

Smartphones are now the main way people access the internet but what does that mean for online businesses? Should you go ‘mobile-first’ and put large screen web design on the backfoot or should you take a different approach? In this post, we’ll drill down into some of the surprising statistics about mobile web usage and consider their implications.

智能手机现在是人们访问互联网的主要方式,但这对在线业务意味着什么? 您应该以“移动优先”的方式将大屏幕网页设计放在后脚,还是应该采用其他方法? 在本文中,我们将深入研究有关移动Web使用情况的一些令人惊讶的统计数据,并考虑它们的含义。

  We view more web pages on smartphones According to Statcounter, the number of pages visited on mobile devices has now superseded laptops and desktops. In 2010, only 5% of pages were accessed on mobile devices, in 2016 this reached 51%. Of these, 46% were on smartphones and 5% on tablets.

我们在智能手机上查看更多网页Statcounter称 ,在移动设备上访问的页面数量现已取代了笔记本电脑和台式机。 在2010年,只有5%的网页是通过移动设备访问的,而在2016年,这一比例达到了51%。 其中,有46%用于智能手机,而5%用于平板电脑。

With this likely to increase even further (the figure in India is 75%), there is increasing need to make sure that your website is optimised for mobile surfing.


  More searches on mobile Not only are users viewing more pages on smartphones, they are carrying out more searches. According to Search Engine Land, 2016 saw Google users make more mobile searches than desktop ones.

在移动设备上进行更多搜索不仅用户在智能手机上查看了更多页面,而且他们还在进行更多搜索。 根据Search Engine Land的数据 ,2016年Google移动用户的搜索量超过了桌面用户。

This shift has also affected the way people advertise on Google. Whilst desktop advertising has been in decline for the last two years, mobile advertising has increased. In the UK, spending on mobile advertising has now overtaken desktop spending.

这种转变也影响了人们在Google上投放广告的方式。 在过去两年中,桌面广告一直在下降,而移动广告却在增加。 在英国,移动广告支出现已超过台式机支出。

Whilst increased mobile searches reinforce the need to create mobile-friendly websites, the shift in advertising also has implications for those that use AdWords to drive traffic to their websites. There are still many businesses not taking full advantage of mobile advertising.

尽管移动搜索量的增加增加了创建适合移动设备的网站的需求,但广告的转变也对那些使用AdWords吸引网站流量的用户产生了影响。 仍然有许多企业没有充分利用移动广告。

  Mobile devices becoming more widespread


One of the reasons for the rise in mobile internet use has to be the number of people who now have access to a smartphone or tablet. In 2007, there were 1.1 billion global users of desktops and laptops, compared to 0.4 billion smartphone users. By 2013, the numbers had evened. In 2016, desktop and laptop user numbers had risen to 1.7 billion but this figure had been surpassed by 1.9 billion mobile users.

移动互联网使用量增加的原因之一必须是现在可以使用智能手机或平板电脑的人数。 2007年,全球台式机和笔记本电脑用户为11亿,而智能手机用户为4亿。 到2013年,这一数字已经稳定。 2016年,台式机和笔记本电脑用户数量上升至17亿,但这一数字已超过19亿移动用户。

Much of this increase, however, is in less developed countries where accessing the internet is much easier and less expensive on a mobile than on a large screen device. The state of these countries’ infrastructures makes it easier to install mobile networks than lay broadband cable, especially in places with large rural populations.

但是,这种增长的大部分是在较不发达国家中,与大屏幕设备相比,在移动设备上访问互联网要容易得多,花费也要便宜得多。 这些国家的基础设施状况使安装移动网络比铺设宽带电缆更容易,尤其是在农村人口众多的地方。

In developed countries like the UK, smartphones are part of everyday life for the majority of people. Most households have smartphones, tablets and PCs. The move towards mobile internet use in Britain is driven by device portability and the improvements in mobile internet access – wider 4G coverage, free wi-fi, faster phone technology and bigger data allowances. Because these machines can be used wherever we go, we use them everywhere, all the time.

在英国等发达国家,智能手机已成为大多数人日常生活的一部分。 大多数家庭拥有智能手机,平板电脑和个人电脑。 在英国,移动互联网的使用受到设备便携性和移动互联网访问权限的改善的推动-更大的4G覆盖范围,免费wi-fi,更快的电话技术和更大的数据容量。 由于这些机器可以在任何地方使用,因此我们可以随时随地使用它们。

  Are we really spending more time mobile surfing?


The Smart Insights website tells us that in the UK, 61% of time spent online is now done on a mobile device. And it’s not just the UK that has seen this shift in behaviour, it’s a global pattern. However, it’s a pattern that requires much more scrutiny. What exactly are people doing when online?

Smart Insights网站告诉我们,在英国,现在61%的在线时间是在移动设备上完成的。 行为的转变不仅是英国,而且是全球格局。 但是,这种模式需要更多的审查。 人们上网时到底在做什么?

Well, the bad news for business is that they are not spending all of it searching on Google. In fact, we spend a staggering 82% of our smartphone internet time using apps. Facebook, alone, counts for 19 of that 82%.  Besides this, 12% is spent on messaging and other social media, 17% on entertainment, 15% on gaming and 3% on YouTube.

好吧,对企业而言,坏消息是他们没有将全部精力花在Google上。 实际上,我们使用应用程序的时间超过了智能手机互联网时间的82%。 仅Facebook一项就占了82%中的19%。 除此之外,还有12%用于消息传递和其他社交媒体,17%用于娱乐,15%用于游戏,3%用于YouTube。

This shows us that although we now use mobile more than PCs to access the net, we don’t really use the two types of devices in the same way.  How many people sit with a PC on their lap, surfing the net, with a phone at their side for chatting with friends on social media? We’ve begun to develop different habits with different devices. The implication here is that going ‘mobile-first’ and downgrading the importance of your desktop website might not be a wise idea – or at least a little premature.

这说明我们虽然现在使用移动设备的数量已经超过了使用PC的数量,但我们实际上并没有以相同的方式使用这两种类型的设备。 有多少人坐在电脑上,一边上网一边坐在一边上网,一边用手机与社交媒体上的朋友聊天? 我们已经开始使用不同的设备养成不同的习惯。 这意味着“移动优先”和降低桌面网站的重要性可能不是一个明智的主意-或至少为时过早。

There are two other pointers here. Firstly, if people have a preference for using apps on phones, then developing a business app may be the way forward. Not only do users prefer the interface but it also enables you to send notifications more easily. The second pointer is about advertising. If 82% of all smartphone time is spent on apps compared to only 10% on browsers (4% Chrome and 6% Safari), doesn’t it make sense to put your mobile advertising budget where it can have more impact? Facebook, at 19%, looks far more sensible – and there are many more in-app advertising opportunities available.

这里还有另外两个指针。 首先,如果人们倾向于在手机上使用应用程序,那么开发业务应用程序可能是前进的方向。 用户不仅喜欢该界面,而且还使您能够更轻松地发送通知。 第二点是关于广告。 如果将所有智能手机时间的82%花费在应用程序上,而浏览器仅花费10%(Chrome占4%,Safari占6%),那么将移动广告预算放在可以产生更大影响的位置上是否有意义? Facebook的比例为19%,看起来要明智得多,而且还有更多的应用内广告机会。

  Percentages don’t give the whole story


With only 10% of mobile surfing time spent using search engines, the shift towards mobile internet use doesn’t look that advantageous for websites. However, this doesn’t give us the whole picture. The reason why, is because that 10% is actually a significant amount of time.

在搜索引擎上,只有10%的移动冲浪时间花费在搜索引擎上,向移动互联网的使用对网站而言似乎并不那么有利。 但是,这并不能为我们提供全部信息。 之所以这样,是因为10%实际上是相当长的时间。

According to comScore mobile metrics, the average UK user spends 66 hours a month browsing on smartphones compared to 29 hours on a PC. That 10% equates to over 6 and a half hours of internet searching done by every user on a mobile device every month. It’s not something to be ignored.

根据comScore移动指标,英国平均用户每月在智能手机上浏览的时间为66个小时,而在PC上为29个小时。 这10%等于每个用户每月在移动设备上进行的互联网搜索超过6个半小时。 这是不容忽视的事情。

What’s more, we use our mobiles for most shopping related searches. In the UK, 56% of retail searching is done on mobiles. This includes over 60% of all searches for food and beverage, health, sports, lifestyles, news and media and cars. So, whilst it might be premature to downgrade your desktop website, it certainly isn’t too early to focus on making your mobile website more user-friendly.

此外,我们使用手机进行大多数与购物相关的搜索。 在英国,有56%的零售搜索是通过手机进行的。 这包括对食品,饮料,健康,体育,生活方式,新闻,媒体和汽车的所有搜索中的60%以上。 因此,虽然降级桌面网站可能为时过早,但专注于使移动网站更加用户友好当然还为时过早。

  Mobile vs PC conversion rates


Data from personalisation software company, Monetate, has given us a real insight into their clients’ conversion rates for desktop, tablet and mobile devices. In the quarter from November 2016, their UK clients’ conversion rates to add-to-basket or cart were: desktop 5.67%, tablet 4.41% and mobile 3.05%.

来自个性化软件公司Monetate的数据使我们真正了解了他们的客户在台式机,平板电脑和移动设备上的转化率。 从2016年11月开始的季度中,其英国客户转换为购物篮或购物车的转化率为:台式机5.67%,平板电脑4.41%和移动3.05%。

On the surface, it shows that companies are almost twice as likely to make a sale through a desktop website than a mobile one. However, this is not the whole picture. One of the potential problems for mobile websites is that they may not be shopping cart friendly. Having to input lots of text, including credit card details, using a small screen isn’t very easy to do. Sites which provide easier methods, such as offering PayPal or techniques such as Amazon’s one-click purchase, may find their mobile conversion rates much higher.

从表面上看,它表明公司通过台式机网站进行销售的可能性几乎是移动网站的两倍。 但是,这还不是全部。 移动网站的潜在问题之一是它们可能对购物车不友好。 使用小屏幕不得不输入很多文本,包括信用卡详细信息,并不是一件容易的事。 提供更简便方法(例如提供PayPal)或Amazon一键式购买等技术的网站可能会发现其移动转化率要高得多。

The other interesting factor is the use of multichannel purchasing. According to comScore, in developed countries such as the US and UK, many users, particularly millennials, switch devices during purchasing. They may do 56% percent of their retail searching by mobile but will save the actual purchase until they are on their PC. If this is the case, one has to take into consideration that many of those desktop conversions are reliant on initial mobile visits. The conversion rate differences between the two channels, therefore, are not so clear cut.

另一个有趣的因素是使用多渠道购买。 根据comScore的说法,在美国和英国等发达国家,许多用户(尤其是千禧一代)在购买时会切换设备。 他们可能会通过移动设备完成56%的零售搜索,但会保留实际购买的内容,直到他们在PC上。 在这种情况下,必须考虑到许多此类台式机转换都依赖于最初的移动访问。 因此,两个通道之间的转换率差异不是很明确。

  Conclusion These statistics tell us a great deal about how mobile technology has changed the way we use the internet. For those who run a business that relies on online customers, it is obvious that websites need to be geared for both desktop and mobile user needs. The figures also show that there is plenty to be gained from developing mobile apps for your business, advertising on social media and third-party apps, simplifying check-out processes on mobile websites and making purchasing easier for the increasing number of multichannel purchasers.

结论这些统计数据告诉我们有关移动技术如何改变了我们使用互联网的方式的大量信息。 对于那些依靠在线客户开展业务的人来说,很明显,网站需要同时满足台式机和移动用户的需求。 这些数字还表明,为您的企业开发移动应用程序,在社交媒体和第三方应用程序上投放广告,简化移动网站上的结帐流程以及使越来越多的多渠道购买者购买变得更容易,这将带来很多好处。

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