
The eNlight platform has been designed to provide a reliable and secure environment for the hosting of virtual machines in the cloud. The eNlight cloud can provide up to 100% guaranteed uptime, which is why it is a popular choice with many small businesses looking to improve the uptime of their web applications; furthermore, a greater level of security can be obtained from the use of the eNlight cloud. Cloud web hosting can be used for a number of different purposes, whether you are looking to create your own cluster in the cloud so that a load-balanced configuration can be used to support your website or if you are looking for a cross-platform backup solution that can be used to serve your visitors and users when there are issues with the servers at your primary site. Virtual machines on the eNlight platform can be managed using our web-based interface and you can order additional resources for your VMs as the loads placed on them fluctuate; this means that eNlight can be seen as a platform that has been specifically designed to be tailored towards the end user so that customers are only ever paying for what they need and nothing more.

eNlight平台旨在为云中的虚拟机托管提供可靠和安全的环境。 eNlight云可以提供高达100%的保证正常运行时间,这就是为什么它成为许多希望提高Web应用程序正常运行时间的小型企业的普遍选择的原因。 此外,通过使用eNlight云可以获得更高级别的安全性。 无论您是要在云中创建自己的集群,以便可以使用负载平衡的配置来支持您的网站,还是正在寻找跨平台的备份,云虚拟主机都可以用于多种目的。主站点服务器出现问题时可用于为访问者和用户提供服务的解决方案。 可以使用我们基于Web的界面来管理eNlight平台上的虚拟机,并且随着虚拟机上负载的波动,您可以为虚拟机订购更多资源。 这意味着eNlight可以看作是专门针对最终用户量身定制的平台,因此客户只需要为他们所需的东西付费,仅此而已。

云服务器相对于标准VPS服务器的优势 (Benefit of Cloud Servers over Standard VPS Servers)

Cloud servers are often virtual machines hosted on a cloud platform and don’t differ greatly from the classic VPS server configuration, but there are in fact many benefits available from using a cloud server over a normal VPS server. Virtual machines in the eNlight cloud can be expanded with just a few clicks from the web-based control panel and this will be without causing any downtime, therefore guaranteeing that you can choose one virtual machine when you first set your website up and then stick with this one server as your website grows because your hosting environment will grow to match your website. Having full control of the resources of your virtual machines is a benefit to the customer because you are in full control of the amount that you spend on your web hosting service.

云服务器通常是托管在云平台上的虚拟机,与传统的VPS服务器配置没有太大区别,但是实际上,与普通VPS服务器相比,使用云服务器有许多好处。 只需在基于Web的控制面板中单击几下,即可扩展eNlight云中的虚拟机,而这不会造成任何停机时间,因此可以保证在您首次设置网站并坚持使用时可以选择一个虚拟机。随着您的网站的增长,这台服务器也将增加,因为您的托管环境将不断增长,以匹配您的网站。 完全控制虚拟机资源对客户来说是一个好处,因为您可以完全控制在Web托管服务上花费的金额。

eNlight虚拟机的完整性 (Integrity of eNlight Virtual Machines)

eNlight virtual machines are hosted on a platform that utilises the latest in SAN (Storage Area Network) technology so that data loss because of hardware is going to be an impossibility. The SAN systems that we use contain multiple hard drives that have been placed in RAID 10 configuration to improve the performance of individual disk clusters whilst improving the reliability of the hard drives being used. As the hosting of data is independent to the rest of the server cluster, the resources for a single virtual machine can be formed from multiple servers in the cluster to ensure that a VM can be scaled to any level necessary; furthermore, this also introduced a second level of reliability because this means that if one node that is providing resources fails, these can be automatically obtained from another server in the cloud.

eNlight虚拟机托管在一个平台上,该平台利用了最新的SAN(存储区域网络)技术,因此由于硬件而造成的数据丢失将是不可能的。 我们使用的SAN系统包含多个放置在RAID 10配置中的硬盘驱动器,以提高单个磁盘群集的性能,同时提高所使用硬盘驱动器的可靠性。 由于数据的托管独立于服务器集群的其余部分,因此单个虚拟机的资源可以由集群中的多个服务器组成,以确保可以将VM扩展到任何级别。 此外,这还引入了第二级可靠性,因为这意味着,如果提供资源的一个节点发生故障,则可以从云中的另一台服务器自动获取这些资源。

使用eNlight作为备份解决方案 (Using eNlight as a Backup Solution)

Unlike other backup solutions that are available, eNlight can be used as a cross-platform solution so that any business can use the platform for Disaster Recovery (DR). As part of planning for disasters, every business should have constructed a Disaster Recovery Solution (DRS) that will detail how their operations can be sustained when they are facing issues with their IT infrastructure; the DRS should contain details such as MTB (Maximum Tolerable Downtime), RTO (Recovery Time Objective) and RPO (Recovery Point Objective) so that a clear picture is available on the timescale in which services should be restored and the level to which they can be restored that a business can begin to rely on their primary site once again. eNlight works as an x86-based recovery site that can be used to synchronise data with any primary site, regardless of the technologies that are used there; this means that for once there is an affordable solution for those looking requiring server backup purposes. Furthermore, the eNlight virtual machines that you are using will automatically scale up to cope with the demand placed on them when the role of serving your website automatically switches to the backup site; this means that you will only ever have to pay for the resources that you are using and nothing more – this will also remove the need to predict the resource levels that you require.

与其他可用的备份解决方案不同,eNlight可用作跨平台解决方案,因此任何企业都可以使用灾难恢复(DR)平台。 作为灾难​​规划的一部分,每个企业都应该构建一个灾难恢复解决方案(DRS),该解决方案将详细说明在面临IT基础架构问题时如何维持其运营; DRS应包含诸如MTB(最大可允许停机时间),RTO(恢复时间目标)和RPO(恢复点目标)之类的详细信息,以便可以清晰地了解应恢复服务的时间范围以及它们可以达到的级别恢复后,企业可以再次开始依赖其主站点。 eNlight充当基于x86的恢复站点,可用于与任何主站点同步数据,而不管那里使用的技术是什么; 这意味着,对于那些需要服务器备份的用户来说,这是一次负担得起的解决方案。 此外,当您为网站提供服务的角色自动切换到备份站点时,您正在使用的eNlight虚拟机将自动扩展以应对它们的需求。 这意味着您将只需要为正在使用的资源付费,仅此而已–这也将消除预测所需资源水平的需要。

Learn more about eNlight Cloud Hosting.

了解有关eNlight Cloud托管的更多信息。

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/cloud-servers-and-backup-technology-on-enlight-platform/

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