azure paas_Microsoft Windows Azure:平台即服务(PaaS)

azure paas

Compared with the various types of cloud solutions available from companies like Amazon and Google, Microsoft offers a platform ready to use, a PaaS – Platform as a Service, the very well-known Microsoft’s Windows Azure.

与Amazon和Google等公司提供的各种云解决方案相比,Microsoft提供了一个现成可用的平台,即PaaS –平台即服务,这是非常著名的Microsoft的Windows Azure。

Within a few minutes you can get the free windows azure platform trial. In order to get access to Microsoft’s Free Azure platform trial, simply sign up for a free trial. Click the following link to sign-up for a free trial:

在几分钟之内,您就可以免费试用Windows Azure平台。 为了访问Microsoft的免费Azure平台试用版,只需注册一个免费试用版即可。 点击以下链接注册免费试用:

Before you can really start to use Microsoft’s Windows Azure platform, you need to download various tools, which will then serve the development of applications.

在真正开始使用Microsoft的Windows Azure平台之前,您需要下载各种工具,这些工具将用于应用程序的开发。

WebMatrix is among the tools offered, which is a very nice tool, simple and easy to use, and can build rich web applications as well. It offers users a real easy to manage platform to work with the Windows Azure platform. It creates a personal website in minutes. It adds a database, a table and then tinkers with the code to publish all with a click.

WebMatrix是提供的工具之一,它是一个非常不错的工具,简单易用,并且还可以构建丰富的Web应用程序。 它为用户提供了一个真正易于管理的平台,可以与Windows Azure平台一起使用。 它会在几分钟内创建一个个人网站。 它添加一个数据库,一个表,然后修改代码以通过单击将其全部发布。

You should also download the Visual Studio 2008, or better yet, Visual Studio 2010 for those who know how to program in C# or VB. For developers, who use Eclipse and IDE instead of the Framework, which is completely free, Microsoft has released a plugin for Eclipse IDE for the integration of this development on Windows Azure. At this point you will then be in a position to develop applications in PHP, Ruby or Java you just need to have the SDK, which is however always available on Microsoft site.

对于那些知道如何用C#或VB编程的人,您还应该下载Visual Studio 2008或更好的Visual Studio 2010。 对于使用Eclipse和IDE而不是完全免费的Framework的开发人员,Microsoft已发布了Eclipse IDE插件,用于在Windows Azure上集成此开发。 此时,您将只需要拥有SDK即可使用PHP,Ruby或Java开发应用程序,但是该SDK在Microsoft网站上始终可用。

Depending on the type of subscription, then you have different roles such as VM, which allows you to create and manage virtual machines within the platform. However, the Azure platform (PaaS) is already an infrastructure and does not require to use it to create other virtual machines.

根据订阅的类型,您将拥有不同的角色,例如VM,该角色使您可以在平台内创建和管理虚拟机。 但是,Azure平台(PaaS)已经是基础结构,不需要使用它来创建其他虚拟机。

The concept of pay-per-use billing guarantees users to pay only for the actual use of the platform and activate, deactivate and reactivate the service again, without having to commit to annual contracts or long term. Hence, it can also be called as Platform on Demand.

按使用计费的概念保证了用户仅需为平台的实际使用付费,然后再次激活,停用和重新激活服务,而不必签订年度合同或长期合同。 因此,它也可以称为按需平台

Another factor that may influence companies to transition to this type of technology is the fact of not having to purchase expensive hardware for their infrastructure. So if you’re at the helm of a huge company with a data center at your disposal, you just have the idea to make and play with Windows Azure.

可能影响公司过渡到这种技术的另一个因素是,不必为其基础架构购买昂贵的硬件。 因此,如果您掌控着拥有数据中心的大型公司,那么您就可以创建并使用Windows Azure。

Some companies on the Internet have developed their own online games using the Microsoft’s cloud platform and did not have support an initial investment for the purchase of hardware and software business, working just with the development code on the Azure platform.


From the scalability, capacity and speed point of view, Microsoft’s cloud does not disappoint the developer. Due to the many data centers around the world, logs are available in the nearest data center. Your choice and scalability is fully guaranteed and managed directly by Microsoft. Also, with the help of Load Balancing technology, the Azure platform offers the ability to respond to large surges of simultaneous requests.

从可伸缩性,容量和速度的角度来看,Microsoft的云不会使开发人员失望。 由于世界各地有许多数据中心,因此可以在最近的数据中心中找到日志。 您的选择和可伸缩性得到Microsoft的完全保证和直接管理。 此外,借助负载平衡技术,Azure平台还能够响应大量同时请求。

With the Microsoft’s Azure Connect service, you have the ability to configure VPN connections very easily and connect to services on Windows Azure with computers or virtual machines on their holdings. This feature allows to use applications hosted on Azure, defined roles within their corporate network.

使用Microsoft的Azure Connect服务,您可以非常容易地配置VPN连接,并可以使用拥有计算机或虚拟机的Windows Azure连接到服务。 此功能允许使用托管在Azure上的应用程序,这些应用程序在其公司网络中定义了角色。

In order to develop good applications, it is necessary to have the right tools, and therefore Microsoft offers the web platform that includes the installation of various tools:


For those who don’t have experienced programmers and wish to learn to use Visual Studio, there is also a Windows Azure platform training kit, downloadable here that could help you to learn Windows Azure, SQL Azure and the Windows Azure AppFabric :

对于那些没有经验的程序员并且希望学习使用Visual Studio的人,还有一个Windows Azure平台培训工具包,可以从此处下载,该工具包可以帮助您学习Windows AzureSQL AzureWindows Azure AppFabric

Several tools allow you to manage the PaaS from your home machine. After downloading, you have access to emulators and programs that allows management of the platform, the database, roles, and everything to do on Windows Azure.

有几种工具可让您从家用计算机管理PaaS。 下载后,您可以访问允许在Windows Azure上管理平台,数据库,角色和所有操作的仿真器和程序。



  • Microsoft’s Windows Azure is not only an ideal platform for small to medium sized enterprises, but also for individual users and large companies.

    微软的Windows Azure不仅是中小型企业的理想平台,而且还是个人用户和大型公司的理想平台。
  • Perfect for rich community of developers entering numerous examples of everyday applications and making code available to users.

  • With a few lines of code, you have everything you need to operate.

  • Cost of the service is completely scalable to suit your requirements.

  • A user can interrupt and resume the service several times.

  • It offers you the opportunity to develop your own projects and watch them published on the cloud platform offered by uk web hosting services.



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