐藏到了流程的最后一部分。 当客户突然看到要花多少钱时,他们便退出了销售。 最好在产品价格中包含运费并注明免费送货。 如果您无法做到这一点,请在客户到达结帐之前预先​​了解费用是多少。

The other chief culprit is an over-complex checkout process. Forcing customers to register on your site, fill in detailed forms or having list after list of last-minute bargains thrown in front of them can leave some customers just to click on the X. If you have a sale in the bag, don’t lose it by making customers jump through unnecessary hoops. If you want this information, ask for it after the sale has been completed.

另一个罪魁祸首是过于复杂的结帐过程。 强迫客户在您的网站上注册,填写详细表格或在他们面前列出最后一刻的议价清单之后,可能会使一些客户只单击X。如果您在购物袋中有销售,请不要通过使客户跳过不必要的圈而失去它。 如果需要此信息,请在销售完成后要求它。

7.网站加载时间短 (7. Poor website loading times)

This is a problem we have mentioned numerous times before: a slow loading website sells fewer products. Even something as small as a one second delay has been shown to reduce conversion rates and website revenue by 7% and cut the number of page views by 11%. Quite simply, in the age of superfast broadband and 4G, consumers don’t wait around for a hanging website to load.

这是我们之前无数次提到的问题:加载缓慢的网站销售的产品较少。 事实证明,即使只有一秒钟的延迟,也可以将转化率和网站收入降低7%,并将页面浏览量减少11%。 简而言之,在超高速宽带和4G时代,消费者无需等待网站挂载。

With increased competition meaning ever-smaller profit margins, improving your site speed by one second can be the difference between success and failure. To solve this problem, visit Google’s PageSpeed Insights Tool to discover how fast your site is loading and what you can do to improve your site’s speed. In addition, make sure your site is hosted with a service provider that uses high-performance servers that are optimised for website hosting, this can make a real difference.

随着竞争的加剧,意味着利润空间越来越小,将网站速度提高一秒可能是成功与失败之间的区别。 要解决此问题,请访问Google的PageSpeed Insights工具,以了解您的网站加载速度以及如何提高网站速度。 此外,请确保您的网站托管有使用针对网站托管进行了优化的高性能服务器的服务提供商,这可以带来真正的改变。

结论 (Conclusion)

As you can see, there are a lot of mistakes that new eCommerce sites can make which can have a negative impact on the performance of their business. Hopefully, the information provided here will help you avoid them and give your site the best chance of success.

如您所见,新的电子商务网站可能会犯很多错误,这可能对其业务绩效产生负面影响。 希望这里提供的信息可以帮助您避免此类情况,并为您的网站提供最大的成功机会。

If you are looking for high-performance web hosting that is optimised to help your site load faster, visit our homepage to see our wide range of hosting solutions.

如果您正在寻找经过优化的高性能网络托管,可以帮助您更快地加载网站, 请访问我们的主页,以查看我们广泛的托管解决方案。

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/7-mistakes-new-ecommerce-businesses-need-to-avoid/


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