

Private clouds can be expensive, large scale projects that are carried out over a number of years. They’re designed to offer customers near-limitless capacity and a cost-effective way of consolidating their physical server footprint. However, the future of the private cloud is a bit hazy with many large enterprises choosing to keep a large proportion of their IT services in-house so that they can retain more control, but more importantly to meet regulatory requirements. The costs involved have meant that many businesses have been taking a staggered approach to cloud migration, instead choosing to move as old hardware reaches the end of its useful life rather than moving everything over in one go.

私有云可能是花费数年之久的昂贵,大规模的项目。 它们旨在为客户提供近乎无限的容量,以及以经济高效的方式整合其物理服务器占用空间的方式。 但是,私有云的未来有些模糊,许多大型企业选择将大部分IT服务保留在内部,以便它们可以保留更多控制权,但更重要的是满足法规要求。 所涉及的成本意味着许多企业已经采取了交错迁移的方法来迁移云,而不是选择在旧硬件使用寿命到期时迁移,而不是一劳永逸。

大公司积极向公共云迈进 (Big companies moving aggressively towards the public cloud)

With a private cloud, a business will purchase an environment of a pre-agreed capacity; this capacity can be assigned to virtual machines so that a tailored infrastructure can be created. However, the drawback of this are that the capacity could at some point become limiting, or the customer may fail to utilise the capacity effectively and could be left with a large amount of redundant resources.

借助私有云,企业将购买预先约定的容量的环境; 可以将该容量分配给虚拟机,以便创建定制的基础架构。 但是,这样做的缺点是容量可能在某个时候受到限制,或者客户可能无法有效利用容量,并可能留下大量的冗余资源。

The public cloud on the other hand provides an abundance of resources that customers can access in the same way that they’d be able to in the private cloud, the difference being that they’re only paying for their usage and not a pre-defined infrastructure that may not completely engage with their requirements in the long-term.


托管解决方案代表了具有成本效益的支持策略 (Hosted solutions represent cost-effective support strategy)

Hosted solutions are private cloud products that are sold by web hosting companies; customers are provided with their own private cloud infrastructure, but the underlying hardware is owned and supported by the hosting company. Whilst these solutions require only a small initial outlay, in the long-term they can prove to be the most costly option as you will be paying the same price every month for as long as you utilise the service, whereas if you invest in your own hardware then whether you pay for the equipment outright or get it on finance, once the balance is paid off the hardware will still have a residual value. However, for many the attraction of hosted services is the level of support that accompanies these packages.

托管解决方案是由网络托管公司出售的私有云产品; 向客户提供了他们自己的私有云基础结构,但是基础硬件由托管公司拥有并提供支持。 虽然这些解决方案只需要很小的初始支出,但从长远来看,它们可以证明是最昂贵的选择,因为只要您使用该服务,您每月就要支付相同的价格,而如果您自己投资,硬件,则无论您是直接购买设备还是通过财务获得资金,一旦余额付清,硬件仍将具有残值。 但是,对于许多托管服务而言,这些软件包所提供的支持水平才是吸引人的地方。

IT support can be a major expense for businesses of any size, and a hosted solution is one way in which this cost can be cut since the expense of support will be included in the price for the private cloud, reducing the need for private cloud customers to retain their own internal IT departments. The issue with retaining an internal IT department for such purposes is that you will have to pay them even when there may not necessarily be any work for them to do, whereas for a lower cost you can call on the cloud provider’s support team to offer assistance whenever you need them. Outsourced support also has the benefit of being 24 hours, whilst if you were to maintain an IT department internally on such hours then the cost would likely be very prohibitive.

IT支持可能是任何规模的企业的主要支出,而托管解决方案是削减成本的一种方式,因为支持费用将包括在私有云的价格中,从而减少了对私有云客户的需求保留自己的内部IT部门。 为此目的而保留内部IT部门的问题是,即使他们不一定要做任何工作,您也必须向他们付款,而您可以以较低的成本向云提供商的支持团队寻求帮助每当您需要它们时。 外包支持还具有24小时制的优势,而如果您要在这些小时内在内部维护IT部门,则成本可能会非常高。

Hosted solutions may represent the most cost-effective solution for businesses looking for a package that combines support with the service, but a hosted solution can be prohibitive for some, citing the lack of control over what hardware is used and there being no physical access to the servers.


混云 (Mixing the clouds)

There is very few companies that have a need to migrate their entire infrastructure to the cloud, in scenarios where existing hardware is not yet at the end of its useful life or particular applications are better suited to dedicated hardware, businesses are likely to stall the migration in favour of moving things over at a time that will be least disruptive and most financially sensible. Hybrid cloud products let businesses utilise a bit of everything; public cloud servers can be integrated with a private cloud infrastructure, whilst all of this can be configured to work with a business’s existing dedicated hardware infrastructure – even if this hardware is hosted internally or at a remote location.

在现有硬件尚未达到使用寿命或特定应用程序更适合专用硬件的情况下,很少有公司需要将其整个基础架构迁移到云,因此企业很可能会停止迁移支持在最小的破坏性和最明智的财务状况下移动事物。 混合云产品使企业可以充分利用一切; 公共云服务器可以与私有云基础结构集成,而所有这些都可以配置为与企业现有的专用硬件基础结构一起使用-即使该硬件是内部托管或位于远程位置。

Such an approach to the cloud enables business to tailor a platform that is complimentary of all of their requirements; some view the cloud as trying to provide a ‘one size fits all’ solution when there’s some aspects that may be better off hosted in-house or on dedicated hardware, and hybrid cloud products let businesses utilise their existing platforms and make use of new technologies concurrently.

这种针对云的方法使企业能够定制满足其所有需求的平台。 有些人认为云在尝试提供“一刀切”的解决方案时存在某些方面可能比内部托管或专用硬件更好,并且混合云产品使企业可以利用其现有平台并利用新技术同时。

The hybrid cloud could be a catalyst for utilising the private cloud in the future. Rather than businesses purchasing and maintaining a single private cloud environment, the hybrid connector will enable them to pick and choose the cloud elements that they use.

混合云可能会成为将来利用私有云的催化剂。 混合连接器使企业能够选择自己使用的云元素,而不是购买和维护单个私有云环境。

法规要求的影响 (The impact of regulatory requirements)

Most businesses have to work to regulatory requirements dictating how the personal information of their customers can be handled and these requirements have in some cases been restricting the level to which an organisation can engage with the private cloud. Using banks and financial institutions as an example, regulations prevent them from holding any personally identifiable information and details in a cloud environment; whilst anonymised data can be held in the cloud, any identifiable information has to be hosted on their own internal systems. It is for this reason that such establishments have been utilising a hybrid approach since this enables them to cut their IT costs and tap into the latest technologies without breaking the rules the govern their industry.

大多数企业必须遵守法规要求,以决定如何处理其客户的个人信息,并且在某些情况下,这些要求限制了组织与私有云互动的级别。 法规以银行和金融机构为例,阻止它们在云环境中保存任何个人身份信息和详细信息; 尽管匿名数据可以存储在云中,但任何可识别的信息都必须托管在其自己的内部系统中。 出于这个原因,这样的企业一直在使用混合方法,因为这使他们能够削减IT成本并利用最新技术,而不会违反管理其行业的规则。

I would say that the private cloud does have a sustainable future, primarily with larger enterprises for which it isn’t possible to share a hosting environment with any other users. Whilst I don’t expect to see too many standalone private cloud environments, a private cloud as part of a hybrid solution will enable customers to choose where they host which services and a mix of public, private and dedicated means that there will always be a platform available for whatever a specific applications requirements may be. It won’t disappear completely, but its use will decline slightly as customers realise the cost benefits of the public cloud and the private benefits of retaining a certain proportion of services in-house.

我要说的是,私有云确实具有可持续的未来,主要是与无法与其他任何用户共享托管环境的大型企业。 虽然我不希望看到太多的独立私有云环境,但作为混合解决方案一部分的私有云将使客户能够选择托管服务的位置,以及公共,私有和专用的混合,这将始终平台可满足特定的应用程序需求。 它不会完全消失,但是随着客户意识到公共云的成本优势和保留一定比例的内部服务的私人优势,其使用率将略有下降。

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/what-is-the-future-of-the-private-cloud/






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