
WordPress is one of the most popular blogging applications available, although it is now more commonly used as a general purpose content management system (CMS). It has been quoted that out of the top 10 million websites that run on the public Internet, 18.9% of these run WordPress; there is also high probability that there are probably a number of internal corporate websites that are running the application as well.

WordPress是目前可用的最流行的博客应用程序之一,尽管它现在更普遍地用作通用内容管理系统(CMS)。 据引用,在公共互联网上运行的前1000万个网站中,有18.9%运行WordPress ; 也很有可能还有许多内部公司网站也在运行该应用程序。

Extended collection of third-party plugins


WordPress is well known for its large plugins database, which stood at 30,000 at least count. The database is so large that there is plugin available for pretty much any purpose that isn’t included as part of the core of WordPress, meaning that the basic application can be built upon to serve a wide variety of websites. Many of the plugins are third-party plugins that have been released as open source applications by their developers and this of course means that they are free to use; a site that would have previously taken a trained web developer several weeks to put together can now be constructed in just a few minutes by a novice using WordPress and the necessary plugins. It is this combination of power and simplicity that has helped to excel the uptake of WordPress.

WordPress以其大型插件数据库而闻名,该数据库至少有30,000个。 该数据库是如此之大,以至于几乎没有任何目的可用于WordPress核心部分而未包含任何插件,这意味着可以基于该基本应用程序来为各种网站提供服务。 许多插件是第三方插件,开发人员已将其作为开源应用程序发布,这当然意味着它们可以免费使用; 现在,一个新手可以使用WordPress和必要的插件,在短短几分钟内就可以建立一个原本需要经过培训的Web开发人员才能放在一起的网站。 正是这种强大功能和简单性的结合,才使得WordPress的使用更加出色。

Powerful and well documented API


All those plugins need to have a way of accessing the core WordPress application, and so this is achieved with the use of an API (Application Programming Interface) and what are known as ‘action hooks’, which allow developers to hook their custom functions in with functions that are part of the WordPress core so that the core functions are able to execute the custom functions as they are executed themselves. If third-party plugins aren’t your thing then you can of course create your own plugins!

所有这些插件都需要有一种访问核心WordPress应用程序的方式,因此,可以通过使用API​​(应用程序编程接口)和所谓的“动作挂钩”来实现这一目的,开发人员可以在其中挂钩其自定义功能具有属于WordPress核心的功能,以便核心功能能够在自执行时执行自定义功能。 如果您不需要第三方插件,那么您当然可以创建自己的插件!

The powerful API means that developers are able to save a substantial amount of time when developing a new website. By customizing the operation of a WordPress installation and with the use of a custom theme, overall you can create a custom solution that utilises WordPress at its core by your end-users will be oblivious to this fact.

强大的API意味着开发人员在开发新网站时可以节省大量时间。 通过自定义WordPress安装的操作并使用自定义主题,总体而言,您可以创建一个最终用户可以忽略以WordPress为核心的自定义解决方案。

Multi purpose platform


WordPress was designed and is designed to be a blogging platform first. Although it offers a feature to let you manage pages and menus, it has always been a blogging application. However, its powerful page management system and relatively intuitive admin interface have led it to become a general purpose content management system. When webmasters are updating a website on a regular basis on would like to delegate the task to other people, then a slick and easy to use interface is essential because other users may be good at handling content but may lack the skills necessary to navigate a complex interface. The WordPress user management system also enables users to be assigned different levels depending on their role in the website; for example, an editor can be responsible for reviewing and publishing the content of others without having admin access to anything else, whilst the most basic user account can be attributed contributor status meaning that the user can only create, view and modify their own content.

WordPress的设计初衷是成为博客平台。 尽管它提供了允许您管理页面和菜单的功能,但它始终是博客应用程序。 但是,其功能强大的页面管理系统和相对直观的管理界面已使其成为通用的内容管理系统。 当网站管理员要定期将网站委派给其他人时,光滑而易于使用的界面必不可少,因为其他用户可能擅长处理内容,但可能缺乏浏览复杂内容所需的技能接口。 WordPress用户管理系统还使用户可以根据其在网站中的角色分配不同的级别; 例如,编辑者可以负责审阅和发布其他人的内容,而无需管理员访问其他任何内容,而最基本的用户帐户可以被赋予贡献者身份,这意味着用户只能创建,查看和修改自己的内容。

I would say that its WordPress’ ability to be treated as a general purpose that has made it so popular. Having been created as a blogging tool primarily, a lot of focus has been placed on developing a solution that is able to handle content and media simply yet effectively, succeeding in an area where primarily general purpose CMS fail as they try to cram their WYSIWYG editors with too many features and options that even the most seasoned of webmasters won’t have a use for. The powerful API and the plugin community that it has spawned have also contributed greatly to the success of the platform in my eyes because even a novice can now create a relatively feature rich website in just a few minutes with literally just a few clicks – they can also make it look good as well by using one of the many freely available themes!

我要说的是它的WordPress被视为通用的能力,这使其变得如此流行。 主要是作为博客工具创建的,因此,很多注意力都集中在开发一种能够简单而有效地处理内容和媒体的解决方案上,从而在一个主要的通用CMS因试图填补自己的所见即所得编辑器而失败的领域取得了成功具有太多的功能和选项,即使是最老练的网站管理员也不会使用。 在我眼中,强大的API和所产生的插件社区也为该平台的成功做出了巨大贡献,因为即使是新手,现在也可以在短短几下的时间内在几分钟内创建功能相对丰富的网站-他们可以还可以通过使用许多免费提供的主题之一使它看起来也不错!

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/wordpress-became-popular/





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