

Content Management Systems, otherwise shortened to CMS, are used as the base for many websites on the Internet. Whilst developing your own website from scratch may seem like the best option for those craving customisation and full control over how it works, most popular CMS programs offer a similar option and for all intents and purposes act as a skeleton on which you can add your own design with themes and functionality with plugins. CMS can also be regarded as being more secure as the developers of these systems often move to provide bug patches the moment any security holes are discovered. Here are the 5 top reasons why we think you should consider using a CMS…

内容管理系统,或简称为CMS,被用作Internet上许多网站的基础。 对于那些渴望自定义和完全控制其工作方式的人来说,从头开始开发自己的网站似乎是最佳选择,但大多数流行的CMS程序都提供了类似的选择,并且出于所有目的和目的,您可以在其中添加自己的网站主题设计和插件功能。 CMS也可以被视为更安全,因为一旦发现任何安全漏洞,这些系统的开发人员就会经常提供错误补丁。 这是我们认为您应该考虑使用CMS的5个主要理由...

1)即使对于非技术人员也很简单 (1) Simple even for non-technically minded users)

The chances are that you will find a CMS easy to install, no matter what your level of technical knowledge may be. CMS have evolved from being applications used only by experts to something that can be used by absolutely anyone, and the installation processes have also evolved to reflect this. Gone are the days when you had to download the files from a website, upload them to your web space and then perform the configurations manually, instead we find that many applications now feature simple installation wizards. This theme has also been continued with how a CMS website can be managed, as integrated administrations panels have made it far easier for users to edit their content, or expand their websites in the way of plugins and templates with minimal effort and absolutely no need for any technical knowledge.

无论您的技术知识水平如何,都有可能发现易于安装的CMS。 CMS已从仅由专家使用的应用程序演变为绝对可以由任何人使用的应用程序,并且安装过程也得到了发展以反映这一点。 必须从网站下载文件,将文件上传到网站空间然后手动执行配置的日子已经一去不复返了,相反,我们发现许多应用程序现在都具有简单的安装向导。 CMS网站的管理方式也延续了这一主题,因为集成的管理面板使用户更轻松地编辑内容或以插件和模板的方式扩展其网站,而无需花费太多精力,而且完全不需要任何技术知识。

2)可以分担管理职责 (2) Management duties can be shared)

In certain cases a website may be being managed by multiple people rather than having a single webmaster and to reflect this any good CMS will provide support for multiple users. You can then provide each of the site’s admins with their own user account so that they can then work in parallel and use the admin interface at the same time, rather than administration being limited to one person a time when you have multiple people sharing the same user account.

在某些情况下,一个网站可能是由多个人管理,而不是只有一个网站管理员,为了反映这一点,任何好的CMS都会为多个用户提供支持。 然后,您可以为网站的每个管理员提供他们自己的用户帐户,以便他们可以并行工作并同时使用管理界面,而不是在多个人共享同一用户时一次只限于一个人进行管理用户帐号。

3)扩展功能 (3) Expandable functionality)

Most popular CMS applications have large community followings that are there to provide support and assistance in lieu of any official sources. With these communities come a number of developers who like to expand the functionality of these applications with the use of extra plugins, a feature included with most CMS. Using WordPress as an example, although the application is already feature-rich, if there is an additional feature that you would like to use with your installation then the chances are that somebody has already developed a free plugin to fulfil that purpose. The same can be said for other popular CMS such as Joomla and Drupal; whilst expanding the functionality of your own website could take a lot longer because you have to develop your own code, if you rely on a CMS instead then you can tap into the collections of third-party plugins that can provide the functionality that you are after for little to no work on your part.

大多数流行的CMS应用程序都有大量的社区关注者,可以代替任何官方来源提供支持和帮助。 随着这些社区的发展,许多开发人员希望通过使用额外的插件来扩展这些应用程序的功能,这是大多数CMS附带的功能。 以WordPress为例,尽管该应用程序已经具有丰富的功能,但是如果您想在安装中使用其他功能,则很可能有人已经开发了一个免费插件来实现该目的。 对于其他流行的CMS,例如Joomla和Drupal,也可以这样说。 同时扩展自己网站的功能可能需要更长的时间,因为您必须开发自己的代码,而如果您依靠CMS,则可以利用可以提供您所需要的功能的第三方插件集合几乎不需要您做任何工作。

4)设计网站并不需要弄乱每个页面 (4) Designing your site doesn’t require messing with every page)

Similarly to the plugins that are available for many CMS, theme functionality will also be included so that you can change the design of your website with just a single click in most cases. This means that when creating a design for your site, all it will take is for you to develop a template/theme based on the instructions provided in the documentation, upload this to your web space, apply it as necessary, then you should find that all of your pages now follow the same universal look. As you can see it’s a lot less hassle that is involved with designing your own website or CMS from scratch. If you aren’t the most creative of people then for any popular CMS you can expect there to be an abundance of third-party themes for you to choose from.

与许多CMS可用的插件类似,主题功能也将包括在内,以便在大多数情况下您只需单击即可更改网站的设计。 这意味着在为您的网站创建设计时,要做的只是根据文档中提供的说明开发模板/主题,将其上传到您的网站空间,并根据需要应用,然后您应该找到现在,您所有的页面都具有相同的通用外观。 如您所见,从头开始设计自己的网站或CMS所涉及的麻烦要少得多。 如果您不是最有创造力的人,那么对于任何流行的CMS,您都可以期望有大量的第三方主题供您选择。

5)编辑变得简单 (5) Editing made simple)

Most popular CMS applications feature a web-based administration interface that provides all the features that you need to keep your site’s content up-to-date. With sites that have been developed using static HTML pages, when you need to update particular elements of your content then you have to update individual pages and then re-upload these to your web space. Depending on the number of pages that require modification and the changes that you need to make, this can be quickly become a time consuming process. With a CMS all you will need to do is login to the admin panel, choose the page that you would like to change and then modify it directly in the browser, the changes will be reflected immediately once you’ve saved them – no need to re-upload anything or modify multiple pages.

大多数流行的CMS应用程序都具有基于Web的管理界面,该界面提供了使网站内容保持最新所需的所有功能。 对于使用静态HTML页面开发的网站,当您需要更新内容的特定元素时,则必须更新单个页面,然后将其重新上传到您的网站空间。 根据需要修改的页面数和需要进行的更改,此过程可能很快成为一个耗时的过程。 使用CMS,您需要做的就是登录管理面板,选择要更改的页面,然后直接在浏览器中对其进行修改,更改保存后将立即反映出来–无需重新上传任何内容或修改多个页面。







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