

Windows Command Prompt is an excellent development in Microsoft Windows which is worthwhile using to do something that 2000/XP/2003/Vista versions serve as a “Emulator” MS-DOS. When you access your system remotely, it becomes easy to manage a number of things via the command line, which is most useful in Windows dedicated server.

Windows命令提示符是Microsoft Windows中的出色开发,值得用来做2000 / XP / 2003 / Vista版本用作“仿真器” MS-DOS的操作。 当您远程访问系统时,通过命令行管理许多事情变得很容易,这在Windows 专用服务器中最有用。

In this article we are going to see various commands and comments which I have gathered through my experience with Windows. Surely, you may know several commands on Windows, however many people may not know all of them.

在本文中,我们将看到我在Windows的经验中收集的各种命令和注释。 当然,您可能在Windows上知道几个命令,但是许多人可能并不知道所有命令。

The commands that we are going to see here are based on Windows XP the most commonly used today. Also, we are going to see how to make windows command prompt more friendly.

我们将在此处看到的命令基于当今最常用的Windows XP。 另外,我们将看到如何使Windows命令提示符更加友好。

使Windows命令提示符友好的基本技巧 (Basic Tips on Making Windows Command Prompt Friendly)

When you open a session of it (Start >> Run >> cmd), by right-clicking the title bar, you can easily set default options for it. Selecting the “Properties” Menu will pop-up the title bar to set options which will be valid for all Windows prompt.

当您打开一个会话(开始>>运行>> cmd)时,通过右键单击标题栏,可以轻松为其设置默认选项。 选择“属性”菜单将弹出标题栏以设置对所有Windows提示均有效的选项。

In the tab “Options” you may choose your cursor size, number of items in the command history and editing modes, including mode off “Insert” which by default eats the letters when you type on others.


In tab “Source”, it does not needfully define the source (it supports few, the”raster fonts”), simply the number of rows and columns of the window.


You can click the tab “Layout” and choose the default position of the window (ie. fixed distance from left and top of your screen) and the tab “Colors” to change the colors of black background.


以下是一些可以使用的快捷方式和命令: (Following are few shortcuts and commands that can be used:)
  • Press [ALT] Left + [ENTER]: It is used to switch between full screen and window. Also applies to programs that open full screen in the simulation environment from MS-DOS, such as many games and control programs. In this case, usually the window will be minimized, showing the desktop, and the program paused. When the windows is minimized, the simulation program in MS-DOS is not being processed, for example, a game of any other program that is minimized will be paused until the window is active.

    按[ALT]左+ [ENTER]:用于在全屏和窗口之间切换。 也适用于从MS-DOS在模拟环境中打开全屏的程序,例如许多游戏和控制程序。 在这种情况下,通常将窗口最小化,显示桌面,并且程序暂停。 当窗口最小化时,MS-DOS中的模拟程序不会被处理,例如,最小化任何其他程序的游戏将暂停,直到该窗口处于活动状态为止。

  • File names with spaces: Never forget to enter them in quotes. The spaces are the separators of parameters to pass file names without quotation marks to point to the computer means that the shares after the new space are parameters, and not a continuation of the file name you enter.

    带空格的文件名:请不要忘记在引号中输入它们。 空格是参数的分隔符,用于传递文件名而不用引号指向计算机,这意味着新空格之后的共享是参数,而不是您输入的文件名的延续。

  • In order to copy text in command prompt, you need to right-click in the window and select “Mark”. Once you select the “Mark” option, drag the mouse normally, but do take care that it selects a block of characters and not in line as usually you do in a text editor. Being with selected text, simply right-click the window again or you may press ENTER button on your keyboard. The selection will get cleared the text will be copied. Now in order to paste the text, you need to right-click and select the “Paste” option.

    为了在命令提示符下复制文本,您需要在窗口中右键单击并选择“标记”。 选择“标记”选项后,请正常拖动鼠标,但请注意,它选择的是一个字符块,而不是像在文本编辑器中那样通常不对齐。 对于选定的文本,只需再次右键单击该窗口,或者您可以按键盘上的ENTER按钮。 所选内容将被清除,文本将被复制。 现在,要粘贴文本,您需要右键单击并选择“粘贴”选项。
  • It’s a very silly tip, but worth comment. If you wish to copy everything, you may right-click and choose “Select All” option. If you want to clear out the window, simply enter “cls” command to clear the past performance on the screen.

    这是一个非常愚蠢的提示,但值得一提。 如果您希望复制所有内容,则可以右键单击并选择“全选”选项。 如果要清除窗口,只需输入“ cls”命令以清除屏幕上的过去性能。
  • Without using a mouse the Options can also be accessed through the Control menu. Just press [ALT] Left + [SPACE] and use the arrow keys on your keyboard to access the options or copy text. It is very useful when running Windows in order insurance if you have a serial mouse, since it does not load the device in safe mode.

    无需使用鼠标,也可以通过“控制”菜单访问“选项”。 只需按[ALT]左+ [空格],然后使用键盘上的箭头键即可访问选项或复制文本。 如果您有串行鼠标,则在运行Windows以便订购保险的Windows时非常有用,因为它不会以安全模式加载设备。
  • To view the information about a particular command, simply enter the command: help [commandname]. Remove the brackets before entering the commands. Another way to retrieve the info about a command is to enter the command: “commandname/?”. It applies to most of the programs but not all of them.

    要查看有关特定命令的信息,只需输入命令:help [commandname]。 输入命令之前,请先除去支架。 检索有关命令信息的另一种方法是输入命令:“ commandname /?”。 它适用于大多数程序,但不是全部。
  • If a particular command is about to complete, you can force it to stop by typing [CTRL] + [C] in the command prompt. Be cautious while using this command, as it may compromise the system or user data.

    如果特定命令即将完成,则可以通过在命令提示符下键入[CTRL] + [C]来强制其停止。 使用此命令时要小心,因为它可能会损害系统或用户数据。



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Windows命令提示符是一种通过键入命令来与计算机进行交互的界面。在CMD窗口中,命令提示符位于窗口的左侧,表示系统已准备接受命令输入。默认情况下,命令提示符是一个字符串,通常是当前目录的路径,后面跟着一个大于符号(>)或者是当前目录的驱动器和冒号(例如,C:>)。 Windows命令提示符对于用户管理其计算机非常有帮助。除了互联网上常见的几个命令外,还有许多命令提示符技巧和提示功能强大且广泛使用。这些技巧包括使用命令提示符的键盘快捷键,如快速复制和粘贴文本,以及使用特殊字符来过滤命令的输出。使用这些技巧可以更高效地使用命令提示符来完成各种任务。<span class="em">1</span><span class="em">2</span><span class="em">3</span> #### 引用[.reference_title] - *1* *3* [每个Windows用户都应该知道的10个命令提示符技巧]([target="_blank" data-report-click={"spm":"1018.2226.3001.9630","extra":{"utm_source":"vip_chatgpt_common_search_pc_result","utm_medium":"distribute.pc_search_result.none-task-cask-2~all~insert_cask~default-1-null.142^v93^chatsearchT3_2"}}] [.reference_item style="max-width: 50%"] - *2* [深入了解命令提示符(CMD):Windows中的强大命令行工具]([target="_blank" data-report-click={"spm":"1018.2226.3001.9630","extra":{"utm_source":"vip_chatgpt_common_search_pc_result","utm_medium":"distribute.pc_search_result.none-task-cask-2~all~insert_cask~default-1-null.142^v93^chatsearchT3_2"}}] [.reference_item style="max-width: 50%"] [ .reference_list ]


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