
“Cloud ” a topic that can be found in most of the discussions among individuals in the field of IT. More and more number of SME’s and large enterprises are finding ways to get the most out of Cloud Hosting solutions. According to the predictions made by Gartner, cloud would be one of the top priorities for CIOs in 2011.

“云”这个主题可以在IT领域的个人之间进行的大多数讨论中找到。 越来越多的SME和大型企业正在寻找方法,以充分利用Cloud Hosting解决方案。 根据Gartner的预测,云将成为2011年CIO的首要任务之一。

Despite that, a number of organisations and IT managers are doubtful about the cloud. Moreover, number of them are not aware about the way to get started or even the ways of evaluating the type of cloud platform (Public Cloud, Private Cloud or shared cloud ) that would best suit there requirements. Adding further to the confusion is the uncertainty and fear about cloud security and scope for dependency. Moreover, many are not at all clear about the term ‘cloud’ and its architecture, hence usually prefer to keep it aside and continue with the traditional Web Hosting UK concepts. Though, there is no harm in that either.

尽管如此,许多组织和IT经理还是对云表示怀疑。 此外,他们中的许多人不知道入门方法,甚至不知道评估最适合那里需求的云平台类型(公共云, 私有云共享云 )的方法。 对云安全性和依赖性范围的不确定性和担忧进一步加剧了混乱。 此外,许多人对“云”及其架构一无所知,因此通常宁愿将其放在一边并继续使用传统的Web Hosting UK概念。 虽然,这也没有害处。

One major benefit offered by Cloud is that, no matter how big or small an organisation is, or how big or small your requirements are, Cloud Hosting is capable of serving to the expectations, provided you have chosen a reliable and cheap hosting UK solutions provider.

Cloud提供的一项主要好处是,无论您的组织规模大小,或您的要求大小如何,只要您选择了可靠且廉价的英国托管解决方案提供商, Cloud Hosting就能满足您的期望。 。

Following are certain myths and assumptions that can be commonly seen about Cloud :


每个云都是平等构建的 (Each cloud is built equally)

There has been an ongoing incorrect hype that has unknowingly portrayed cloud to be a single entity. Such a hype is forcing individuals not to grasp the fact that, there can be different ways of cloud architecture implementation by different providers.

一直在进行不正确的炒作,在不知不觉中将云描绘成单个实体。 这样的炒作迫使个人不了解这样的事实,即不同的提供商可能有不同的云架构实施方式。

A number of companies blindly believe and develop a fear about cloud solutions and assume that it can compromise the companies confidential data and resources and get disclosed out in the public. This myth is laying back individuals for trying out Cloud to carry out their business processes.

许多公司盲目地相信并加剧了对云解决方案的恐惧,并认为它会危害公司的机密数据和资源并在公开场合公开。 这个神话正在让个人试用Cloud来执行其业务流程。

Infact, the Cloud can be a secure and reliable platform than any other solution. Every Cloud isn’t built equally first of all. There are various ways that a provider can set-up their cloud using a particular architecture. So is the difference in the capabilities which it holds and are passed over to the customers. Hence, before heading out to trying out the Cloud, it is necessary for a company to be aware of the specific requirements and necessities, so that a better negotiation about the services can be achieved.

实际上,与其他解决方案相比,云可以是一个安全可靠的平台。 首先,并不是每个云的构建都一样。 提供者可以使用多种方式使用特定架构来设置其云。 它所拥有并传递给客户的功能的差异也是如此。 因此,在尝试使用云之前,公司必须了解特定的要求和必要性,以便可以更好地协商服务。

云安全是关注的核心领域,它永远不可能是一个安全的平台 (Cloud security is the core area of concern, it can never be a secure platform)

This is another myth that has flooded the industry. But most of the individuals who pass on such an information aren’t aware that they have been using services based on the cloud even when they actually came to know about the term Cloud. Further, they are not able to digest the facts that cloud has to offer regarding costs, scalability and time required in deploying it. Though since cloud is comparatively new, it goes unsaid that attackers or individuals with destructive intentions are surely going to head towards finding a security flaws and take advantage of the vulnerabilities, though the similar is yet the situation with the older hosting solutions.

这是淹没行业的另一个神话。 但是传递这样的信息的大多数人都不知道他们一直在使用基于云的服务,即使他们真正知道“ ”一词。 此外,他们无法在部署云所需的成本,可伸缩性和时间方面消化云所必须提供的事实。 尽管由于云技术相对较新,但毫无疑问,具有破坏性意图的攻击者或个人肯定会前往发现安全漏洞并利用这些漏洞,尽管较早的托管解决方案也是如此。

Concerns regarding cloud security is no different that any other hosting solutions of the past. What companies need to remember is that when you talk about the cloud, you’re still talking about data, applications and operating systems in a data center, running the cloud solution.

对云安全性的担忧与过去的任何其他托管解决方案都没有什么不同。 公司需要记住的是,当您谈论云时,您仍然在谈论运行云解决方案的数据中心中的数据,应用程序和操作系统。

It is noteworthy that a number of Cloud Hosting providers implement the best-in-class security modules within their infrastructure, applications and service offerings. Furthermore, a cloud offered by a company is similar to most of the industry-approved security implementations and are same for every user, this is something must greater than that can be implemented or maintained by you at a single organizational level.

值得注意的是,许多云托管提供商在其基础架构,应用程序和服务产品中实施了一流的安全模块。 此外,公司提供的云与大多数行业认可的安全性实施类似,并且对于每个用户都是相同的,这一定要比您在单个组织级别可以实施或维护的更大。

乌云= 非常 不安全 (Clouds = Hereditarily Insecure)

You should be aware that most of the hosting providers have clear SLA structures in place and have their core competencies for keeping their network up and delivery of top notch security to customers. Further, when looking for a secure cloud hosting offerings from a certain provider, beyond the infrastructure and the application, one must get information about how data is managed by them.

您应该知道,大多数托管服务提供商都具有清晰的SLA结构,并且具有保持网络正常运行以及为客户提供一流安全性的核心竞争力。 此外,当从基础设施和应用程序中寻找某个提供商提供的安全云托管产品时,必须获得有关它们如何管理数据的信息。

Cloud Hosting security can indeed achievable, please visit the following article to know about one among loads of methods of securing Cloud : Importance of API Keys in Cloud. Getting into the depths understanding the facts about Cloud is advisable instead of believing the Myths or assuming anything about Cloud Security.

确实可以实现Cloud Hosting的安全性,请访问以下文章,以了解保护云的众多方法之一:Cloud 中API密钥的重要性 建议深入了解有关云的事实,而不要相信神话或假设有关云安全性的任何事情。

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/myths-and-assumptions-about-cloud-a-curtain-raiser/





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