
According to recent research by the international courier company, FedEx, nearly 70% of consumers believe you can tell the quality of a company’s products and services by the quality of how it presents itself. For eCommerce companies, that presentation is your website. And if having a better your website means customers are going to think you have great products, that can only result in more sales.

根据国际快递公司FedEx的最新研究,将近70%的消费者认为,您可以通过其展示方式的质量来判断公司产品和服务的质量。 对于电子商务公司,该演示文稿是您的网站。 而且,如果您的网站更好,则意味着客户会认为您拥有出色的产品,那只会带来更多的销售。

For WordPress eCommerce sites, the key to a well-presented website lies in having a great theme. It has to be a theme that works seamlessly with your chosen eCommerce plugin (e.g. WooCommerce), is responsive, customisable, and has all the features you need to give your customers a great shopping experience. This includes having an attractive layout and design.

对于WordPress电子商务网站而言,网站呈现良好的关键在于拥有出色的主题。 它必须是与您选择的电子商务插件(例如WooCommerce)无缝协作,响应Swift,可自定义并且具有为客户提供出色购物体验所需的所有功能的主题。 这包括具有有吸引力的布局和设计。

Finding a theme that meets all your criteria can be a challenging task. There are hundreds to choose from, many of them very similar, and it’s easy to get swamped when reading all the details and spending hours looking at the demos.

找到符合您所有条件的主题可能是一项艰巨的任务。 有数百种可供选择,其中许多非常相似,阅读所有详细信息并花费数小时观看演示时很容易陷入困境。

To make things a little easier, we’ve done some of the searching for you, and have produced a shortlist of seven great themes which we think are the pick of the bunch from 2017. Hopefully, you’ll find one from here that’ll tick all your boxes.


1.工作室 (1. Atelier)


Designed specifically to work with WooCommerce, Atelier is one of the most in-demand eCommerce themes currently on the market.  It has everything you would need in a well-presented theme: attractive design, easy on the eye layout and even a tailored responsive display.

专为与WooCommerce合作而设计的Atelier是目前市场上最受欢迎的电子商务主题之一。 它以主题鲜明的主题提供了您所需的一切:吸引人的设计,轻松的布局以及量身定制的响应式显示器。

Beyond the look, however, Atelier has much more to offer. With Google’s insistence on ever faster loading times, it’s good to find an eCommerce theme that performs well, and with A (90+) Ratings on both PageSpeed Insights and YSlow, this theme doesn’t disappoint. With Google in mind, you’ll also be glad that it’s developed with SEO best practice: it’s compliant and has streamlined code.

除了外观之外,Atelier还提供更多功能。 由于Google一直坚持更快的加载时间,因此最好找到一个表现良好的电子商务主题,并且在PageSpeed Insights和YSlow上均获得A(90+)的评分,这个主题不会令人失望。 考虑到Google,您也会很高兴它是使用SEO最佳实践开发的:它符合,并且代码精简。

When creating your store with Atelier, you’ll find it jammed packed with customisable features, both functional and design related.  Together, they enable you to create unique and stunning online stores.

在使用Atelier创建商店时,您会发现它挤满了可定制的功能,包括功能和设计。 它们共同使您能够创建独特而迷人的在线商店。

2.斯卡利亚 (2. Scalia)


A multi-purpose theme that’s designed for WooCommerce based online stores, Scalia offers a wide array of features with a focus on great visual presentation. If you have an attention seeking, high-end website in mind, then this theme has everything you need slideshows, galleries, profiles and product showcases.

Scalia是专为基于WooCommerce的在线商店设计的多功能主题,提供了广泛的功能,着重于出色的视觉呈现。 如果您想寻找一个吸引眼球的高端网站,那么此主题可以满足您需要的所有幻灯片,画廊,个人资料和产品展示。

For creating great pages, you have an inbuilt visual composer, mega-menus and over 100 page templates. In addition, the theme provides on-page optimisation, responsive display, unlimited fonts and colours, customisable icons, and 150 demo pages, which you can tailor for your own use or use as inspiration.

要创建精美的页面,您需要一个内置的视觉编辑器,大型菜单和100多个页面模板。 此外,该主题还提供页面优化,响应式显示,无限的字体和颜色,可自定义的图标以及150个演示页,您可以根据自己的需要定制这些页面或将其用作灵感。

Overall, this is a much sought-after theme which can produce very attractive eCommerce stores that perform well.


3.杰夫林 (3. Jevelin)


Only released in April, Jevelin has managed to attract a lot of attention since its launch, selling over 3000 copies and earning a rating of 4.64.

杰夫林(Jevelin)直到4月才发行, 发行以来就吸引了很多关注,售出3000份,评级为4.64。

With a one-click install, responsive display and SEO-friendly build, this WooCommerce based theme has a lot to offer. Its features include easy customisation with hundreds of options to choose from, built-in Slider Revolution, Contact Form 7 compatibility and over 40 ‘custom-crafted’ shortcodes.

通过一键安装,响应式显示和SEO友好的构建,这个基于WooCommerce的主题可以提供很多东西。 它的功能包括:易于定制,有数百种选项可供选择;内置的Slider Revolution,Contact Form 7兼容性以及40多种“定制”短代码。

Jevelin comes with a wide range of website demos, each with unique templates and layouts all of which can be modified to fit in with your brand and to create the perfect shopping experience for your customers. This is certainly an eCommerce theme that will give the right impression.

Jevelin附带了各种各样的网站演示,每个网站演示都具有独特的模板和布局,所有这些模板都可以进行修改以适合您的品牌并为您的客户创造完美的购物体验。 这无疑是一个电子商务主题,将给人以正确的印象。

4.店主 (4. Shopkeeper)


Shopkeeper is the ideal theme when it comes to building simple but elegant online stores that are easy to create and manage. Its quick setup, easy maintenance and simple to use customisation options make it a breeze to use whilst producing stunning results.

当建立易于创建和管理的简单而优雅的在线商店时, Shopkeeper是理想的主题。 它的快速设置,易于维护和易于使用的自定义选项使它轻而易举地使用,同时产生令人惊叹的结果。

Whilst simple, the theme is anything but limited. Although it has pre-built layouts, its drag and drop interface enables you to easily create new ones to suit your brands own style. It’s also a theme that understands the way businesses use content marketing to bring in business. It has both an inbuilt blog and can support YouTube video in galleries. The customers’ shopping experience can also be enhanced by image zooming and various lightbox techniques.

虽然简单,但主题没有什么限制。 尽管它具有预先构建的布局,但其拖放界面使您可以轻松创建新的布局以适合您品牌的风格。 这也是了解企业使用内容营销引入业务的方式的主题。 它既有内置博客,又可以在画廊中支持YouTube视频。 图像缩放和各种灯箱技术还可增强客户的购物体验。

With over 13,000 copies sold, Shopkeeper is a very popular eCommerce theme and one of the reasons for this is because it’s developers continually update it to improve its features. Overall, Shopkeeper is a user-friendly theme that produces customer-friendly stores.

Shopkeeper售出超过13,000册,是一个非常受欢迎的电子商务主题,其原因之一是因为它的开发人员不断对其进行更新以改善其功能。 总体而言,“店主”是一个易于使用的主题,可以产生客户友好的商店。

5.扁平 (5. Flatsome)


With 56,000 sales and a 4.8 star customer rating, Flatsome has an awesome reputation when it comes to creating eCommerce stores.

Flatsome拥有56,000 销售和4.8星的客户评价,在创建电子商务商店时享有很高的声誉。

Boasting a live page builder together with an extensive element library, Flatsome lets you create eye-catching and user-friendly eCommerce stores with ease, even for beginners. For example, you can change the layout and add customised slide effects, banners and backgrounds in an instant. And for stores that don’t want to go offline, you can achieve this without the need to go into maintenance mode.

Flatsome拥有实时页面构建器和广泛的元素库,可让您轻松创建引人注目且用户友好的电子商务商店,即使对于初学者也是如此。 例如,您可以立即更改布局并添加自定义的幻灯片效果,横幅和背景。 对于不想下线的商店,您无需进入维护模式就可以实现。

What’s more, Flatsome’s is SEO friendly, fast loading and fully responsive, and, like all good themes, kept constantly up to date with software improvements. Check out the demos to see why so many online stores are built using this theme.

更重要的是,Flatsome's是SEO友好的,快速的加载和完全响应的,并且与所有优秀主题一样,通过软件改进不断更新。 查看演示,以了解为什么有这么多在线商店都使用此主题。

6.北极星 (6. Polaris)


Like the submarines it shares its name with, Polaris seems to have slipped under the radar, selling only 775 copies since its launch in 2015. However, it has an impressive 4.78 review rating from its users and has some exceptional features.

就像它与之同名的潜艇一样, 北极星似乎也受到了关注,自2015年推出以来仅售出775册。但是,它的用户给它留下了令人印象深刻的4.78评价,并且具有一些出色的功能。

Although it describes itself as a minimal theme, it is, in fact, anything but. Whilst its drag and drop functions make it simple to use, it is full of useful features. It’s fully responsive (it even has a responsive slider), has custom sale tags, switchable collections, hover effects, quick shop functions, Google Maps, product filters and even email subscription popups.

尽管它描述自己是一个最小的主题,但实际上除此以外。 尽管其拖放功能使它易于使用,但它充满了有用的功能。 它具有完全响应能力(甚至具有响应滑块),具有自定义销售标签,可切换的收藏集,悬停效果,快速商店功能,Google Maps,产品过滤器,甚至电子邮件订阅弹出窗口。

The theme is jQuery powered and enhanced by CSS3 effects and animation that can give your site and brand real kudos in the market place.


7. BeTheme (7. BeTheme)


BeTheme, like Divi from Elegant Themes, is one of the most popular premium themes available. The reason for this is that they have taken every feature that you could possibly want to use when creating a website and put them all together into one mega-feature-rich theme. That’s quite a mouth-watering prospect.

与The Elegant Themes中的Divi一样, BeTheme是最流行的高级主题之一。 这样做的原因是,他们已将创建网站时可能要使用的所有功能都整合到一个具有丰富功能的大型主题中。 那是一个令人垂涎的前景。

However, this is really a theme aimed at developers who can buy one theme and use its 250 pre-built website layouts to create and customise for sites for their customers. If you’re not a developer, the theme is still awesome, but be aware that only 12 of the 250 pre-built sites are stores.

但是,这实际上是一个主题,面向可以购买一个主题并使用其250个预建网站布局来为其客户创建和自定义网站的开发人员。 如果您不是开发人员,那么主题仍然很棒,但是请注意,在250个预建站点中,只有12个是商店。

That said, you can customise these stores in any way possible using its visual builder and drag and drop functionality. These functions are easy to use – but there are so many possible customisations you can make, it will take you time to get your head around them all.

也就是说,您可以使用其可视化构建器和拖放功能以任何可能的方式自定义这些存储。 这些功能易于使用-但是您可以进行许多自定义,因此需要花费时间来熟悉所有这些功能。

Other great features include loading speed optimisation, which is a real positive for a big theme, and the essential WooCommerce compatibility.


In the end, BeTheme is an amazing piece of software that can let you build professional quality, stunningly attractive websites. However, it is a big theme and you’ll need to spend some time playing around with it before you learn all its features and tools.

最后,BeTheme是一款了不起的软件,可以让您构建专业质量,令人赞叹的网站。 但是,这是一个很大的主题,在学习其所有功能和工具之前,您需要花一些时间来研究它。

结论 (Conclusion)

Whilst there are many more eCommerce themes available from the WordPress Repository and from vendors across the internet, the 7 themes we have included here offered users everything they need: attractive designs, lots of useful features, optimisation, mobile-friendliness and quick loading.


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