电子商务设计师教程 电子版_电子商务| 电子商务还是电子商务| 第三部分

电子商务设计师教程 电子版

企业对消费者(B2C) (Business-to-Consumer (B2C))

B2C relates to the acronym for the Business-to-Consumer (B2C can also be referred to as “Consumer Business”). B2C relates to the process to create commercial enterprises to connect with the the consumer or end user. A good illustration of a B2C transaction might be purchasing a set of footwear in a shoe store around the neighborhood by any person. Nevertheless, most of the transactions essential for that set of footwear is obtainable for purchase in the shop- buying the skin, sole, laces, etc., and also the sale of footwear via vendor to retailer, tend to be a part of what is known as B2B or Business-to-Business.

B2C与企业对消费者的首字母缩写有关(B2C也可以称为“消费者企业”)。 B2C与创建与消费者或最终用户建立联系的商业企业的过程有关。 B2C交易的一个很好的例子可能是任何人都在附近的一家鞋店里购买了一套鞋。 但是,对于这套鞋来说,大多数必不可少的交易都是可以在商店中购买的-购买皮肤,鞋底,鞋带等,以及将鞋履通过卖方出售给零售商,往往是其中一部分。被称为B2B或企业对企业。

Regardless of the comprehensive perception of the term B2C, in practice, generally represents digital platforms utilized in electronic commerce to communications between companies (sellers) and individuals (buyers). Consequently, probably the most commonly used term can be the “B2C E-Commerce”.

无论对B2C术语的全面理解如何,实际上,通常代表电子商务中用于公司(卖方)与个人(买方)之间通信的数字平台。 因此,可能最常用的术语是“ B2C电子商务”。

企业对消费者(B2C) (Business to consumer (B2C))

B2C is a short-term for ”Business to Consumer” and is particularly called “Business to Customer”; and it is the identify given to just about all technical architectures as well as software permitting for connecting businesses with their particular customers (consumers).

B2C是“企业对消费者”的简称,特别是“企业对客户”; 它是几乎所有技术架构以及允许企业与其特定客户(消费者)建立联系的软件的标识。

对消费者的业务障碍 (Obstacles of Business to Consumer )

This can be a online trading to individuals, whether advertising and marketing, presentation catalog to the site visitors, online ordering process, conducting the secure electronic payment, distribution of the product or even the services. The sellers of information have responsibilities towards the customer. Therefore the actual features of the product or service should be distinctly marked so they will not deceive the customer, the purchase price should be mentioned clearly as well as unambiguously, the basic issues of transaction must be accessible as well as printable, the conduct of the order should be suggested along with a report about the order has to be provided ahead of its authorization by the customer.

这可以是个人的在线交易,无论是广告和营销,向站点访问者的演示目录,在线订购过程,进行安全的电子付款,产品乃至服务的分发。 信息的卖方对客户负有责任。 因此,应明确标记产品或服务的实际功能,以免欺骗客户,清楚,明确地提到购买价格,交易的基本问题必须易于获取和打印,应该建议订单,并在客户授权之前必须提供有关订单的报告。

When the order is created, the professional should acknowledge sales receipt of the order in electronic format, in other words through e-mail, confirming as well as summarizing the merchandise purchased and also the total price. The provider must supply you with the sales receipt. An order should be shipped inside 31 days of the order for example, and the customer after that has a withdrawal period of 7 days.

创建订单时,专业人员应以电子格式(即通过电子邮件)确认订单的销售收据,以确认并汇总所购买的商品以及总价。 提供者必须向您提供销售收据。 例如,订单应在订单的31天内发货,此后客户的提货期为7天。

The e-commerce websites need to maintain a great level of security particularly when the consumer pays for over the internet purchases. However the issue of “phishing” is among the most effective tactics in order to fool the caution of the consumer, through duplicating a well known website as well as making the customer think that order is placed on the official website of the merchant.

电子商务网站需要保持高度的安全性,尤其是当消费者通过互联网购买商品时。 但是,“网络钓鱼”问题是最有效的策略之一,目的是通过复制众所周知的网站并让客户认为订单已在商家的官方网站上来欺骗消费者的注意。

分类标准 (Classification criteria )

Businesses establish their business to consumer (B2C) primarily based on a number of criteria: kind of product, level of completion of merchandise, method of transaction, and so on. These types of requirements have a direct effect on the business investment.

企业主要根据许多标准建立消费者对企业(B2C)的业务:产品种类,商品完成水平,交易方法等。 这些类型的要求对商业投资有直接影响。

1. Type of Product


Needs to be distinguished whether it be a product or a service, a durable or ephemeral.


2. Level of completion of the merchandise


Rate depending on the possibility which is offered or not to the consumer in order to modify their purchase.


3. Type of business transaction


It will serve to differentiate the bilateral relationship (involving the customer and the vendor) of the multilateral relationship (between a vendor and multiple potential customers).


Site selection of e-commerce by consumers are usually in reference to the particular manufacturer, price tag, recommendations, as well as the product’s advertising and marketing carried out.


电子商务网站的业务模型 (Business models for e-commerce sites )

They could be categorized into three categories:


1.门户网站 (1. The web portal )

This is some sort of site offering general information topics (for example weather, stocks, etc.) as well as services (for example classifieds, women’s sites, real estate website) for example, Yahoo. It draws together various sellers to their general web traffic.

这是提供常规信息主题(例如天气,股票等)以及服务(例如分类,女性站点,房地产网站)(例如Yahoo)的站点。 它汇集了各个卖家的一般网络流量。

A few may concentrate on a particular area, for example 01net is the portal for new technologies. These types of portals could be personalized in accordance to the profile of Internet visitors (weather it is regional, uses interests, and so on.).

一些可能专注于特定领域,例如01net是新技术的门户。 这些类型的门户可以根据Internet访问者的个人资料进行个性化设置(天气是区域性的,使用兴趣的类型,等等)。

2.社区站点 (2. Community sites )

The community websites are used to host specific websites and also to provide services which produce targeted visitors and therefore can sell advertising space on them. Examples: Geocities and Tripod.

社区网站用于托管特定网站,并提供产生目标访问者的服务,因此可以在其上出售广告空间。 示例:地质城市和三脚架。

3.电子商务网站 (3. The e-commerce sites )

These specific websites offer distinct sales activities and carry a limited line of advertising


消费者对消费者(C2C) (Consumer to Consumer (C2C))

C2C (Consumer to Consumer) is really a reference to electronic commerce (eCommerce) which evolves in between individual users of the Internet where the trade of goods or services may not involve suppliers as well as consumers but conclude with the final customer. This kind of transaction involving the consumer transaction will be linked directly with the help (or perhaps mediation) of any specific business. An excellent illustration of this kind of transaction is the online auctions site, for instance, eBay. The online auction functions as follows: The individual places his or her product for sale with a minimum value and other members make higher offers or bids for that product. The member who successfully bids, who gives the highest bid within a specified period, causes the seller of the advertised product to sell the advertised product to the successful bidder.

C2C(消费者到消费者)实际上是对电子商务(eCommerce)的引用,它是在Internet的各个用户之间发展而来的,其中商品或服务的贸易可能既不涉及供应商也不涉及消费者,而是最终客户。 这种涉及消费者交易的交易将直接与任何特定业务的帮助(或中介)联系在一起。 在线拍卖网站(例如eBay)就是此类交易的绝佳例证。 在线拍卖的功能如下:个人将其产品以最低价值出售,其他成员对该产品提出更高的要约或出价。 在指定期间内给出最高出价的中标会员会导致广告产品的卖方将广告产品出售给中标人。

The website which aids this transaction usually generates a commission over every auction or asks for a a flat fee for the transaction. Keeping in mind that such auction sites are simply intermediaries and therefore are not really associated with the product’s quality or that it does not influence the value of the products.

协助此交易的网站通常会在每次拍卖中产生佣金,或要求一笔固定的交易费用。 请记住,此类拍卖网站只是中介,因此与产品质量并没有真正的联系,也不影响产品的价值。

Study: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The text is available under the Creative Commons.

研究:来自维基百科,免费的百科全书。 该文本可在“ 知识共享”下找到

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/electronic-commerce-e-commerce-or-ecommerce-part-3/

电子商务设计师教程 电子版





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