

One of the most important factors that search engines use to determine a website’s ranking is Domain Authority. Domain Authority is website metric, ranging from zero to 100, that is applied to all websites. Basically, the higher your website’s Domain Authority, the better your chances of ranking higher in search results. In this article, we’ll explain eight easy steps to help you improve the authority of your site.

搜索引擎用来确定网站排名的最重要因素之一是域名授权。 域授权是网站指标,范围从零到100,适用于所有网站。 基本上,您网站的域名授权机构越高,您在搜索结果中排名越高的机会就越大。 在本文中,我们将解释八个简单的步骤来帮助您提高网站的权限。


1.选择一个好的域名 (1. Select a good domain name)

A good domain name is important for authority because it helps internet users and search engines understand the nature of your website. For startups who haven’t yet created a website, you have the perfect opportunity to choose a domain name that is relevant to your content. For example, if you are a law firm, include the work law in your domain: rather than SmithJonesandBrown.co.uk, call your website sjblaw.co.uk or sjbsolicitors.co.uk. Your domain name does not have to be the same as your company name, so you are free to choose something which can have a greater impact on the internet.

好的域名对于授权至关重要,因为它可以帮助互联网用户和搜索引擎了解您网站的性质。 对于尚未创建网站的初创企业,您有绝佳的机会选择与您的内容相关的域名。 例如,如果您是一家律师事务所,请在您的域中加入劳动法:而不是SmithJonesandBrown.co.uk,请致电您的网站sjblaw.co.uk或sjbsolicitors.co.uk。 您的域名不必与公司名称相同,因此您可以自由选择对互联网影响更大的内容。

Domain names should also be easy to remember and simple to type on a mobile phone – so don’t make them too long and try to avoid the use of hyphens or underscores which force mobile users to have to select the symbols function on their keyboard.


If you are looking for the perfect domain name, check out our domain finder page.



2.确保您网站的技术搜索引擎优化 (2. Ensure your website’s technical SEO is optimised)

Technical SEO is important for both search engine ranking and Domain Authority, and this is an area where, as the website’s owner, you have complete control over what you can achieve. To improve your Domain Authority, make sure that you optimise all the relevant areas of your website: title tags, header tags, meta tags, image alt tags, site structure, navigability (menus), breadcrumbs, URL structure, URL length, URL titles (slugs), page word count, keywords, and keyword variations.

技术性SEO对搜索引擎排名和域名授权都至关重要,在这个领域,作为网站所有者,您可以完全控制自己可以实现的目标。 为了提高您的域权限,请确保优化网站的所有相关区域:标题标签,标头标签,元标签,图像alt标签,网站结构,可导航性(菜单),面包屑,URL结构,URL长度,URL标题(段),页面字数,关键字和关键字变体形式。


3.创作更可爱的内容 (3. Create more likeable content)

One of the most important factors in generating a high authority website is the number of backlinks your content receives from other high authority websites. (Links from poor quality websites can have the opposite effect!) These precious backlinks can only be earned through creating great content. For this reason, you should endeavour to regularly post content that is useful to your readers, solves their problems and answers their questions.

生成高权限网站的最重要因素之一是您的内容从其他高权限网站收到的反向链接的数量。 (来自质量差的网站的链接可能会产生相反的效果!)这些宝贵的反向链接只能通过创建出色的内容来获得 因此,您应该努力定期发布对读者有用的内容,解决他们的问题并回答他们的问题。

Doing this will improve the chances of people sharing your posts and pages on social media and linking to them on their own websites. The better the quality of your content, the more likely that other authority sites will link to it.

这样做将增加人们在社交媒体上分享您的帖子和页面并在自己的网站上链接到他们的机会。 您的内容质量越好,其他授权站点链接到该内容的可能性就越大。


4.建立权威的社交媒体资料 (4. Develop an authoritative social media profile)

When it comes to Domain Authority, social media plays an important and growing role. What other people think about your website is an important factor in determining how authoritative your website is, so the more people that like and share your content the better. However, as we mentioned in the section above, this can only be done by creating great content in the first place.

当涉及领域权威时,社交媒体扮演着重要且不断增长的角色。 其他人对您网站的看法是决定您网站的权威性的重要因素,因此,喜欢和分享您的内容的人越多越好。 但是,正如我们在上一节中提到的,这只能通过首先创建出色的内容来完成。

In addition to providing great content, you also need to give people the opportunity to like and share what they find on your site. To do this you should enable the use of social sharing buttons on your pages and posts.

除了提供出色的内容外,您还需要使人们有机会喜欢和分享他们在您的网站上找到的内容。 为此,您应该在页面和帖子上启用社交分享按钮。

It is also important to engage in a meaningful way with your followers. Using social media for things like customer service, to give advice or to share your charity work, etc., can enhance your company’s authority. It will also improve your brand’s identity, help increase traffic, encourage more external links from high-quality sites and give you the opportunity to get noticed by leading influencers in your niche.

与您的关注者进行有意义的互动也很重要。 将社交媒体用于客户服务,提供建议或分享您的慈善工作等可以增强公司的权威。 它还将改善您的品牌形象,帮助增加流量,鼓励更多来自高质量网站的外部链接,并使您有机会在您的利基市场中受到领先影响者的关注。


5.消除不良和有毒的联系 (5. Eradicate bad and toxic links)

Whilst high-quality backlinks can do wonders for your Domain Authority, poor quality backlinks can do the exact opposite. They can even cause you to get a Google penalty so your site disappears from search results. Poor quality links are those which are:

高质量的反向链接可以为您的域管理机构带来奇迹,而质量差的反向链接则可以完全相反。 它们甚至可能导致您受到Google的罚款,因此您的网站从搜索结果中消失了。 质量较差的链接是:

  • from link networks (usually on low authority websites)

  • in the footers of other websites

  • found in blogrolls

  • site-wide links

  • posted in blog comments

  • found in forum profiles

  • placed in web or article directories

  • frequently use the same anchor text


To eradicate these links, you need to find out where they are coming from. The easiest place to do this is on your Google Search Console. Once you have found any toxic links you have two choices of how to get rid of them. The first choice is to contact the website on which the links are found and ask the webmaster if they would remove them. If this doesn’t work, you can use the disavow tool on your Google Search Console. Whilst this will not remove the links, it will inform Google that you do not want them to be taken into consideration when it assesses the quality of your site.

要消除这些链接,您需要找出它们来自何处。 最简单的方法是在Google Search Console上 。 一旦发现任何有毒链接,就可以选择两种方法来消除它们。 首选是与找到链接的网站联系,并询问网站管理员是否将其删除。 如果这不起作用,则可以使用Google Search Console上的拒绝工具。 虽然这不会删除链接,但会通知Google您在评估您的网站质量时不希望考虑这些链接。

The other form of bad link which needs to be dealt with is the broken link. If you have broken links internally on your site, you need to either update or remove them. If you have external links pointing to pages on your site which no longer exist, you should redirect them to a new page rather than having visitors arrive at the 404 error page.

需要处理的另一种形式的不良链接是断开的链接。 如果您的站点内部内部链接断开,则需要更新或删除它们。 如果您拥有指向您网站上不再存在的页面的外部链接,则应将其重定向到新页面,而不要让访问者到达404错误页面。


6.开发网站的内部链接结构 (6. Develop your website’s internal link structure)

An important but often overlooked element of technical SEO is the use of internal links. Internal links create a user-friendly network across your site that not only benefits the user but enables search engines to better crawl and index your site.

技术搜索引擎优化的一个重要但经常被忽略的元素是内部链接的使用。 内部链接在您的网站上创建了一个用户友好的网络,不仅使用户受益,而且使搜索引擎可以更好地对您的网站进行爬网和编制索引。

Internal links are useful at signposting visitors towards the content they want to read and in this way, they enhance the user experience. Good internal linking should enable visitors to easily find all the relevant information they need, no matter how old the post or where on your site is it located.

内部链接在将访问者指向他们想要阅读的内容的路标上很有用,并以此方式增强了用户体验。 良好的内部链接应该使访问者可以轻松找到他们需要的所有相关信息,而不考虑帖子的年代久远或您网站上的位置。

Another useful aspect of internal links is that they help keep the visitor onsite for longer, increasing your analytics metrics for the number of pages visited and length of session whilst decreasing your bounce rate: all of these metrics can help increase your authority and Google ranking.


Internal links can be added manually within the content of your site or created automatically using breadcrumbs or suggested further reading plugins.



7.您的网站必须响应 (7. Your website must be responsive)

We now spend more time surfing the internet on mobile devices than we do on computers. In the UK, we spend an average of an hour a day surfing on a computer and two hours surfing on a phone. For this reason, users want mobile friendly websites that they can access on any device no matter where they are browsing. The only solution is to have a responsive website.

现在,我们在移动设备上上网的时间比在计算机上花的时间更多。 在英国,我们平均每天花一小时在计算机上冲浪,而在电话上则要花两个小时。 因此,用户希望无论在何处浏览,都可以在任何设备上访问的移动友好型网站。 唯一的解决方案是拥有一个响应式网站。

As most websites are now mobile friendly, those that are not are essentially internet dinosaurs. If you don’t have a responsive site, it is highly likely that you are missing out on two-thirds or your potential visitors and many of those that do land on your site will turn away quickly once they see how difficult it is to read your content.

由于大多数网站现在都适合移动设备使用,因此实际上不是互联网的网站。 如果您没有响应式网站,那么很可能会错过三分之二的网站,或者潜在的访问者,而许多访问该网站的访问者一旦看到难以阅读的内容,就会Swift拒绝访问您的内容。

Mobile browsing has become so important that Google now uses ‘mobile friendliness’ as a ranking factor – it even has a mobile-friendly test.



8.选择一个好的托管服务提供商 (8. Select a good hosting provider)

A good hosting provider can do wonders for your website’s authority. One of the ways this is achieved is through improving the speed of your website. Faster loading websites have higher authority and this can be achieved by choosing a web host that uses fast and reliable servers that are configured to improve loading times.

一个好的托管服务提供商可以为您的网站创造奇迹。 实现此目标的方法之一是提高网站速度。 加载速度更快的网站具有更高的权限,这可以通过选择使用配置为缩短加载时间的快速可靠的服务器的Web主机来实现。

In addition, security is becoming increasingly important in denoting authority and a good web host can provide the robust security needed to monitor and protect your website. Having a secure website reduces the risk of your visitors being scammed, infected or hacked and thus, helps your site achieve a higher Domain Authority.

此外,安全性在表示权限方面变得越来越重要,一个好的Web主机可以提供监视和保护您的网站所需的强大安全性。 拥有安全的网站可以减少访问者被骗,感染或黑客入侵的风险,从而帮助您的网站获得更高的域名授权。

结论 (Conclusion)

Having a high Domain Authority is an important element in helping websites improve their search engine ranking. From reading this article, you should now have a better idea of how you can make simple but effective changes that will help improve the authority of your own site.

拥有较高的域名授权机构是帮助网站提高其搜索引擎排名的重要因素。 通过阅读本文,您现在应该更好地了解如何进行简单而有效的更改,这将有助于提高您自己网站的权限。

If you are looking to register a new domain check out our domain page. Alternatively, if you are looking for a web host that provides robust security and fast loading times to help improve your Domain Authority, take a look at our range of affordable shared hosting plans.

如果您要注册一个新域,请查看我们的域页面 。 另外,如果您正在寻找可提供强大安全性和快速加载时间以帮助改善域权限的网络主机,请查看我们一系列价格合理的共享主机计划

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/8-easy-steps-to-increase-your-domain-authority/


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