github 建立自己网站_通过建立网站轻松创建自己的网站

github 建立自己网站

建立一个网站 (Build a Website)

If you do not have the technical experience to create your own website yourself, you’ll want to use a website builder that does the technical work for you. A website builder works in a similar way to an Office program – a Word document contains source code which tells the Office program how to display and present a Word document. With a wide-variety of formatting options available in Office, it’d be inconvenient and time-consuming to understand what the “codes” are to format a Word document yourself so it looks nicely presented.

如果您没有技术经验可以自己创建自己的网站,则需要使用可以为您完成技术工作的网站构建器。 网站构建器的工作方式与Office程序类似– Word文档包含源代码,该源代码告诉Office程序如何显示和呈现Word文档。 由于Office中提供了多种格式设置选项,因此要了解自己用来格式化Word文档的“代码”是什么,既麻烦又费时,因此看起来很漂亮。

The same is the case when building a website. You need to understand certain technologies and computer languages to be able to design and build your own website. What a website builder does is bridges this gap – the website builder produces the source code which a website developer would write as you build your website using the website builder. It means anyone and everyone and create their own website; and it’s as fast and easy as using any other software you use every day, such as Office.

建立网站时也是如此。 您需要了解某些技术和计算机语言才能设计和构建自己的网站。 网站构建器所做的就是弥合这种差距–网站构建器生成源代码,当您使用网站构建器构建网站时,网站开发人员将编写这些源代码。 它意味着每个人都将创建自己的网站; 它与您每天使用的其他任何软件(例如Office)一样快速便捷。

那么什么是“建立网站”? (So what is “Build a Website”?)

As the name implies, Build a Website allows you to build your own website using our simple and intuitive website builder. There is no boringly long how-to guide for you to read – in fact, it takes minutes to get accustomed to the website builder. You’ll realise you are learning even more as you are building your website – it’s that easy.

顾名思义,“ 构建网站”使您可以使用我们简单直观的网站构建器来构建自己的网站 。 没有太多冗长的入门指南可供您阅读-实际上,习惯于网站生成器只需要几分钟。 您会发现,在构建网站时,您将学到更多东西–就是这么简单。

建立适合企业网站的网站吗? (Is Build a Website suitable for business websites?)

Yes it is. All websites on Build a Website are hosted on our reliable and redundant VMware Cloud infrastructure, making Build a Website suitable for business websites and small e-commerce stores. If you later need to upgrade to a more robust environment to cope with increased demand or website traffic, our experienced sales team can work with you to offer a custom solution with the same ease and simplicity as before.

是的。 “构建网站”上的所有网站都托管在我们可靠且冗余的VMware Cloud基础架构上,从而使“构建网站”适用于商业网站和小型电子商务商店。 如果您以后需要升级到更强大的环境以应对不断增长的需求或网站流量,我们经验丰富的销售团队可以与您合作,以与以前相同的简便性提供定制解决方案。

如何开始建立网站? (How do I get started with Build a Website?)

Build a Website includes everything you need to get going – a website address, an easy to use website builder and website hosting – for one small monthly fee. Once you place an order, our sales team will set up your new account for you to get started. We’ll then e-mail you the login details you’ll need to start building your new website.

建立一个网站包含您需要使用的所有内容-网站地址,易于使用的网站构建器和网站托管-只需支付少量月租费用。 下订单后,我们的销售团队将为您设置新帐户,以供您入门。 然后,我们将通过电子邮件向您发送开始建立新网站所需的登录详细信息。

Frequently asked questions…


Are there any time-bound contracts that I need to agree to?


Some companies require you to agree to a minimum-term contract. Unlike other providers, we do not require you to stay with us for any longer than you want – like with all of our other products, you can cancel your service with us at any time.

一些公司要求您同意最低期限合同。 与其他提供商不同,我们不需要您在我们身边呆多久–与我们所有其他产品一样,您可以随时取消与我们的服务。

Do you provide technical support?


Yes. We have technicians available 24 x 7 to help you if there is ever a problem which you need to contact us about. While we cannot assist you on building your website or any problems you may have concerning your site’s design or appearance, we’ll do our very best to help you if you need to contact us. You can also get help from others on our community forum.

是。 如果您有任何问题需要与我们联系,我们将提供24 x 7的技术人员为您提供帮助。 虽然我们无法协助您建立网站或您对网站的设计或外观有任何疑问,但如果您需要与我们联系,我们会尽力为您提供帮助。 您还可以在我们的社区论坛上获得其他人的帮助。

Do you provide a money back guarantee?


Yes, 30 days as with most of our other products. If you cancel your service within six months, you will not be allowed to use your website address elsewhere unless you pay us for the cost of the domain name at the prices which were current at the time of your order (presently £8.98 or £10, depending on the kind of website address you choose to register with your product).

是的,与我们大多数其他产品一样,为30天。 如果您在六个月内取消服务,则除非您以订购时的当前价格(目前为£8.98或£10)向我们支付域名费用,否则您将无法在其他地方使用您的网站地址,具体取决于您选择在产品中注册的网站地址的种类)。

To find out more about Build a Website, please visit the official product page.



github 建立自己网站

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