

If you are an eCommerce store owner, the success of your business relies on the server that your site is hosted upon. As competitors upgrade to the latest cloud technology with all the capabilities it has to offer, this can leave you at a distinct disadvantage. In this article, we’ll discuss why the cloud is the best solution for eCommerce hosting and why you need to give it serious consideration.

如果您是电子商务商店的所有者,则您的业务成功与否取决于托管您网站的服务器。 随着竞争对手升级到具有所有功能的最新云技术,这可能使您处于明显的劣势。 在本文中,我们将讨论为什么云是电子商务托管的最佳解决方案,以及为什么需要认真考虑。

运营敏捷性和可扩展性 (Operational agility and scalability)

One of the biggest advantages of using cloud hosting for eCommerce is its scalability. In terms of capacity, cloud gives store owners exactly what they need when it’s required, whether that’s bandwidth, CPU, RAM or storage space. If your needs increase, either over the long term with a steadily growing business or over the short term, to cope with peaks, scaling up is quick and easy – as is scaling back down when the demand is lower.

将云托管用于电子商务的最大优势之一是其可扩展性。 就容量而言,云为商店所有者提供了所需的确切需求,无论是带宽,CPU,RAM还是存储空间。 如果您的需求在长期(业务长期稳定增长)或短期内增长以应对高峰,则快速简便地进行扩展-需求降低时也可以进行缩减。

This operational agility gives eCommerce businesses a real competitive edge; your store won’t slow down during the Black Friday rush because cloud servers let it cope with high traffic far more efficiently than in-house applications or servers.

这种操作敏捷性使电子商务企业具有真正的竞争优势; 在黑色星期五高峰期间,您的商店不会放慢速度,因为云服务器比内部应用程序或服务器更有效地应对高流量。

按消费付费的成本效益 (Pay per consume cost effectiveness)

One of the other benefits of cloud scalability is that it is financially more cost effective. As cloud resources are charged for on a pay per consume basis, you only pay for what you use. If you compare this to a dedicated server package, where you would pay full price for the service even when you rarely needed full capacity, you can see how financially advantageous cloud can be,

云可扩展性的另一个好处之一是,它在财务上更具成本效益。 由于云资源是按使用量付费,因此您只需为使用的资源付费。 如果将其与专用服务器软件包进行比较,即使在极少需要完整容量的情况下,您也要为此服务全额支付费用,您会发现云在财务上具有优势,

For those companies which use an in-house system, the savings are even greater as there is no need to invest in hardware, software or maintenance.


安全性和业务连续性 (Security and business continuity)

Cloud hosting offers a wide range of security benefits that all eCommerce businesses can take advantage of. One of these is disaster recovery. Should a website get hacked and taken down or the server develop a fault, the consequences could be enormous. However, cloud servers provide easy back-up and recovery solutions that are inexpensive to implement and leverage the expertise of their hosting company.

云托管提供了广泛的安全优势,所有电子商务企业都可以利用。 其中之一是灾难恢复。 如果网站被黑并被关闭或服务器出现故障,后果可能是巨大的。 但是,云服务器提供了简单的备份和恢复解决方案,这些解决方案对于实施和利用其托管公司的专业知识而言并不昂贵。

Another security feature of the cloud is that it is a managed service. This means that software is automatically updated for you, immediately eradicating vulnerabilities from legacy versions, and hardware is maintained by the host. In addition, hosts have their own security measures including vulnerability scanning and intrusion detection and prevention.

云的另一个安全功能是它是一项托管服务。 这意味着软件会自动为您更新,立即消除旧版本中的漏洞,并且硬件由主机维护。 此外,主机有自己的安全措施,包括漏洞扫描以及入侵检测和预防。

One of the biggest areas where cloud hosting can help eCommerce security is with data protection. When an organisation moves to the cloud, all its data is stored on the cloud servers, not on individual devices. If a device is lost or stolen, the company can still access the data from the cloud; at the same time, data can be remotely erased from the lost machine, preventing it from being accessed.

云托管可以帮助电子商务安全的最大领域之一就是数据保护。 当组织迁移到云时,其所有数据都存储在云服务器上,而不是存储在单个设备上。 如果设备丢失或被盗,公司仍然可以从云访问数据; 同时,可以从丢失的计算机上远程擦除数据,从而防止对其进行访问。

轻松协作 (Easy collaboration)

One of the benefits of the internet is that it allows businesses to assemble teams of workers from around the world to work together on projects. By enabling these teams to collaborate in easier ways you are able to bring projects to a conclusion far quicker, which can have a huge impact on your business.

互联网的好处之一是,它使企业可以组建来自世界各地的工人团队,以共同开展项目。 通过使这些团队能够以更轻松的方式进行协作,您可以更快地完成项目,这会对您的业务产生巨大影响。

Cloud hosting offers increased collaboration capacity for eCommerce businesses enabling team members to access, edit and share working documents at any time no matter where they are based. Using cloud-based workflow and file sharing applications, members can see real-time editing of their   collaborative work, ensuring that every member has the most up-to-date version. As the work is stored in the cloud, it is also secure, reducing the chance of intellectual property, personal data or important business information being leaked, stolen or lost.

云托管为电子商务企业提供了增强的协作能力,使团队成员随时随地都可以访问,编辑和共享工作文档。 使用基于云的工作流和文件共享应用程序,成员可以查看其协作工作的实时编辑,从而确保每个成员都具有最新版本。 由于工作存储在云中,因此它也是安全的,从而减少了知识产权,个人数据或重要业务信息被泄露,被盗或丢失的机会。

增强竞争力 (Boosts competitiveness)

When it comes to competition, cloud hosting is having a dramatic impact on eCommerce. The economies of scale advantages that big companies once had are being eroded. The cloud’s scalability and pay per consume model is enabling smaller retailers to be much more competitive. They now have access to the same enterprise-class technology but in cost efficient ways and, being more agile, they can move faster than the retail giants.

在竞争方面,云托管对电子商务产生了巨大影响。 大公司曾经拥有的规模经济优势正在受到侵蚀。 云的可扩展性和按次计费模式使较小的零售商更具竞争力。 他们现在可以使用相同的企业级技术,但以经济高效的方式使用,并且更加敏捷,与零售巨头相比,他们可以更快地行动。

The ability of the cloud to cost efficiently analyse big data is another reason by why many eCommerce businesses are seeing it as the way forward. The results of data analyses are enabling companies to better understand their business and their market, helping them develop new products, services and applications and gain significant advantages over their competitors.

云能够经济高效地分析大数据的能力是许多电子商务企业将其视为前进之路的另一个原因。 数据分析的结果使公司能够更好地了解他们的业务和市场,帮助他们开发新产品,服务和应用程序,并在竞争中获得明显的优势。

Those who haven’t yet started using cloud hosting (78% of British companies already have) will find their competitiveness reduced as migration increases. It is estimated that by 2017, 85% of UK business will have moved some of their operations to the cloud and 63% are likely to migrate their entire operations.

那些尚未开始使用云托管的人(已经有78%的英国公司已经使用云托管)将发现他们的竞争力随着迁移的增加而降低。 据估计,到2017年,英国85%的业务将部分业务转移到云中,而63%的业务可能会迁移到整个云业务。

However, if you are considering moving, the news is good. The deployment time taken in cloud computing is virtually zero and many of the critical applications used in eCommerce can be more efficiently deployed with cloud hosting.

但是,如果您考虑搬家,那么这个消息就很好。 云计算中的部署时间几乎为零,并且通过云托管可以更有效地部署电子商务中使用的许多关键应用程序。

结论 (Conclusion)

Cloud hosting is the way forward for today’s eCommerce businesses and more and more enterprises are making the transition. Cloud brings increased efficiency, tighter security and improved collaboration. It opens doors to better data analyses  and more productive ways to work, speeding up project completion and making companies more competitive.

云托管是当今电子商务业务的前进之路,越来越多的企业正在过渡。 云带来了更高的效率,更严格的安全性和改进的协作。 它为更好的数据分析和更高效的工作方式打开了大门,加快了项目的完成速度,并使公司更具竞争力。

If you are considering moving to the cloud and are looking for enterprise-class hosting at affordable rates, visit our cloud hosting page or our pay-as-you-go eNlight cloud hosting packages.


翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/why-cloud-is-the-best-solution-for-ecommerce-hosting/


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