

Thinking of setting up an eCommerce business? With software such as WordPress, it’s possible to build an eCommerce site and get it online in no time. However, while getting your website up and running is fairly easy, turning it into a long-term, successful business is much more challenging. In this post, we’ll show you six important tips to help you grow your fledgling store into a thriving eCommerce business.

想建立电子商务业务吗? 使用WordPress之类的软件,可以立即建立一个电子商务站点并使之在线。 但是,虽然使您的网站正常运行非常容易,但将其转变为长期成功的业务却更具挑战性。 在这篇文章中,我们将向您展示六个重要的技巧,以帮助您将刚刚起步的商店发展为蓬勃发展的电子商务业务。

1. Choose products you know will sell


This sounds like obvious advice, but its aim is to draw a distinction between what you think will sell and what you know does sell. If you want to create a successful business, you should focus on products that have a proven track record and sell them whilst they remain popular.

这听起来像是显而易见的建议,但其目的是要区分您认为将要出售的产品和您知道要出售的产品。 如果您想创建一个成功的企业,则应专注于具有良好记录的产品并在其受欢迎的同时进行销售。

One way to identify trending products is to see how well they perform on social media. If they are getting lots of likes on Facebook or mentions on Twitter, then it is a clear signal that people are interested in them. Also, check out the reviews on the sites of other retailers. If there are lots of recent, positive reviews, this is another indicator that a product is very popular at the moment. Finally, search for the products on Google Trends, this will show you how many people have searched for them over time and give a forecast for the near future.  Do remember that some products have much longer lifecycles than others. Some may be hot property for years, others may last just a few months. You don’t want to invest in stock just as it goes out of fashion.

识别热门产品的一种方法是查看它们在社交媒体上的效果。 如果他们在Facebook上获得很多喜欢或在Twitter上受到提及,那么这清楚地表明人们对此感兴趣。 另外,请查看其他零售商网站上的评论。 如果最近有很多正面评价,则这是当前产品非常受欢迎的另一个指标。 最后,在Google趋势上搜索产品,这将向您显示随着时间的流逝搜索了多少人,并给出了近期的预测。 请记住,某些产品的生命周期比其他产品更长。 有些可能是多年的热门物业,其他的可能仅持续几个月。 您不想像过时的那样投资股票。

At the end of the day, finding the right products is down to researching the market. Understand what sells and you have much more chance of becoming successful.

归根结底,找到合适的产品取决于研究市场。 了解什么卖东西,您就有更多成功的机会。

2. Use established eCommerce techniques and tweak to your own needs


There’s an established formula for online selling that has been honed and updated by many successful businesses over the years. Companies use it because it has been proven to work. Rather than dive in blindfolded, take the time to discover that formula and find out how you can shape it for your own business. You’ll need to look at a wide range of different variables, such as the products you sell and where you source them, how you advertise, the way you optimise your landing page, and how you can increase your customer lifetime value.

多年来,许多成功的企业都在完善和更新在线销售的既定公式。 公司已经使用它,因为它已经被证明可以工作。 不要花时间去发现这个公式,并找出如何为自己的企业塑造它,而不是蒙上眼睛。 您需要查看各种不同的变量,例如您出售的产品以及在何处采购它们,如何做广告,如何优化着陆页以及如何增加客户的生命周期价值。

Through experimentation and analyses, you’ll eventually find which techniques bring you the best rewards.


3. Create a site that inspires trust


With so many dodgy websites around, you need to build a store that your visitors will find trustworthy – this is especially true for fledgling brands that people are discovering for the first time. One thing you’ll definitely need is an SSL certificate which will guarantee that customers’ payment details are encrypted and earn you the prized ‘green padlock’ secure icon on the Google address bar.

周围有许多狡猾的网站,您需要建立一个访客可以信赖的商店-这对于人们第一次发现的新兴品牌尤其如此。 您绝对需要的一件事是SSL证书 ,该证书将确保对客户的付款详细信息进行加密,并为您赢得Google地址栏上珍贵的“绿色挂锁”安全图标。

In addition, offering money-back guarantees, free delivery and live chat are other ways to inspire confidence.


A website’s design is also important. You want a theme that matches the both your brand and the products you are selling. Customers have expectations of what reputable sites look like, so It is worthwhile checking out what your successful competitors’ do before designing your own site.

网站的设计也很重要。 您想要一个与您的品牌和所售产品都匹配的主题。 客户对信誉良好的网站的外观有所期望,因此在设计自己的网站之前,有必要先检查一下成功竞争对手的做法。

4. Test your ad to find the best ROI


The best way to make sure that your ads have the biggest impact is to test them. Not only should you test different ads, you should also test them on different audiences. This will give you a much clearer understanding of where to invest your money and your time in order to get the biggest return.

确保您的广告产生最大影响的最佳方法是对其进行测试。 您不仅应该测试不同的广告,还应该在不同的受众群体上测试它们。 这将使您更清楚地了解将钱投资于何处以及您的时间,以便获得最大的回报。

If one ad becomes especially successful, then you can replicate it and scale it to make even more sales. However, remember to do so in increments so that you use your budget wisely.

如果一个广告特别成功,那么您可以复制它并对其进行缩放以增加销售量。 但是,请记住以增量方式这样做,以便明智地使用预算。

Three good tips for internet ads include using creative language that can inspire others to share on social media; employing scarcity techniques, such as ‘whilst stocks last’; and offering quantity incentives, ‘buy one, get a second half price’ etc.

互联网广告的三个很好的技巧包括使用可以激发他人在社交媒体上分享的创意语言; 采用稀缺性技术,例如“最后存货”; 并提供数量激励措施,例如“买一赠二”。

By far the best way to advertise and one that has the biggest ROI is using email marketing. However, to do this successfully, you need to get as many people as possible to subscribe to your emails or your newsletter.

到目前为止,最好的广告方式和最大的投资回报率是使用电子邮件营销 。 但是,要成功完成此操作,您需要吸引尽可能多的人来订阅您的电子邮件或新闻通讯。

5. Ensure you have great customer support


To increase sales, improve customer satisfaction and earn great online reviews, it is absolutely vital to offer top-rate customer service. And for online stores where customers can shop at any hour of the day, ideally, this needs to be offered 24/7.

为了提高销量,提高客户满意度并赢得良好的在线评论,提供一流的客户服务绝对至关重要。 对于客户可以在一天中的任何时候购物的在线商店,理想情况下,必须提供24/7的服务。

One of the best ways you can do this is through live chat. This can help customers with product buying decisions and assist with issues that arise once the product has left the warehouse. It’s good for the brand’s reputation and inspires return custom, meaning increased customer lifetime value.

做到这一点的最佳方法之一是通过实时聊天。 这可以帮助客户做出产品购买决策,并协助解决产品离开仓库后出现的问题。 这对品牌的声誉有利,并激发了退货习惯,这意味着增加了客户的生命周期价值。

6. Reinforce your site with great hosting


Never underestimate the importance of good web hosting when it comes to having a successful eCommerce business. Good hosting can ensure your website is always available, that it loads quickly for your customers and that their data is secure. It protects you from hacking and malware, provides backups for quick disaster recovery, and offers you the computing capacity to cope with spikes in traffic during busy periods.

拥有成功的电子商务业务时,请永远不要低估良好的网络托管的重要性。 优质的托管服务可以确保您的网站始终可用,可以为客户快速加载网站,并确保其数据安全。 它可以保护您免受黑客和恶意软件的侵扰,提供备份以快速进行灾难恢复,并为您提供计算能力以应对繁忙时期的流量高峰。

Your business relies on the effectiveness of your hosting. Without great hosting, you cannot guarantee that your site will perform the way you need it to.

您的业​​务依赖于托管的有效性。 如果没有出色的托管服务,您将无法保证您的网站能够按照您需要的方式运行。



eCommerce sites are not automatic money-making machines. Building them is fairly simple to do, turning them into a successful business takes a lot of research and hard work. Hopefully, the six tips in this post will give you a better understanding of how to make a success out of your own site.

电子商务网站不是自动赚钱机器。 构建它们非常容易,要将它们转变为成功的业务需要大量的研究和艰苦的工作。 希望本文中的六个技巧可以使您更好地了解如何在自己的网站上取得成功。

At eUKhost, we have a range of hosting solutions for eCommerce sites of all sizes. Check out our homepage to see the different hosting options we offer.

在eUKhost,我们为各种规模的电子商务网站提供了一系列托管解决方案。 查看我们的主页 ,查看我们提供的不同托管选项。

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/6-tips-for-creating-a-highly-successful-ecommerce-business/


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