

Desktop web editors often offer two different modes – the WYSIWYG editor with which you can add elements and alter them graphically, allowing you effectively draw your web pages out, and the coding mode with which you can enter the raw HTML of the page you are trying to create. This approach is so that these products appeal to the novices, who are likely to choose the WYSIWYG option, and more experienced users who prefer to code their websites using their own knowledge and raw HTML.

桌面Web编辑器通常提供两种不同的模式–所见即所得(WYSIWYG)编辑器,您可以用其添加元素并以图形方式对其进行更改,从而使您可以有效地绘制网页,而编码模式则可以输入所尝试页面的原始HTML。创造。 这种方法使这些产品吸引了可能会选择“所见即所得”选项的新手,以及更喜欢使用自己的知识和原始HTML编写网站代码的更有经验的用户。

Coding a website manually can lead to greater functionality


As a web developer, you should always endeavour to craft your websites manually because this can lead to increased functionality by incorporating objects that may be part of a coding framework, but aren’t supported by the editor that you are using. By creating your own code, you have the power to incorporate whatever features you choose.

作为Web开发人员,您应该始终努力手工制作网站,因为通过合并可能属于编码框架但不受您使用的编辑器支持的对象,可以提高功能性。 通过创建自己的代码,您可以合并所选的任何功能。

If you want to rely on a WYSIWYG editor for creating and maintaining your website then it can be costly to keep up-to-date with the latest versions, and if you want to make the most of the latest web technologies such as HTML5 and CSS3 then the latest version will always be a must if elements of them are to be included as features. However, if you take the time to learn coding for yourself then you won’t need to fork out for an expensive editor and can instead code using a simple text editor (i.e. Notepad for Windows or TextEdit for OSX) and can incorporate new HTML or server-side code features as they are released because all you’ll need to do is enter the relevant code rather than wait for the feature to be included as a module for a WYSIWYG editor.

如果您想依靠WYSIWYG编辑器来创建和维护您的网站,则保持最新版本的成本可能很高,并且您想充分利用HTML5和CSS3等最新的网络技术那么如果要将其中的元素作为功能部件包含在内,则始终必须是最新版本。 但是,如果您花时间学习自己的编码,则无需花钱购买昂贵的编辑器,而可以使用简单的文本编辑器(例如Windows的记事本或OSX的TextEdit)进行编码,并且可以合并新HTML或发布服务器端代码功能,因为您所需要做的就是输入相关代码,而不是等待该功能作为所见即所得编辑器的模块包含在内。

WYSIWYG editors can present a distorted view


Depending on the rendering engine used by a WYSIWYG editor, what you see in the editor may not actually be what your website visitors see. Because different browsers use different rendering engines that interpret web standards in their own way, the result can be a website that looks as it should in one browser may look entirely different with objects out of place in another browser. The same idea can be applied to the way in which a WYSIWYG editor designs a website, so you may have your pages looking exactly how you want them to look in your editor of choice, but because of the way the browser interprets the code generated by the editor, your pages could look completely different and not how you want them to look in the browser.

根据所见即所得编辑器使用的呈现引擎,您在编辑器中看到的实际上可能不是您的网站访问者看到的。 由于不同的浏览器使用不同的渲染引擎以自己的方式解释Web标准,因此结果可能是一个网站看起来像在一个浏览器中看起来可能完全不同,而对象在另一个浏览器中看起来就完全不同。 可以将相同的想法应用于所见即所得(WYSIWYG)编辑器设计网站的方式,因此您可能会在选择的编辑器中使页面看上去完全像您希望它们显示的样子,但是由于浏览器解释由以下代码生成的代码的方式在编辑器中,您的页面看起来可能完全不同,而不是您希望它们在浏览器中的外观。

Further to this, many WYSIWYG editors fails to generate code that is standards compliant and so this could further enhance compatibility issues with particular web browsers. Where you are trying to develop a website that is accessible to all, a WYSIWYG editor wouldn’t be the wisest route to go down because you are unlikely to create a final product that fulfils the original specification.

除此之外,许多所见即所得的编辑器都无法生成符合标准的代码,因此这可能会进一步加剧与特定Web浏览器的兼容性问题。 如果您要开发一个所有人都可以访问的网站,那么所见即所得的编辑器并不是最明智的选择,因为您不太可能创建出符合原始规格的最终产品。

There are many websites from which you can learn coding, whether it be HTML for client interfaces or a server side language for a backend system. It would be much wiser to invest your time and money in this than a WYSIWYG editor because by doing so you can create your own websites that follow the standards that you are looking to adhere to – more importantly however, you get a good grasp of how things work which is never a bad thing. Developing your own code is also likely to result in a more robust final product that is much more secure; some editors can chuck out fairly run of the mill, insecure code, that could leave your website vulnerable to attack – again, if you do all this by hand then you know what is what and will have a sense of how secure your site is.

您可以从许多网站上学习编码,无论是客户端界面HTML还是后端系统的服务器端语言。 比起所见即所得的编辑器,将时间和金钱花在这上面会更明智,因为这样做可以创建自己的网站,这些网站遵循您要遵守的标准–但是,更重要的是,您可以很好地了解如何一切正常,这绝不是一件坏事。 开发自己的代码也可能会导致更强大的最终产品更安全。 一些编辑者可能会剔除运行正常,代码不安全的代码,这可能会使您的网站容易受到攻击-再次,如果您手动完成所有这些操作,您就会知道这是什么,并且会感觉到您的网站有多安全。

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/better-create-website-using-wysiwyg-editor-code-hand/






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