

domain name extension, web hosting

Your domain name is your identity over the world wide web. It is something that determines your existence on the internet. Considering that the pool of domain names is shrinking rapidly, getting the ideal domain name for your business website might be a difficult task. When you find the appropriate domain name that is available for registration, you might end up with the most common domain name extension – .com. Getting a .com domain name extension might look perfect for you, however, things have changed when it comes to the modern internet world. There is a lot of competition around; with one small drawback you can give a huge opportunity to your competitor to outpace you.

您的域名是您在万维网上的身份。 它决定了您在互联网上的存在。 考虑到域名池正在Swift缩小,为企业网站获取理想的域名可能是一项艰巨的任务。 当找到可用于注册的适当域名时,您可能会得到最常见的域名扩展名-.com。 获得.com域名扩展名可能对您来说似乎很完美,但是,在现代互联网世界中,情况已经发生了变化。 周围有很多竞争。 一个小缺点就是您可以给竞争对手提供超越您的巨大机会。

Most of the business owners do not really comprehend the importance of getting multiple domain name extensions registered. If you aim at creating a strong brand identity for your business website online, investing in multiple domain name extensions is crucial. For instance, .biz, .net, .org, .info and the latest one is .mobi. You can also invest in country specific domain name extension like .co.uk or .au depending on the country you are operating in. The more you have under your array the better it is. Otherwise you give a chance to your competitors to register similar domain names and take advantage of your online identity on the internet.

大多数企业主并不真正理解注册多个域名扩展的重要性。 如果您打算在网上为您的企业网站创建强大的品牌形象,那么投资多个域名扩展至关重要。 例如,.biz,.net,.org,.info,最新的是.mobi。 您还可以投资特定国家/地区的域名扩展名,例如.co.uk或.au,具体取决于您所在的国家/地区。阵列中的资产越多越好。 否则,您就有机会让竞争对手注册相似的域名并利用互联网上的在线身份。

Here is more information on why registering multiple domain name extensions is so important:


In accordance with a general observation, people usually remember only the company name and not the accurate website address. In case they do not remember it, they will just run a search with your business name for locating your company website on the internet. Whichever result will be listed first, they will click on it. In case your competitor has optimized the website smartly, there are chances that his website will top the search engine list for your domain name. Even if a customer remembers your domain name, there are rare possibilities that he / she would remember the domain name extension. Therefore, it is important that you secure your online identity over the web in such a way that no matter which domain name extension people type for searching your business website, it must lead to your website.

根据一般观察,人们通常只记得公司名称,而不记得准确的网站地址。 如果他们不记得了,他们只会使用您的公司名称进行搜索,以在互联网上找到您的公司网站。 无论哪个结果将首先列出,他们都会单击它。 如果您的竞争对手巧妙地优化了网站,那么他的网站很有可能会在您的域名的搜索引擎列表中排名第一。 即使客户记住您的域名,他/她也很可能会记住域名扩展名。 因此,重要的是,您必须以某种方式保护网络上的在线身份,以便无论键入哪个域名扩展名的人来搜索您的企业网站,都必须将其引至您的网站。

By doing this, you will be able to keep your online identity intact. You will also have an assurance that your prospect will land only on your website and not on any other competitor website after searching for your business name online.

这样,您将能够保持在线身份不变。 您还将确保在网上搜索您的商户名称后,您的潜在客户只会进入您的网站,而不会进入任何其他竞争对手的网站。

An Opportunity To Target Geo-location Specific Traffic


By registering a geo-location based tld like .co.uk, .us or .ca, you will have a wider horizon for spreading your business name across different geo-locations and cater to the location specific audience. Since the inception of internet, there has been a substantial increase in the eCommerce industry that has gone beyond the geographical regions. Even then, there are specific products / services that are specifically targeted towards the local customers. Moreover, this also helps with targeting the appropriate people belonging to a specific location who would be interested in your website.

通过注册基于地理位置的tld(如.co.uk,.us或.ca),您将拥有更广阔的视野,可将您的公司名称分布在不同的地理位置,并满足特定位置的受众。 自从互联网问世以来,电子商务行业的发展已大大超出了地理区域。 即便如此,仍然有专门针对本地客户的特定产品/服务。 此外,这还有助于定位将对您的网站感兴趣的属于特定位置的适当人员。

Protecting Your Brand Identity Through Registering Multiple Domain Name Extensions:


* Protect your brand online by preventing the competition from registering similar domain names


* Prevent people from registering alternate extensions for unscrupulous purposes


* Promote various products / services to specific markets


* Strengthen your search engine listing


* Generate higher volume of targeted incoming traffic to your website by diverting the relative domain names


* Create unique online marketing strategies targeting different markets


* Provide people more ways to find you on the internet


domain name, web hosting

Domain Forwarding – Managing A Website With Multiple Domain Name Extensions


There are great benefits for having your business name registered for various tlds. It’s perfectly fine if you do not wish to create different website for every tld, you may select a domain forwarding service available with your web hosting package and forward it to the primary domain. Through this utility, a domain name can be redirected to any domain name of your preference. For instance, if your primary domain name is www.yourbusinesswebsite.biz, you can register the other domain name extensions and set a redirect to the primary website address. Thereby, if anyone accesses www.yourbusinesswebsite.com, he/she should be automatically redirected to www.yourbusinesswebsite.biz.

为各种顶级域名注册您的公司名称有很大的好处。 如果您不想为每个顶级域名(TLD)创建不同的网站,那就太好了,您可以选择网络托管软件包中提供的域名转发服务,并将其转发到主域名。 通过此实用程序,可以将域名重定向到您喜欢的任何域名。 例如,如果您的主要域名是www.yourbusinesswebsite.biz,则可以注册其他域名扩展名并将重定向设置为主要网站地址。 因此,如果任何人访问www.yourbusinesswebsite.com,则应将其自动重定向到www.yourbusinesswebsite.biz。

For activating this function through your cPanel, you will simply have to locate redirects under the ‘Domains’ section. Populate the fields mentioned in the form and select the type of redirect that you would like to set – you may get a temporary redirect (302) or a permanent redirect (301).

要通过cPanel激活此功能,只需在“域”部分下找到重定向。 填写表单中提到的字段,然后选择要设置的重定向类型-您可能会获得临时重定向(302)或永久重定向(301)。

Registering multiple domain name extensions and redirecting them is a small step that will yield promising results for your business. This is also a great way of safeguarding your business identity online. By doing this, you will be able to secure a competitive edge and create a distinct brand identity.

注册多个域名扩展名并将其重定向是一小步,将为您的企业带来可喜的结果。 这也是在线维护您的企业标识的一种好方法。 这样,您将能够确保竞争优势并创建独特的品牌形象。

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/why-do-you-need-to-register-multiple-domain-extensions-for-your-business-website/






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