

Getting visitors to your website requires a great deal of work and, for many businesses, quite a bit of advertising expenditure. What you don’t want is all this effort and money to go to waste. Once those visitors land on your product pages, you want them to buy your products. Some websites do this far more successfully than others and often the key factor is in the way the products pages are optimised for selling. In this post, we’ll give you 5 tips on how to make your product pages sell more.

吸引访问者访问您的网站需要进行大量工作,并且对于许多企业而言,还需要花费大量广告费用。 您不想要的是所有这些工作和金钱去浪费。 这些访问者登陆您的产品页面后,您希望他们购买您的产品。 一些网站在此方面的成功程度远远超过其他网站,通常关键因素在于优化产品页面的销售方式。 在这篇文章中,我们将为您提供5条有关如何使您的产品页面销售量更多的提示。

  • Make sure you have an effective call to action


The ultimate aim of any product page is to sell the product. On a website, this means getting the visitor to carry out an action, usually clicking on a button which may say ‘Add to Basket’ or ‘Buy Now’. That button, or to be precise, the words written on it, is your call to action, i.e., it is directing the customer what to do.

任何产品页面的最终目的都是销售产品。 在网站上,这意味着引导访问者执行操作,通常是单击可能显示“添加到购物篮”或“立即购买”的按钮。 该按钮,或更确切地说,是按钮上的文字,是您采取行动的呼吁,即,它指示客户该做什么。

The call to action is one of the most crucial elements on the page and if it is ineffective, it will impact on your conversion rates. To increase the effectiveness of your call to action button,the instructions need to be clear and carrying them out needs to be easy. The more complex it is, the fewer visitors will click. All it needs to do is guide the visitor on the next step of the buying journey.

号召性用语是页面上最关键的元素之一,如果效果不佳,则会影响您的转化率。 为了提高号召性用语按钮的有效性,说明必须清晰明了,执行起来也很容易。 它越复杂,点击的访问者就越少。 它需要做的就是引导访客进行购买的下一步。

In addition to being simple, it also has to be conspicuous. If it is hard to find, some customers are going to miss it, get frustrated and go shopping elsewhere. For this reason, it needs to be clearly visible, appropriately sized to catch attention and stand out from the other elements of the page, such as your product description. Using a contrasting colour for the button’s font and background can also help improve its chances of being clicked.

除了简单之外,它还必须显眼。 如果很难找到,有些顾客会错过它,感到沮丧,然后去其他地方购物。 因此,它必须清晰可见,并具有适当的大小以引起注意并在页面的其他元素(例如产品说明)中脱颖而出。 为按钮的字体和背景使用对比色也可以帮助提高其被点击的机会。

To improve effectiveness even more, you can use A/B split testing to test different versions of your call to action to see which of them has the biggest effect on conversions.

为了进一步提高效率,您可以使用A / B拆分测试来测试号召性用语的不同版本,以了解哪个版本对转化的影响最大。

  • Use product images of the highest quality


If people are going to buy something online, product photography and video are the only things that let them see what it looks like. It doesn’t take a genius to work out, therefore, that if the photographs are naff, the products featured in them aren’t going to look too good either. If your site has poor quality images, it’s unlikely to be achieving the levels of sales it could be doing.

如果人们要在网上购买商品,那么只有产品摄影和视频能让他们看到自己的样子。 因此,不需要花什么天理就可以得出结论,如果这些照片很粗糙,其中的特色产品也不会看起来太好。 如果您的网站的图像质量较差,则不可能达到其可以实现的销售水平。

Unfortunately for those sites, product images are some of the most powerful elements of a product page. When done well, not only do they give a thorough idea of what the product actually looks like, they also put the product in a setting that sells an aspiration that the customer wants to achieve. They won’t just see a vacuum cleaner, they’ll see the clean house with designer furniture that matches the lifestyle they aspire to.

不幸的是,对于那些网站,产品图片是产品页面中最强大的元素。 如果做得好,他们不仅可以全面了解产品的实际外观,还可以将产品置于可以满足客户期望的愿望的环境中。 他们不仅会看到吸尘器,还会看到带有设计师家具的清洁房屋,这些家具与他们所追求的生活方式相匹配。

It’s these clever images with their powerful messages that grab the customer’s attention and make them want to buy. To improve your product pages effectiveness, make sure you use high-quality images which show various views of the product and, if possible, show how it will improve the life of the purchaser. Key to this, however, is making sure that the images you use reflect the aspirations of your target audience and show off the identity of your brand.

这些巧妙的图像及其强大的信息吸引了客户的注意力,并使其想要购买。 为了提高产品页面的效果,请确保使用高质量的图像,这些图像可以显示产品的各种视图,并在可能的情况下显示出如何改善购买者的生活。 然而,关键是要确保所使用的图像能够反映目标受众的愿望并炫耀您的品牌形象。

  • Use product descriptions that sell


Many product descriptions fail to be effective because they focus too much on the features of a product and not enough on the benefits of owning it. What you need to consider is that when people buy something, they are looking for a solution. They want a product that will solve a problem, whether that’s a vacuum cleaner to make it easier to clean the house or a new jacket to make them feel good when they are going out.

许多产品说明之所以无效,是因为它们过多地关注产品的功能,而没有过多地关注拥有产品的好处。 您需要考虑的是,当人们买东西时,他们正在寻找解决方案。 他们想要一种能够解决问题的产品,无论是用吸尘器使房子更容易打扫,还是用新外套使他们外出时感觉良好。

An effective product description will illustrate how a feature solves a problem or benefits the consumer. For example, if a vacuum cleaner is bag less, then state the benefits that it is easier to empty and will save money on the cost of replacement bags.

有效的产品说明将说明功能部件如何解决问题或使消费者受益。 例如,如果真空吸尘器的袋装较少,则应说明易于清空的好处,并节省更换袋的费用。

While you may think it is obvious what the benefits are, this doesn’t mean you should assume the same for your customers. What’s more, it is possible to write the benefits to match the needs and aspirations of your target audience.

尽管您可能认为好处显而易见,但这并不意味着您应该为客户承担相同的责任。 更重要的是,可以编写收益以匹配目标受众的需求和期望。

  • Write copy for people, not search engines


With so much focus on SEO and doing well in search engine results, the importance of how well the copy reads for a visitor is often overlooked. However, if all they find is a bulleted list of features and descriptions that are overloaded with keyword phrases, it is not going to keep them engaged.

由于对SEO的关注如此之大,并且在搜索引擎结果中表现出色,因此常常忽略了副本对访问者的阅读效果的重要性。 但是,如果他们发现的只是带有关键字词组的功能和描述的项目符号列表,则不会使他们参与其中。

Write copy that is interesting to read, speaks directly to the visitor and which includes the language that they use to describe the product – and if you need guidance on where to discover what they say, just look up the product or similar products on publicly available review sites.


Finally, remember that the voice and tone that you use in your writing should be one which is both appealing to your readers and which matches the identity of your brand. 


  • Include FAQs, specifications and live chat


One of the biggest advantages of buying from a bricks and mortar store is that there is always someone there who can deal with your questions. Those people who shop online will have the same questions but don’t always have the opportunity to find the answers. If you run an eCommerce site, you need to find out what those questions may be and provide the answers in an FAQ section. If not, your customers may buy from websites where the answers are available.

从实体店购买商品的最大优势之一就是总会有人可以处理您的问题。 那些在网上购物的人会遇到相同的问题,但并不总是有机会找到答案。 如果您经营一个电子商务网站,则需要找出可能存在的问题,并在“常见问题”部分中提供答案。 如果没有,您的客户可能会在有答案的网站上购买。

Over time, you’ll have received emails or online chat questions about your products and these should be the starting point for your FAQ section. Displaying a detailed product specification can also help provide answers. 

随着时间的流逝,您将收到有关产品的电子邮件或在线聊天问题,这些应该是“常见问题”部分的起点。 显示详细的产品规格也可以帮助提供答案。

The other key feature of many of today’s product pages is live chat. This enables a member of your team to answer any questions about a product there and then as well as deal with any other issues a customer has.

当今许多产品页面的另一个关键功能是实时聊天。 这使您的团队成员可以回答有关该产品的任何问题,然后解决客户遇到的任何其他问题。



Effective product pages are critical to the success of any online store. In this post, we have looked at five different elements which can help improve overall sales. With better calls to action and product images, copy that focuses on benefits and which is written for people, not search engines, and with the addition of FAQs, specifications and live chat, hopefully, you can boost your sales too. 

有效的产品页面对于任何在线商店的成功至关重要。 在这篇文章中,我们研究了五个可以帮助改善整体销售的要素。 借助更好的号召性用语和产品图片,复制着重于利益的文本,该文本是为人们而不是搜索引擎而写的,并且增加了常见问题解答,规范和实时聊天,希望也可以促进销售。

If you are looking to host your online store, visit our homepage to see our wide range of hosting solutions.

如果您希望托管在线商店, 请访问我们的主页以查看我们广泛的托管解决方案。



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