

The collection of data is essential for today’s businesses, it is what enables them to be innovative and helps them stay agile. There is an increasing amount of data being used, too: customer data, product data, competitor data, employee records, system logs, supply chain data, bespoke applications and so forth. And all this data needs to be easily accessible while, at the same time, remaining highly secure.

数据收集对于当今的企业至关重要,这是使它们能够创新并帮助他们保持敏捷的原因。 使用的数据量也在增加:客户数据,产品数据,竞争对手数据,员工记录,系统日志,供应链数据,定制应用程序等。 所有这些数据都需要易于访问,同时又要保持高度安全。

数据问题 (Problems with data)

The growing volume of data being collected and its importance for business growth can cause problems for enterprises. Companies are now becoming data hoarders, storing every piece of information they can glean with the hope that one day it will have value for them. The nature of that data is also becoming increasingly complex as companies add new systems, software and devices.

收集的数据量不断增长及其对业务增长的重要性可能会给企业带来麻烦。 公司现在正成为数据收集者,存储他们可以收集的每条信息,并希望有一天信息对他们有价值。 随着公司添加新的系统,软件和设备,数据的性质也变得越来越复杂。

At the same time, it is important to recognise the need to control how data is used by employees to prevent them from unwittingly deleting that which is not essential for them but which is critical for the business – or to stop those with a grudge from wiping data deliberately.


To help you manage data effectively so that you can get the right balance between security and ease of access, here are the five key elements of cloud data management.


1.管理未使用的数据 (1. Managing unused data)

A lot of the data that a company collects won’t be needed all the time. For most of its existence is will be held in storage doing nothing. However, for compliance and other business purposes, it will need protecting. For this reason, it should be behind a firewall and, importantly, be encrypted.

公司收集的许多数据将不再总是需要的。 对于它的存在,大部分将被保存在存储中而无所作为。 但是,出于合规性和其他业务目的,将需要保护。 因此,它应该位于防火墙之后,并且重要的是应进行加密。

Encrypting unused data ensures that if it is stolen, the perpetrators, or anyone they sell it too, won’t be able to decipher it. This helps protect you not only against hackers but also from employees who make blunders or those with more devious objectives. Often, the weak spots in any system are the devices used by employees. Hackers use these to worm their way into the more valuable part of a company’s network. Encryption helps prevent this from happening to stored data – especially when there is limited access to the decryption key.

加密未使用的数据可确保,如果数据被盗,犯罪者或其出售者也将无法解密。 这不仅可以保护您免受黑客攻击,而且还可以保护您免受那些犯了错误或目标更狡猾的员工的侵害。 通常,任何系统中的弱点都是员工使用的设备。 黑客利用它们来侵入公司网络中更有价值的部分。 加密有助于防止这种情况发生在存储的数据上,尤其是在对解密密钥的访问受限的情况下。

2.控制对数据的访问 (2. Controlling access to data)

Whilst it is crucial that staff are able to access all the data they need to carry out their roles, it is also vital that you have control over how that data is accessed. The starting point here should be to determine precisely who needs access to what data to carry out their work. From there, you can implement individual access rights that prevent unauthorised users from accessing data they are not entitled to see.

尽管员工能够访问执行其职责所需的所有数据至关重要,但至关重要的是,您必须控制如何访问这些数据。 这里的起点应该是准确确定谁需要访问哪些数据来执行其工作。 从那里,您可以实施单独的访问权限,以防止未经授权的用户访问他们无权查看的数据。

Using logical access control will ensure that anyone trying to access data will be prevented from doing so unless their ID is authenticated. At the same time, such systems will log every data transaction, enabling you to trace issues to their source should problems arise. Indeed, such systems can even check the security of the devices being used to access the data to make sure they are free from malware. With the use of AI, it is now even possible to analyse the behaviour of users and their devices to identify if suspicious activity is taking place.

使用逻辑访问控制将确保除非经过身份验证,否则任何试图访问数据的人都将被阻止这样做。 同时,此类系统将记录每个数据事务,使您能够在出现问题时将问题追溯到其根源。 实际上,此类系统甚至可以检查用于访问数据的设备的安全性,以确保它们没有恶意软件。 通过使用AI,现在甚至可以分析用户及其设备的行为,以识别是否正在发生可疑活动。

3.传输期间保护数据 (3. Protecting data during transfer)

Another weakness is data in transit. Just as websites need to use SSL to protect payment details during online purchases, businesses need to implement a secure, encrypted and authenticated channel between a user’s device and the data that is being requested. It is important here to make sure that the data remains encrypted while it is being transferred so that if it is intercepted on route, it cannot be read. A key factor in protecting data in transit is your choice of firewall. At the same time, you should also consider using a VPN.

另一个弱点是数据传输。 就像网站需要在在线购买期间使用SSL保护付款细节一样,企业也需要在用户设备和所请求的数据之间实现安全,加密和认证的通道。 在此重要的是要确保数据在传输过程中保持加密状态,以便在途中被截取时无法读取。 选择防火墙是保护传输中数据的关键因素。 同时,您还应该考虑使用VPN。

4.在数据到达时检查 (4. Checking data as it arrives)

One often overlooked area of security is incoming data. Businesses need to know that when any data arrives, it is what it purports to be. You need to ensure that it is authentic and that it hasn’t been maliciously modified on route. Putting measures in place to guarantee data integrity is important to negate the risk of infection or data breach. This includes email, where phishing attacks are a major problem, fooling employees into thinking they are the genuine article so that when they are opened or links are clicked on, the company’s security is compromised.

经常被忽略的安全领域是传入数据。 企业需要知道,当任何数据到达时,它就是所谓的数据。 您需要确保它是真实的,并且没有在路线上被恶意修改。 采取措施确保数据完整性对于消除感染或数据泄露的风险很重要。 这包括电子邮件,其中网络钓鱼攻击是一个主要问题,欺骗员工以为他们是货真价实的商品,因此,在打开电子邮件或单击链接时,公司的安全性受到威胁。

5.安全备份 (5. Secure backups)

In the event of a disaster, a data backup can be the only thing which will get your company up and running quickly enough to stop it going out of business. Remote, secure backups are critical for disaster recovery operations and should be a key element of any business’ data management strategy.

在发生灾难的情况下,数据备份可能是唯一可以使您的公司快速启动和运行以阻止其倒闭的事情。 远程安全备份对于灾难恢复操作至关重要,应该是任何企业数据管理策略的关键要素。

To protect yourself more thoroughly in the cloud, it is best not to store your backup data in the same place as you store the active data. If a hacker gets access to one, they’ll also have access to the other. Keeping them in separate accounts creates another layer of security. To do this, simply create a separate backup account with your provider. Ensure that backup schedules are made as frequently as is needed.

为了在云端更好地保护自己,最好不要将备份数据与活动数据存储在同一位置。 如果黑客可以访问其中一个,那么他们也将可以访问另一个。 将它们放在单独的帐户中会创建另一层安全性。 为此,只需与您的提供商一起创建一个单独的备份帐户。 确保根据需要频繁制定备份计划。

结论 (Conclusion)

With businesses becoming increasingly reliant on data to carry out their day to day operations and build for long-term success, it is crucial that data is managed effectively. In this post, we’ve looked at the five key areas for data management in the cloud: storing unused data, controlling access, protecting data during transfer, checking incoming data and creating backups. Hopefully, the points we’ve raised will help you manage your cloud data more effectively and securely.

随着企业越来越依赖数据来执行日常运营并为长期成功而建立,有效管理数据至关重要。 在本文中,我们研究了云中数据管理的五个关键领域:存储未使用的数据,控制访问,在传输期间保护数据,检查传入的数据以及创建备份。 希望我们提出的观点将帮助您更有效,更安全地管理云数据。

If you are looking to migrate to the cloud, our cloud hosting solutions come with the industry leading firewalls and exceptionally reliable backup solutions you need for secure data management.


翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/5-key-elements-of-managing-cloud-data/






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