

Promoting your business online is essential if you want to increase your sales. However, for many new companies, tight budgets may prevent you from running PPC and other paid for marketing campaigns. If you find yourself in this situation, there are alternative solutions that can, with a bit of creative thinking, be just as effective without having to stretch the finances. Here are six free methods you can use to promote your business online.

如果要增加销售额,在线推广业务至关重要。 但是,对于许多新公司来说,预算紧张可能会阻止您运行PPC和其他付费的营销活动。 如果您发现自己处在这种情况下,那么可以通过一些创造性思维来找到替代解决方案,而不必花费很多精力,它们同样有效。 您可以使用以下六种免费方法在线上推广业务。


1.确保您的网站经过搜索引擎优化 (1. Make sure your website is search engine optimised)

Many businesses make money online simply because their website ranks highly in search engine results. The higher you rank the more visitors your site will get. And whilst high traffic cannot guarantee increased sales, (that’s up to the quality of your website, products and prices, etc.) you can be sure that a website that gets no visitors is not going to make any money at all.

许多企业仅仅因为其网站在搜索引擎结果中的排名很高就在线上赚钱。 您的排名越高,您的网站就会获得越多的访问者。 尽管流量高不能保证销量的增长(这取决于您网站的质量,产品和价格等),但您可以确保没有访问者的网站根本不会赚钱。

If you want your site to rank well in search engine results it is very important that it is fully optimised. Whilst you can pay to have this done for you by an SEO company, it’s likely to be an expensive option. The best way is to learn to do it for yourself.

如果您希望自己的网站在搜索引擎结果中排名良好,那么对其进行充分优化非常重要。 虽然您可以付费以由SEO公司为您完成此操作,但这可能是一个昂贵的选择。 最好的方法是学习自己动手做。

If you are not familiar with SEO, the basic thing you need to know is that there are three different types: on-site, on-page and off-site. On-site SEO involves making sure your website works well for search engines, i.e., that it loads quickly, is mobile friendly, easy to navigate and is structured in an appropriate way.

如果您不熟悉SEO,那么您需要了解的基本知识是三种不同的类型:现场,页内和场外。 现场SEO涉及确保您的网站在搜索引擎中运作良好,即,其加载速度快,移动友好,易于浏览且结构合理。

On-page SEO is all about using keywords in the most advantageous way in your content so that your site ranks well for the terms that you want it to. If you sell organic fruit juices, then you will want to make sure that when someone searches for ‘organic orange juice’ your site is on the first page of results. On-page SEO begins with keyword research and you can learn about this in our article, Best Keyword Research Techniques for SEO.

页面式SEO就是在内容中以最有利的方式使用关键字,从而使您的网站在所需字词方面排名很高。 如果您出售有机果汁,那么您将要确保当有人搜索“有机橙汁”时,您的网站位于结果的第一页上。 页面上的SEO始于关键词研究,您可以在我们的文章SEO最佳关键词研究技巧中了解到这一点

Off-site SEO is all about getting high-quality backlinks to your site from other websites. This is the most difficult optimisation to achieve and if it is done badly the consequences for your website can be disastrous. Essentially, you have to earn the backlinks by producing great content. Search engines believe that if your content is good enough, other high-quality sites will link to you and this is a signal that your pages should rank highly. However, if you use unscrupulous methods to increase the number of backlinks to your site, you may get penalised by search engines. If this happens, your site will disappear from search results completely. For more information on creating great content read our article High-Quality Content: The Future of SEO.

站外SEO就是从其他网站获得指向您网站的高质量反向链接。 这是最难实现的优化,如果做得不好,对您网站的后果可能是灾难性的。 本质上,您必须通过产生出色的内容来获得反向链接。 搜索引擎认为,如果您的内容足够好,其他高质量的网站将链接到您,这表明您的页面应该排名很高。 但是,如果您使用不道德的方法来增加网站的反向链接数,则可能会受到搜索引擎的惩罚。 如果发生这种情况,您的网站将完全从搜索结果中消失。 有关创建出色内容的更多信息,请阅读我们的文章“ 高质量内容:SEO的未来”


2.通过本地上市服务提高知名度 (2. Create awareness through local listing services)

One of the best ways to promote your business online, especially for local businesses, it to sign up for a Google My Business account. By doing this you can create a free listing on Google Places that will appear in results when anyone does a relevant search. These listings usually appear at the top of search results, and if someone has done a search for your actual business a more detailed guide, including a map, contact details, opening hours, images and customer ratings will appear.

网上注册您的商家(尤其是本地商家)的最佳方法之一,就是注册“ Google我的商家”帐户。 这样,您可以在Google地方信息上创建免费的列表,当任何人进行相关搜索时,该列表都会显示在结果中。 这些列表通常显示在搜索结果的顶部,如果有人对您的实际业务进行了搜索,则会显示更详细的指南,包括地图,联系方式,营业时间,图像和客户评分。

One of the advantages of joining Google My Business is that you have to be verified by post in order to join. This verification helps Google know that you are a genuine business which immediately makes your website more trustable to them. This, in itself, can help improve your search engine rankings.

加入Google我的商家的好处之一是您必须通过邮寄方式进行验证才能加入。 这项验证可帮助Google知道您是一家真正的公司,从而立即使您的网站对他们更加可信。 这本身可以帮助您提高搜索引擎排名。

There are other listings sites that can also help you be found locally, such as Yahoo Local or Yell. However, try to avoid registering on low-quality business directories as search engines may think you are only doing this to increase your backlinks.

还有其他列表网站也可以帮助您在本地找到,例如Yahoo Local或Yell。 但是,请尽量避免在低质量的企业目录上注册,因为搜索引擎可能会认为您只是在这样做以增加反向链接。


3.利用社交媒体 (3. Make use of social media)

Social media is a fantastic way to promote your business for free. Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, etc., are ideal platforms for B2C businesses and LinkedIn is a great place for B2B companies. When you first set out, your aim needs to be to build an audience by getting as many people as possible to follow you. Only once you have achieved this will you have an audience big enough to market to.

社交媒体是一种免费推广您的业务的绝佳方式。 Facebook,Instagram和Twitter等是B2C业务的理想平台,而LinkedIn是B2B公司的理想之地。 刚开始时,您的目标是要吸引尽可能多的人来吸引您,从而建立观众群。 只有做到这一点,您才能拥有足够大的受众以进行营销。

This isn’t as easily achieved. Social media platforms are busy places and to get followed you need to get noticed first. This is where creativity comes into play. You need to post things that people will find interesting or amusing – and you need to do it regularly. People get so many items in their feeds that a tweet or Facebook post can soon disappear, reposting can sometimes be necessary to get more coverage.

这并非易事。 社交媒体平台是忙碌的地方,要被关注,您需要首先引起注意。 这就是创造力发挥作用的地方。 您需要发布人们会发现有趣或有趣的事物,并且需要定期进行。 人们在其供稿中收到的商品太多,以至于一条推文或Facebook帖子很快就会消失,有时可能需要重新发布才能获得更多报道。

If you do produce social media content that people are interested in, the good news is that they will like and share it with their own followers. This can have a big impact on your business. The golden prize, however, is to have your post or tweet liked or shared by an influencer. If someone with several million followers spreads the word about you, your website can go viral.

如果您确实制作了人们感兴趣的社交媒体内容,那么好消息是他们会喜欢并与自己的关注者分享。 这会对您的业务产生重大影响。 但是,金奖是让有影响力的人喜欢或分享您的帖子或推文。 如果拥有数百万追随者的人传播有关您的信息,那么您的网站可能会Swift发展。


4.设置会员计划 (4. Set up an affiliate programme)

Affiliate or referral programmes are used by many businesses, including lots of blue chip companies, to drive more traffic to their website. With an affiliate programme, you set up a relationship with other websites to recommend your products and services to their readers. If a reader visits your website and makes a purchase, you pay the affiliate a percentage of the sale amount. To give you an idea of how beneficial affiliate programmes are, Amazon’s programme, Amazon Associates, generates 40% of its global revenue.

许多企业(包括许多蓝筹公司)都使用会员计划或推荐计划来吸引更多访问其网站的流量。 通过会员计划,您可以与其他网站建立联系,以向您的读者推荐您的产品和服务。 如果读者访问您的网站并进行购买,则您应按销售量的百分比向会员支付。 为了让您了解会员计划的收益,Amazon的计划Amazon Associates产生了其全球收入的40%。

Affiliate programmes are managed using special software and this includes a tracking system that records when a visitor on your site makes a purchase after clicking a link on your affiliate’s site. It then works out how much commission each affiliate has made. Affiliate software is inexpensive and if you use WordPress, you can even get free plugins that create the programme for you.

会员计划是使用特殊软件进行管理的,其中包括一个跟踪系统,该系统可以记录您网站上的访问者在点击您会员网站上的链接后何时进行购买。 然后计算出每个会员的佣金。 会员软件价格便宜,如果您使用WordPress,甚至可以免费获得为您创建程序的插件。

The advantage of affiliate programmes is that you only pay out if you make a sale. This way of promoting your business works as an incentive to your affiliates to do a good job at getting the message out there. You often find that there are many bloggers specialising in your niche that will write good reviews of your products and services and these will be read by many of their subscribers. Alternatively, you can provide your affiliates with banners or text links.

会员计划的优势在于,只有在进行销售时您才需要付款。 这种促进业务发展的方式可以激励您的会员更好地传达信息。 您通常会发现有很多专门针对您的利基市场的博客作者,他们会为您的产品和服务撰写良好的评论,并且许多订阅者都会阅读这些评论。 或者,您可以为您的会员提供横幅或文本链接。

Before setting up an affiliate account there are two things you need to consider. First of all, make sure you can afford to offer financial incentives as they will eat into your profits. You may need to adjust pricing to accommodate the affiliate fees. Secondly, be judicious about who you accept on your programme. Don’t let people who run spammy or unrelated sites have accounts or you could get low-quality backlinks (it’s best to insist all affiliate links are marked as ‘nofollow’ so Google ignores them).

设置会员帐户之前,需要考虑两点。 首先,确保您有能力提供经济激励措施,因为它们会损害您的利润。 您可能需要调整价格以适应会员费用。 其次,要明智地选择接受您的计划的人。 不要让运行垃圾邮件或不相关网站的人拥有帐户,否则您可能会获得低质量的反向链接(最好坚持将所有会员链接标记为“ nofollow”,以便Google忽略它们)。


5.使用新闻稿 (5. Use press releases)

You’ll be surprised how few small businesses take advantage of press releases. The reason businesses don’t use them is because they tend to think of the press as Fleet Street papers or TV news organisations and expect that they wouldn’t be interested in their story. The reality is that there are thousands of publications out there, big and small, and many of them are niche focused.

您会惊讶于很少有小型企业会利用新闻稿。 企业之所以不使用它们,是因为他们倾向于将媒体视为Fleet Street的报纸或电视新闻组织,并期望他们对他们的故事不感兴趣。 现实情况是,有成千上万种大小不一的出版物,其中许多都是针对利基市场的。

So, if your business does something interesting, whether that’s business related or community related, make sure you get that press release written and issued – there’s a good chance someone will want to put it into print (and possibly on their website, too).


The most effective way to get your press release noticed is to draw up a list of relevant publications (local papers, niche or trade magazines, etc.), find out which journalist covers your topics and then send the press release to that person.


There are lots of websites you can use to find different media publications and there are even some sites that distribute press releases to those organisations.



6.提供很多 (6. Offer a great deal)

The internet is full of websites that make their living advertising deals, coupons and discount vouchers, Groupon being a prime example. As these deals are only ever short lived, these sites are constantly on the lookout for new deals to advertise.

互联网上到处都是制作生活广告交易,优惠券和折扣券的网站,Groupon就是一个很好的例子。 由于这些交易只是短暂的,因此这些网站一直在寻找新的交易广告。

If you are able to offer a deal or a discount, it is possible that these sites might be interested in promoting your business to their huge numbers of subscribers. Groupon, for example, has over 50 million active customers.

如果您能够提供交易或折扣,则这些网站可能有兴趣将您的业务推广给他们的大量订户。 例如,Groupon拥有超过5000万活跃客户。

Before you try this out, do work out the figures first. Besides offering something cheaply to customers, the company advertising your deal will want a percentage of your sales too. For example, if you are offering a £100 item for £70 to the customer, you may have to pay another £10 to the advertiser. Make sure you will have enough profit in the £60 you get to cover all your costs and overheads.

在尝试之前,请先计算出数字。 除了为客户提供便宜的商品外,宣传您的交易的公司也希望获得一定比例的销售额。 例如,如果您以70英镑的价格向客户提供100英镑的商品,则您可能还需要再向广告客户支付10英镑。 确保您在60英镑中有足够的利润来支付所有费用和间接费用。

The aim of giving the deal, however, is to develop long term customers or to make more money selling something else at the same time. Giving someone a free pizza is worth it if they spend a whole lot more on starters, sides, desserts and drinks and then come back three or four times a year.

但是,达成交易的目的是发展长期客户或同时出售其他产品以赚更多的钱。 如果某人花更多的时间在开胃菜,配菜,甜点和饮料上,然后每年回来三到四次,那么免费给他们一个披萨是值得的。


结论 (Conclusion)

As you can see from reading this post, with a little bit of creativity and forward planning, it is possible to put together a promotional strategy that has no up-front costs. Where costs are involved, i.e. offering deals or running an affiliate programme, these can be factored into the price or can be made up for through additional sales.

从这篇文章中可以看到,只要有一点点创意和前瞻性的计划,就可以制定一项无需预付费用的促销策略。 如果涉及成本,即提供交易或运行会员计划,则可以将这些因素计入价格中,也可以通过额外的销售来弥补。

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如果您经营在线业务,并且正在寻找价格合理,具有出色安全性,可保证100%正常运行时间和24/7全天候技术支持的虚拟主机 ,请查看我们的商业虚拟主机计划



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### 回答1: 有很多免费的广告推广网站,以下是一些比较受欢迎的: 1. 赶海网 2. 大众点评 3. 58同城 4. 知乎 5. 豆瓣 6. 微博 7. 百度知道 8. 人人网 9. 百度贴吧 10. 天涯社区 这些网站都提供了免费的广告推广服务,您可以根据自己的需要选择其中一些进行推广。当然,每个网站的受众、效果和推广方式都有所不同,需要您根据自己的业务情况和推广目标选择最适合的平台。 ### 回答2: 目前市场上有许多免费的广告推广网站,以下是一些常见的免费广告推广网站:作为国内最知名的微博平台,用户可以通过发布微博内容、微博广告等方式进行推广。 2.微信公众号:拥有庞大的用户群体,通过创建并更新公众号内容,可以吸引关注者,并进行品牌推广。 3.百度贴吧:作为中国最大的社区论坛,用户可以在相关贴吧发布帖子、回答问题等方式进行广告推广。 4.知乎:一个有高质量内容的问答社区,用户可以在知乎上发布与自己产品或服务相关的问题和回答,吸引潜在用户。 5.QQ空间:拥有庞大的用户群体,可以通过发布空间说说、分享文章等方式进行推广。 6.今日头条:一个新闻资讯类的手机应用程序,用户可以通过发布原创文章、投放广告等方式进行推广。 7.豆瓣:一个以影视、图书、音乐为主题的社交网络,用户可以在豆瓣小组、用户评价等地方发布推广内容。 8.58同城:一个综合性的分类信息平台,用户可以在58同城发布免费的商务信息、招聘信息等进行推广。 9.赶集网:类似于58同城,用户可以在赶集网发布免费信息,吸引对应的目标用户。 10.新浪博客:一个个人博客平台,用户可以通过写博客,分享自己的经验和故事,间接进行广告推广。 需要注意的是,免费的广告推广网站虽然无需付费,但通常会有一定的限制或者附加条件,而且相对来说曝光和效果可能会有限。因此,在选择广告推广网站时,还需根据目标受众、推广方式、推广预算等因素进行综合考量。


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