

Live chat has been around for quite a while and is a feature of many successful websites. However, there are still many businesses yet to take advantage of its wide range of benefits. If you have not considered offering live chat before, this post will explain some of the ways it can improve your online operations.

实时聊天已经存在了很长一段时间,并且是许多成功网站的功能。 但是,仍然有许多企业无法利用其广泛的优势。 如果您以前从未考虑过提供实时聊天,那么本篇文章将解释一些改善在线操作的方法。

  1. Live chat can increase your sales


One of the barriers to selling online is that potential customer may have questions about a product  that are not answered in the product description or specification. When they cannot find those answers, they are unlikely to buy. Your live chat operator, however, can take on the role of a traditional sales assistant, answering the customer’s questions in real time and, thus, helping them be confident about making the purchase whilst they are still interested in buying from you.

在线销售的障碍之一是潜在客户可能对产品的描述或规格中未回答的产品有疑问。 当他们找不到这些答案时,就不太可能购买。 但是,您的实时聊天操作员可以扮演传统的销售助理的角色,实时回答客户的问题,从而在他们仍然有兴趣向您购买商品的同时,帮助他们自信地进行购买。

This way of using live chat is highly effective. According to the American Marketing Association, live chat can increase conversion rates by over 20%. It also says that visitors who use live chat are thrice as likely to make a purchase than those who do not.

这种使用实时聊天的方式非常有效。 根据美国营销协会的说法,实时聊天可以将转化率提高20%以上。 它还说,使用实时聊天的访客比不进行在线聊天的访客进行购物的可能性高三倍。

  1. Improve your customer service


The more communication channels you open up, the more customers you can reach and this can help you deliver a far better customer service. Live chat is a highly popular communication channel for customers because it is free, easy, anonymous and doesn’t require face or voice time. It lacks all the things that make phone calls annoying: long waits, monotonous background music and lots of keypad pressing; and it’s also faster and more conversational than email support, enabling you to resolve issues and answer questions whilst the customer is still visiting your website.

您打开的沟通渠道越多,可以吸引的客户越多,这可以帮助您提供更好的客户服务。 实时聊天是一种非常受客户欢迎的沟通渠道,因为它是免费,简单,匿名的,并且不需要面部或语音时间。 它缺少使电话令人讨厌的所有东西:漫长的等待,单调的背景音乐和大量的键盘按键; 而且它比电子邮件支持更快捷,更具对话性,使您能够在客户仍在访问您的网站时解决问题并回答问题。

In a recent survey of online customers, live chat proved more popular than both email and phone support. This is why sites that use live chat find customers stay loyal; it’s because they know customer service is quick and easy to get hold of. However, you do need to make sure that the advice you give is of good quality.

在最近对在线客户的调查中,实时聊天比电子邮件和电话支持更受欢迎。 这就是使用实时聊天的网站发现客户保持忠诚的原因。 这是因为他们知道客户服务快速且容易掌握。 但是,您确实需要确保所提供的建议质量良好。

  1. Discover and fix your customers’ problems


The texts from all your live chat conversations can be saved as a chat history. This can be analysed to see what issues or problems your customers are contacting you about. If there are issues that keep recurring, you’ll easily be able to discover what they are and rectify them. In this way, you’ll be able to provide an even better service and reduce the number of customers who have to contact you.

您所有实时聊天对话中的文本都可以保存为聊天记录。 可以对此进行分析,以了解您的客户正在与您联系的问题。 如果有重复出现的问题,您将能够轻松找到它们并进行纠正。 这样,您将能够提供更好的服务,并减少必须与您联系的客户数量。

  1. Resolve issues quicker


Linking your live chat with FAQs, knowledge bases, product manuals and pre-prepared answers enables your company to provide detailed and instant resources for your customers. When they ask a question that requires a detailed answer, you can send them a link that takes them directly to the resource they need without you having to spend ages typing out the answer. As a result, workload is reduced for your operators and customers’ issues are resolved much quicker and with increased satisfaction.

将实时聊天与常见问题解答,知识库,产品手册和预先准备的答案相链接,可使您的公司为客户提供详细的即时资源。 当他们提出需要详细答案的问题时,您可以向他们发送链接,直接将他们带到他们所需的资源,而无需花费很多时间输入答案。 结果,为您的运营商减少了工作量,客户的问题得到了更快,更满意的解决。

  1. Live chat gives you the edge over your competitors


Although live chat is becoming more common, surprisingly, there are still many companies which do not use it on their websites. Those that do, gain a distinct advantage over those that don’t. They’ll attract new customers, increase sales, improve customer service and boost customer satisfaction. And those new customers and sales are likely to be gained at the expense of competitors whose websites don’t offer live chat functionality.

尽管实时聊天变得越来越普遍,但是令人惊讶的是,仍然有许多公司没有在其网站上使用它。 那些做的人比不做的人有明显的优势。 他们将吸引新客户,增加销售,改善客户服务并提高客户满意度。 这些新客户和新销售很可能会以其网站不提供实时聊天功能的竞争对手为代价。

If your competitors are already using live chat and you are not, launching a live chat service can remove the disadvantage and put your website back on a level playing field.


  1. Use live chat to be proactive


One of the advantages of live chat is that your customer service team can use it to initiate dialogue with your visitors: there is no need to wait for them to contact you. When a visitor arrives at your site, the live chat program can tell you what page they are looking at, where else they have been on your site and a range of other useful information. This can give you an informed understanding of their intentions so that when you initiate a conversation, you can do so in a helpful and meaningful way.

实时聊天的优点之一是您的客户服务团队可以使用它来与您的访客发起对话:无需等待他们与您联系。 当访问者到达您的站点时,实时聊天程序可以告诉您他们正在看哪个页面,他们在您站点上的其他位置以及一系列其他有用的信息。 这可以使您对他们的意图有一个充分的了解,以便在发起对话时可以以有用和有意义的方式进行。

By being proactive, you give visitors the confidence that they are being looked after whilst on your site and, by letting them know you’re ready and waiting to answer any questions, they are more likely to engage with you, which increases the likelihood of a sale.


  1. Live chat can save you money


While most live chat services aren’t free, investing in them can reduce overall costs. This is because the majority of customers and website visitors would prefer to use a live chat facility rather than speaking directly on the phone. Depending on the phone service you use, shifting communications online can produce large savings, especially for those offering 0800 freephone calls to their customers.

尽管大多数实时聊天服务不是免费的,但对它们进行投资可以降低总体成本。 这是因为大多数客户和网站访问者都希望使用实时聊天功能,而不是直接通过电话讲话。 根据您使用的电话服务,在线转换通信可以节省大量资金,特别是对于那些为其客户提供0800免费电话的用户而言。

At the same time, live chat can reduce the number of staff needed to deal with customer enquiries as they can take care of several customers at once and use prewritten ‘canned responses’ to respond to frequently asked questions – something you can’t do yet with spoken communication.


  1. Live chat provides excellent analytics data


Live chat software logs a great deal of relevant data. It enables you to see traffic and chat request volumes and discover how well your customer service team deal with requests. For example, you can evaluate staff performance, monitor chat quality and log customer satisfaction. It is even possible to link some chat software with your Google Analytics so that you can see the impact of your live chat on the performance of your site.

实时聊天软件会记录大量相关数据。 它使您可以查看流量​​和聊天请求量,并发现客户服务团队处理请求的情况。 例如,您可以评估员工绩效,监控聊天质量并记录客户满意度。 甚至可以将某些聊天软件与Google Analytics(分析)链接,以便您可以看到实时聊天对网站性能的影响。

Using this data, you can monitor how effective your live chat service is operating and make any necessary improvements where required.




Live chat is the most popular way that customers like to communicate with companies when visiting a website. It’s easy, quick and doesn’t involve any face or voice time. From a business’ point of view, it provides you with the ability to offer great customer service, improve sales, develop customer loyalty and even reduce costs.

实时聊天是客户在访问网站时喜欢与公司进行交流的最流行的方式。 简单,快速且不涉及任何面部或语音时间。 从企业的角度来看,它为您提供了提供出色的客户服务,改善销售,发展客户忠诚度甚至降低成本的能力。

If you run an online business and are looking for affordable web hosting with 24/7 customer support take a look at our range of business VPS plans. If you need help, get in touch via our live chat facility.

如果您经营一家在线企业,并且正在寻找具有24/7全天候客户支持的价格实惠的网络托管服务,请查看我们的一系列企业VPS计划 。 如果您需要帮助,请通过我们的实时聊天功能与您取得联系。







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