

I often hear the question “Do I really need to have my own domain name? The only answer is – “Yes.”

我经常听到“我真的需要拥有自己的域名吗? 唯一的答案是–是。

If you host your website at free web hosting providers, probably you will get less of everything. Following are reasons why you must have own a domain name:

如果您将网站托管在免费的网络托管提供商处,那么您获得的一切可能会更少。 以下是必须拥有域名的原因:

Having your own domain name address, your website will look like http://www.example.com, otherwise, if you host your website on free hosting your site address will look like http://example.com/yoursite/ . Which one you think is more attractive? Make a conclusion yourself.

具有自己的域名地址,您的网站将看起来像http://www.example.com ,否则,如果您免费托管网站,则您的网站地址将看起来像http://example.com/yoursite/ 。 您认为哪一个更具吸引力? 自己下结论。

The only way to make money is Internet – have the confidence of customers. Having your own domain name is the first step towards this path.

赚钱的唯一途径是互联网-获得客户的信任。 拥有自己的域名是迈向这条路的第一步。

Customers feel better and safe, purchasing goods from the website which has its own domain name. The customers sense of trust and the fact that they are dealing with a large, stable company. Also, having your own domain name, allows you to install an SSL certificate to secure the transaction and information sent between you and customers.

客户可以从拥有自己域名的网站上购买商品,从而感觉更好,更安全。 客户的信任感和与大型稳定公司打交道的事实。 另外,拥有自己的域名,您可以安装SSL证书来保护您与客户之间发送的交易和信息的安全。

When you have a domain name, you can apply for the convenience of different email addresses, for example, [email protected] (ie. each email address will have their specific functions.) For example, for sales inquiries you may apply [email protected], for editor inquiries you may apply [email protected], for suggestions, regarding your site, you can specify the address [email protected] or [email protected] .  Creating different email addresses for different functions will not only simplify the processing of mail, but also create a sense of a large company with which you can deal with.

拥有域名后,您可以申请使用不同的电子邮件地址,例如[受电子邮件保护] (即每个电子邮件地址将具有其特定的功能)。例如,对于销售查询,您可以申请[受电子邮件保护] ,对于编辑者的查询,您可以应用[电子邮件保护] ,对于网站的建议,可以指定地址[电子邮件保护][电子邮件保护] 。 为不同的功能创建不同的电子邮件地址,不仅可以简化邮件的处理过程,而且还可以使您与大公司打交道。

The set of search engines give more importance to Homepage than that of the second level domain. Under equal conditions main page often ranks higher any other on certain key request. If you have a website on a free hosting and its homepage index.html is the main page site, but not the domain. And, therefore, the presence of your site for many keyword demands of the first 20-30 and the more than 10 search results will be impossible. Just think about how much traffic including potential customers you will lose.

这组搜索引擎对首页的重视程度要高于第二级域。 在同等条件下,在某些关键请求上,主页通常会排名其他任何更高的位置。 如果您有一个免费托管的网站,并且其主页index.html是主页站点,而不是域。 因此,您的网站无法满足前20到30以及10多个搜索结果的许多关键字要求。 只要考虑一下您将损失多少流量(包括潜在客户)。

Some of search engines refuse to index sites that are hosted at free web hosting companies. For example, if you try to register a site for Alta Vista, you will get the message that many pages from your site are registered. Now, however, Alta Vista meets softer message, “Your site accepted for consideration, and so search engine comes. Can you afford it?

一些搜索引擎拒绝索引由免费网络托管公司托管的网站。 例如,如果您尝试为Alta Vista注册站点,则会收到一条消息,提示您站点中的许多页面都已注册。 但是,现在,Alta Vista遇到了一条比较柔和的消息:“您的网站已被接受考虑,因此搜索引擎来了。 你负担得起吗?

When your website is hosted on a free web hosting, you need to face difficulties during the registration of such huge directories, such as Yahoo. Registering Yahoo is a complex process, even if you have a website on your own hosting. Do not create itself a complicated task.

当您的网站托管在免费的虚拟主机上时,在注册如此庞大的目录(例如Yahoo)时,您将面临困难。 即使您自己托管网站,注册Yahoo也是一个复杂的过程。 不要自己创建一个复杂的任务。

If you do not have your own domain name, you should now agree that is it essential? You can compare the benefits you receive of having your own domain name with a  small negligible annual fee. The domain web hosting is the most reliable and cheap web hosting service available in both Linux/Windows offering domain registration services. Simply, you can check the availability of a domain name and register a new domain name and enjoy the powerful features of a domain web hosting service at affordable price.

如果您没有自己的域名,则现在应该同意这是必不可少的吗? 您可以将自己拥有域名的收益与一笔微不足道的年费进行比较。 在提供域注册服务的Linux / Windows中, 域虚拟主机是最可靠,最便宜的网络托管服务。 简单来说,您可以检查域名的可用性并注册一个新域名,并以实惠的价格享受域名虚拟主机服务的强大功能。

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/importance-of-having-your-own-domain-name/






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