cloudflare_CloudFlare CDN和优化



We are pleased to have partnered with CloudFlare to offer its innovative next-generation content-delivery and caching service which all shared and reseller hosting customers can take advantage of by enabling it directly within the cPanel control panel. Many of the features offered are absolutely free to use, including its content delivery network (CDN), content caching and malicious traffic protection.

我们很高兴与CloudFlare合作,提供其创新的下一代内容交付和缓存服务,所有共享和转销商托管客户都可以通过直接在cPanel控制面板中启用它来利用该服务。 提供的许多功能是绝对免费的,包括其内容交付网络(CDN),内容缓存和恶意流量保护。

In this article, we’ll explain just what CloudFlare is, what it does and why all kinds of websites – from static to dynamic websites and blogs – can benefit from the services CloudFlare offers that helps to ‘supercharge your website’.


It is probably a good time to try and explain what category CloudFlare fits in and what exactly the service competes with. Of course, CloudFlare competes with the likes of Amazon’s CloudFront and others – but, strictly-speaking – it isn’t just a CDN. Try to consider the CDN aspect as one of the features which CloudFlare offers – realistically, it fits in more than one category. Things like content caching, code compression and minification, and malicious traffic protection – these are not offered by other CDN providers.

现在可能是一个很好的时机,尝试解释CloudFlare适合的类别以及该服务与之竞争的内容。 当然,CloudFlare可以与Amazon的CloudFront等公司竞争,但严格来说,它不仅仅是 CDN。 尝试将CDN方面视为CloudFlare提供的功能之一-实际上,它可用于多个类别。 诸如内容缓存,代码压缩和压缩以及恶意流量保护之类的内容-其他CDN提供商未提供。

Using CloudFlare


CloudFlare is surprisingly very easy to set up and use. In fact there is very little that you need to do. The service works on the network level – all you need to do is change your domain’s nameservers, and it does the rest. On set up, it automatically determines where it needs to send requests if it needs to be processed by our servers (e.g. server-side applications which you have installed – such as forums). Note that server-side applications are still served by our servers – CloudFlare will direct that traffic to our servers.

令人惊讶的是,CloudFlare非常易于设置和使用。 实际上,您几乎不需要执行任何操作。 该服务在网络级别上起作用–您要做的就是更改域的名称服务器,其余的工作就完成了。 设置后,如果需要由我们的服务器(例如,您已安装的服务器端应用程序,例如论坛)进行处理,它将自动确定需要将请求发送到何处。 请注意,服务器端应用程序仍由我们的服务器提供服务-CloudFlare会将流量定向到我们的服务器。

Benefits of CloudFlare


  • Accelerates your website’s speed and performance with its distributed delivery network spanning 23 data centres worldwide.


  • Compresses and minifies CSS and JavaScript, and consolidates multiple JavaScript files into single requests.


  • Caches your site’s content: This way, requests may not even need to reach our servers if CloudFlare can deliver a cached version of the page they’re trying to reach.


  • Protects your website against malicious traffic by blocking them before they reach your website. You have fine-grained control over what CloudFlare should do with any malicious traffic it detects.

    通过阻止恶意流量进入您的网站,从而保护您的网站免受恶意流量的侵扰。 您可以精细地控制CloudFlare应该如何处理其检测到的任何恶意流量。

Let’s take a look at each benefit in detail.


Content delivery network


Using CloudFlare brings almost immediate benefits – its content delivery network helps to reduce hops and lowers latency. Because CloudFlare has delivery points around the world, wherever your visitor is – they will experience a fast and speedy experience visiting your website.

使用CloudFlare几乎带来了直接的好处-其内容交付网络有助于减少跳数并降低延迟。 由于CloudFlare在世界各地都设有交付点,无论您的访客在哪里–他们都会在访问您的网站时获得快速便捷的体验。

Compression and code minification


Part of the work on making your website as speedy and responsiveness as possible is making sure your code is optimised. The CloudFlare optimiser does just that – it compresses CSS and JavaScript code as much as possible and combines multiple JavaScript files into a single request to lower the overhead of multiple network requests.

使您的网站尽可能快速和快速响应的部分工作是确保代码得到优化。 CloudFlare优化器就是这样做的-它尽可能地压缩CSS和JavaScript代码,并将多个JavaScript文件组合到一个请求中,以降低多个网络请求的开销。

CloudFlare does this automatically without requiring you to make any software or code changes. Quite simply, the only thing you need to do is to change your domain’s nameservers – CloudFlare does the rest.

CloudFlare会自动执行此操作,而无需您进行任何软件或代码更改。 简而言之,您唯一需要做的就是更改域的名称服务器-剩下的事情由CloudFlare完成。

Caching of site content


It automatically determines what part of your website can be cached and what can’t, and it does this for you seamlessly. Caching allows CloudFlare to deliver the content which a visitor is requesting without ever needing to reach our servers in the first place. With content caching, many requests are handled completely on CloudFlare’s network without having to reach our servers at all.

它会自动确定您网站的哪些部分可以缓存,哪些内容不能缓存,并为您无缝完成。 缓存使CloudFlare可以交付访问者所请求的内容,而无需首先到达我们的服务器。 借助内容缓存,CloudFlare的网络上可以完全处理许多请求,而完全不必到达我们的服务器。

As you can imagine, this can save you a lot of bandwidth and server resources.


Protects against malicious traffic


It sounds unbelievable but is true – CloudFlare helps to protect your website against malicious traffic, and can defend against a wide-variety of malicious attacks like SQL injections, XSS and DDOS attacks. How does it do this, you ask? CloudFlare handles millions of requests every day, and along with external sources like Spam Honeypot, has a broad view on whether traffic attempting to access a website is malicious. On default settings, CloudFlare will block most malicious traffic from even reaching your website.

这听起来令人难以置信,但却是事实– CloudFlare有助于保护您的网站免受恶意流量的侵扰,并且可以防御各种恶意攻击,例如SQL注入,XSS和DDOS攻击。 您问这是怎么做到的? CloudFlare每天处理数百万个请求,并且与Spam Honeypot等外部来源一起,对试图访问网站的流量是否为恶意软件具有广泛的了解。 在默认设置下,CloudFlare将阻止大多数恶意流量甚至到达您的网站。

CloudFlare gets more intelligent over time and learns about new threats very quickly. What types of threats does it help protect against, you ask?

随着时间的流逝,CloudFlare变得更加智能,并很快了解新的威胁。 您会问,它可以防御哪些类型的威胁?

  • SQL Injections


  • XSS (Cross-Site Scripting) Attacks


  • DDOS Attacks


  • Comment and post spammers


How do I get started using CloudFlare?


It’s really easy. Simply log in to your cPanel control panel and find CloudFlare which is listed under the Software/Services category. Then simply:

真的很简单。 只需登录到cPanel控制面板,然后找到“ 软件/服务”类别下列出的CloudFlare 。 然后简单地:

  • Enter in your e-mail address and check your e-mail for CloudFlare login details


  • Change your domain’s nameservers to the ones specified by CloudFlare


  • Configure a few options, and you’re done – it’s that simple


We’ve created a page on our website where you can learn more about CloudFlare.


Have a question about CloudFlare? Call our knowledgeable sales team on 0800 862 0380.

关于CloudFlare 的问题 吗? 致电我们经验丰富的销售团队0800 862 0380







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