

Since the foundation of the concept of cloud computing many have argued about its relation with Virtualization to the extent that some even consider cloud as synonymous with Virtualization. While there may be certain similarities, is cloud computing actually another name for Virtualization? Or is it any different from? We will find answers to it here.

自从云计算概念诞生以来,许多人就其与虚拟化的关系进行了争论,甚至有人认为云与虚拟化同义。 尽管可能存在某些相似之处,但云计算实际上是虚拟化的另一个名称吗? 还是有什么不同? 我们将在这里找到答案。

Cloud computing vs Virtualization

To understand the differences and similarities between these terms we first understand what Virtualization exactly means.


Virtualization refers to the creation of an intangible version of any physical resource like hardware, storage or operating system which is converted into a virtual form. It seeks to create multiple version of hardware which can be then utilized for various users instead of one and thereby reduce the overhead costs.

虚拟化是指创建任何物理资源(例如硬件,存储或操作系统)的无形版本,并将其转换为虚拟形式。 它寻求创建多个版本的硬件,然后将这些版本用于多个用户而不是一个版本,从而降低开销成本。

With Virtualization it is possible to create many virtual computers from one single machine and each virtual machine so created can be run independently. Each virtualized machine can have its own operating system and software.

通过虚拟化,可以在一台计算机上创建许多虚拟机,这样创建的每个虚拟机都可以独立运行。 每个虚拟机可以具有自己的操作系统和软件。

On the other hand, Cloud Computing can be understood as the cluster of computer or machines which are interconnected with each other and the resources are provided in a combined manner and the load is balanced between them to reduce failure on a single machine and provide better performance to users.


Although Virtualization may the base for Cloud Computing there are many differences in the ways these two are used and implemented. Cloud computing may be implemented with Virtualization and in some cases without it as well. Both these provide on-demand utilization, optimized resources and scalability. However, the areas of differentiation include factors like self-provisioning, utility based billing and APIs.

尽管虚拟化可能是云计算的基础,但是在使用和实现这两种方式方面存在许多差异。 云计算可以使用虚拟化来实现,在某些情况下也可以不使用它。 两者均提供按需利用,优化的资源和可伸缩性。 但是,差异化领域包括诸如自我配置,基于效用的计费和API之类的因素。

To understand the actual difference between the two is not that difficult. Self- serving model is an essential characteristic of cloud computing, but it may or may not be so for Virtualization. Although in many cases there is self serving in Virtualization but it is not essential. However, in cloud computing it becomes important to deliver the resources as and when required which is its main feature.

了解两者之间的实际差异并不难。 自助服务模型是云计算的基本特征,但对于虚拟化来说可能是,也可能不是。 尽管在许多情况下,虚拟化中都有自助服务,但这不是必需的。 但是,在云计算中,按需交付资源是其主要功能,这一点很重要。

The main benefit of Virtualization is that reduces the complexities in traditional IT infrastructure. This also allows organizations to reduce their operating expenses to some extent. However, the businesses still have to have their own IT infrastructure and equipments and software as well.

虚拟化的主要好处是可以降低传统IT基础架构的复杂性。 这也使组织可以在一定程度上减少其运营支出。 但是,企业仍然必须拥有自己的IT基础架构以及设备和软件。

On the contrary, cloud computing allows you to do away with need of having such infrastructure and have the freedom to get resources on demand and thus reduces your capital investment.


What’s better?


Virtualization allows you to reduce your overhead costs, but it does not do away with the need to maintain hardware. Whereas, Cloud Computing has low upfront costs, provides resources on demand, the ongoing cost is also not high due to the pay per use model. And most importantly, it allows you to access your data from any location and thereby increasing your business efficiency.

虚拟化可以减少开销,但并不能消除维护硬件的需求。 尽管云计算的前期成本低,可按需提供资源,但由于按使用付费模式,持续成本也不高。 最重要的是,它使您可以从任何位置访问数据,从而提高业务效率。

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/is-cloud-computing-similar-to-virtualization-or-not/






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