

Choosing the right domain name and extension for your WordPress website is absolutely vital to the long-term success of your business. In this post, we’ll explain all the factors you need to consider to make sure your choice is the best one.

为您的WordPress网站选择正确的域名和扩展名对于企业的长期成功绝对至关重要。 在这篇文章中,我们将解释您需要考虑的所有因素,以确保您的选择是最佳选择。

什么是域名和扩展名? (What are domain names and extensions?)

All internet users will be familiar with domains names and extensions although you might not know the technical terms for them. Right now you are visiting eUKhost.com. The domain name is the name of the website: eUKhost and the extension is .com.

所有互联网用户都将熟悉域名和扩展名,尽管您可能不知道其技术术语。 现在,您正在访问eUKhost.com。 域名是网站的名称: eUKhost ,扩展名是.com

You can call your website’s domain anything you want provided it is over three letters long and only contains numbers, letters and hyphens. Extensions are used to help identify the type of website, such as .com (commercial), .org (organisation) or .gov (government).

只要您的网站域名超过三个字母,并且仅包含数字,字母和连字符,则可以将其命名为网站的域名。 扩展名用于帮助识别网站类型,例如.com(商业)、. org(组织)或.gov(政府)。

寻找正确的域名 (Finding the right domain name)

Far too many businesses put too little effort into thinking about the domain and suffer for it later on.


Buying a new domain further down the line and transferring content is not going to help if people have linked to your existing website already, so it is important that you get the right domain at the start and stick to it.


Before choosing your domain, there are a number of considerations which you need to make which we will cover in the next few paragraphs.


开展业务后命名您的网站 (Naming your website after your business)

Although most businesses will usually want to name their website after their business, this is not always straightforward nor is it always going to be the best solution.


If you’re a plc or limited company, your business name should be unique; however, if you are a sole trader, you might find there’s another sole trader elsewhere in the UK with a similar name and that they have taken your domain name. In which case, you will need to choose an alternative.

如果您是股份公司或有限公司,则您的公司名称应唯一; 但是,如果您是一家独家贸易商,则可能会发现在英国其他地方还有一家具有类似名称的独家贸易商,并且他们已经采用了您的域名。 在这种情况下,您将需要选择一个替代方案。

Another problem can come with the length of your name. If, like many legal or accountancy firms, your business name is a string of surnames, it might not be practical to use as a domain; pwc.co.uk is much easier for customers to remember and type than pricewaterhousecooper.co.uk.

您的名字长度可能会带来另一个问题。 如果像许多律师事务所或会计师事务所一样,您的企业名称是一串姓氏,那么将其用作域名可能不切实际; 与Pricewaterhousecooper.co.uk相比,pwc.co.uk对客户而言更容易记住和键入。

排名很高的名字 (Names that will rank highly)

One of the main considerations to think about when choosing a domain name is the ability of your website to be found on the internet and its potential for ranking highly.


To do this, it is always advisable to think about the search terms someone would use to find your business on the internet.


Let’s imagine you are a building company called Smith’s Builders that operates locally in the Derby area. If someone in Derby was looking for a local builder, they would search for ‘builders Derby’ or ‘Derby builders’. It would be much more beneficial for your website, therefore, to be called smithsbuildersderby.co.uk instead of just smiths.co.uk because the keywords are part of the name of the website. When finding the best sites to show in search results, search engines would see the relevance of your website just from the domain name.

假设您是一家名为Smith's Builders的建筑公司,该公司在Derby地区本地运营。 如果Derby中的某人正在寻找本地建筑商,则他们将搜索“ Derby建筑商”或“ Derby建筑商”。 因此,将您的网站称为smithsbuildersderby.co.uk而不是smiths.co.uk将对您的网站更加有利,因为关键字是网站名称的一部分。 当找到在搜索结果中显示最佳的网站时,搜索引擎将仅从域名中看到您网站的相关性。

This, of course, is not essential and for certain types of companies is not suitable. Other factors such as branding and corporate identity need to be taken into consideration.

当然,这不是必需的,并且对于某些类型的公司而言不适合。 需要考虑其他因素,例如品牌和企业形象。

研究您域名的关键术语 (Researching key terms for your domain name)

If you are going to use search terms in your domain name, it is important to do some research to see which are the most popular. Subtle differences can have big consequences.

如果您打算在域名中使用搜索字词,则必须进行一些研究以查看哪些最受欢迎。 细微的差异可能会带来重大后果。

If you sell hen coops, for example, you would benefit from knowing that far more people search for chicken coop than hen coop, so chickencoop.co.uk would be far more likely to generate business than hencoop.co.uk.


There are several online tools you can use to help you find out which search terms are the best to use in domain names. The two main tools are both available from Google. One is Google Trends which lets you compare the number of people searching for different terms with line graphs.

您可以使用多种在线工具来帮助您找出最适合在域名中使用的搜索词。 Google提供了两个主要工具。 一种是Google趋势 ,可让您将搜索不同字词的人数与线形图进行比较。


keyword planner

The other is Google Adwords Keyword Planner.

另一个是Google Adwords关键字规划师

This tool is used mainly to help businesses plan their advertising campaigns on Google and to use it you have to have a Google account and an Adwords account. However, both are free and you don’t need to buy any Google advertising to use it.

该工具主要用于帮助企业计划在Google上的广告系列,要使用该工具,您必须拥有Google帐户和Adwords帐户。 但是,两者都是免费的,您无需购买任何Google广告即可使用。

The Adwords Keyword Planner lets you find month by month search volumes for different keywords or phrases and can let you drill down to see similar keywords which other searchers are using.


Google Trends

As you can see from the graph above, our coop company would benefit greatly from using the domain chickencoop.co.uk instead of hencoop.co.uk as the term ‘chicken coop’ has over 90,000 searches a month compared to 590 for ‘hen coop’.


Whilst there is little difference in the meaning of the words, there is an enormous difference in their usage on the internet and only by researching keywords can you find this out.


寻找正确的扩展名 (Finding the right extension)

Getting the right extension for your website can be just as important as getting the domain name right. Until fairly recently there was a very limited choice in what extension you could use.

为您的网站获得正确的扩展名与获得正确的域名一样重要。 直到最近,您可以使用哪种扩展名的选择还是非常有限的。

The main extension is, and always has been, .com, which is mainly for the websites of commercial organisations based in the US or for non-US businesses who want to target a global audience.


Besides .com, the other main choice was the country extension. .co.uk for the UK, .fr for France, .de for Germany, etc. Choosing one of these domains, means that you are telling search engines that your target audience is located within that country, what is called geo-targeting.

除了.com以外,另一个主要选择是国家/地区扩展名。 选择.co.uk(英国)、. fr(法国)、. de(德国)等。选择其中一个域,意味着您要告诉搜索引擎您的目标受众位于该国家/地区内,这就是所谓的地理位置定位。

Choosing a country domain does have implications for your website. A co.uk domain may rank highly in the UK but is unlikely to feature highly everywhere else. If you are a UK based company wanting to sell internationally, then it is not the most appropriate extension for you.

选择国家/地区域名确实会对您的网站产生影响。 co.uk域名在英国可能排名很高,但在其他任何地方都不太可能具有很高的地位。 如果您是一家希望在国际范围内进行销售的英国公司,那么这对您来说不是最合适的扩展名。

If you do only trade within the UK, then it does have its merits. UK internet users have a far greater trust in websites with co.uk extensions than any other.

如果您仅在英国进行贸易,那么它确实有其优点。 英国的互联网用户对带有co.uk扩展名的网站的信任度远超其他任何网站。

The other principal choices in the past were .org, for non-business organisations, like charities, and .net which has always been preferred by internet companies. In addition there was the government extension .gov or .gov.uk and the education extension .edu or .ac.uk – however, you can only get these extensions if you are a genuine government or educational establishment.

过去,对于慈善机构等非商业组织来说,.org也是其他主要选择,而.net一直是互联网公司的首选。 此外,还有政府扩展名.gov或.gov.uk和教育扩展名.edu或.ac.uk –但是,只有当您是真正的政府或教育机构时,才能获得这些扩展名。

In recent years, however, the number of extensions has exploded. .co and .uk are becoming popular replacements for .co.uk and .biz can be used as an alternative to .com for small businesses. In addition, there are hundreds of new choices available which makes it quite difficult to choose.

但是,近年来,扩展的数量猛增。 .co和.uk逐渐成为.co.uk的替代品,.biz可用作小型企业.com的替代品。 此外,还有数百种新选择可供使用,这使得选择相当困难。

When it comes to a choice, you have to choose one that matches the type of company you are, the reputation you want to have and the trust and value your customers have in that domain extension.


Perhaps one of the benefits of these new domain extensions is in helping you to rank higher for specific search terms. So, for example, vets might do better with a .vet extension and physiotherapists might benefit from .physio.

这些新域扩展的好处之一可能是可以帮助您在特定搜索字词上获得更高的排名。 因此,例如,兽医用.vet扩展名可能会做的更好,而物理治疗师可能会受益于.physio。

选择多个域名扩展 (Choose more than one domain extension)

The cost of buying a new domain is not that expensive and if you value your business or brand name then it has always been advisable to buy all the top level domains for that name. If Smith’s Builders Derby become a leading building company and they only owned the smithsbuildersderby.co.uk website, then another building company can easily buy smithsbuildersderby.co and use Smith’s reputation to make money for themselves. This is known as ‘passing off’ and, although illegal, it does take place.

购买新域名的成本并不昂贵,如果您珍视自己的企业或品牌名称,那么始终建议为该名称购买所有顶级域名。 如果Smith's Builders Derby成为领先的建筑公司,而他们仅拥有smithsbuildersderby.co.uk网站,那么另一家建筑公司可以轻松购买smithsbuildersderby.co并利用Smith的声誉为自己赚钱。 这被称为“假冒”,尽管非法,但确实发生了。

It’s not been unknown either, for unscrupulous fraudsters to do something similar and build a cloned site and steal payments and credit card details from customers who thought they were at the legitimate site.


To protect your business’ online reputation, you should at least buy the .com and .co.uk versions even if you never use them.


购买域名 (Buying a domain)

You can buy domain names from most web hosts and it’s a fairly simple process. The domain name belongs to you as long as you keep it registered and you will need to pay a small fee to do this. Most companies do this over a one or two year cycle.

您可以从大多数网络主机购买域名,这是一个非常简单的过程。 只要您进行注册,该域名就属于您,并且您需要支付一小笔费用。 大多数公司会在一年或两年的周期内执行此操作。

The cost varies depending upon the domain extension and the host.


Before buying a domain, you will need to see if it is available. You can do this now by searching the eUKhost domain search tool. Simply type in the name of the domain you want to register (not the extension) and it will tell you if the name is available and if so which extensions are available for that name.

在购买域名之前,您需要查看其是否可用。 您现在可以通过搜索eUKhost域搜索工具来执行此操作。 只需输入您要注册的域名(而不是扩展名),它会告诉您该名称是否可用以及是否可以使用该名称的扩展名。

If the domain name you want is not available there is always the possibility that it is for sale. If you do a search for the website name you want and the result says that the website is unavailable it could mean that the owner is looking for a buyer. Domain names which are for sale can usually be found at domain marketplace sites like Sedo.

如果您想要的域名不可用,则总是有可能将其出售。 如果搜索所需的网站名称,结果显示该网站不可用,则可能意味着所有者正在寻找买家。 通常在诸如Sedo之类的域名市场站点上可以找到要出售的域名。

For more information about registering a domain, visit the eUKhost domains page or call us on 0800 862 0380. We’ll be happy to answer any questions you have.

有关注册域名的更多信息,请访问eUKhost 域名页面或致电0800 862 0380与我们联系。 我们很乐意回答您的任何问题。

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/why-choosing-the-right-domain-is-vital-for-wordpress-websites/






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