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NetWare 5.x (NetWare 5.x)

With the release of NetWare 5 in October 1998, Novell finally recognized the importance of the Internet, through its primary interface, NCP, IPX / SPX to TCP / IP. IPX / SPX was still supported, but the emphasis over TCP / IP. Novell also added a GUI in NetWare. Other new features were:

随着1998年10月发布的NetWare 5,Novell最终通过其主要接口NCP,IPX / SPX到TCP / IP认识到了Internet的重要性。 仍然支持IPX / SPX,但重点放在TCP / IP。 Novell还在NetWare中添加了GUI。 其他新功能包括:

  • Novell Storage Services (NSS), a new file system to replace the traditional NetWare file system – which was still supported

    Novell Storage Services(NSS),一种新文件系统,用以取代传统的NetWare文件系统-仍受支持
  • Java Virtual Machine for NetWare

  • Novell Distributed Print Services (NDPS) – printing services

  • ConsoleOne, a new graphical management console based on Java

  • Services of Public Key Infrastructure (PKIS) integrated nell’NDS

  • Built-in DHCP Server and DNS nell’NDS

    内置DHCP服务器和DNS nell'NDS
  • Support for Storage Area Network (SAN)

  • Novell Cluster Services (NCS) – clustering services

  • A 5-user version of Oracle 8i

    Oracle 8i的5用户版本

The Cluster Services was a big step forward compared to SFT-III, since it did not require specialized hardware or an identical configuration of the server.


NetWare 5 was released in a time when the NetWare’s market share fell precipitously; organizzaizoni and many companies were replacing their NetWare servers with Windows NT-based servers. Novell also released the latest update NetWare 4, NetWare 4.2.

NetWare 5是在NetWare市场份额急剧下降的时候发布的。 organizzaizoni和许多公司正在用基于Windows NT的服务器替换其NetWare服务器。 Novell还发布了NetWare 4 NetWare 4.2的最新更新。

NetWare 5.1 was released in January 2000, shortly after its predecessor. He introduced several useful tools, such as:

NetWare 5.1在其前身之后不久于2000年1月发布。 他介绍了一些有用的工具,例如:

  • IBM WebSphere Application Server

    IBM WebSphere应用服务器
  • NetWare Management Portal (later renamed Novell Remote Manager), a system management operating system based on web

    NetWare管理门户网站(后来更名为Novell Remote Manager),这是一个基于Web的系统管理操作系统
  • FTP Server, NNTP and streaming media

  • NetWare Web Search Server

    NetWare Web搜索服务器
  • Support for WebDAV


NetWare 6.x (NetWare 6.x)

NetWare 6 was released in October 2001. This version has a simplified licensing scheme, based on users and not on the server. This reduced licensing costs and allows an unlimited number of connections per user.

NetWare 6于2001年10月发布。此版本具有简化的许可方案,基于用户而不是服务器。 这降低了许可成本,并允许每个用户无限数量的连接。

Other changes, new features and enhancements include:


  • Improved SMP support – up to 32 processors per server

  • IFolder – location-independent access to local files from the platform and, through intelligent and automatic synchronization of the local iFolder directory with the iFolder server

    IFolder –通过平台自动将本地iFolder目录与iFolder服务器同步,从平台访问本地文件的位置无关
  • NetStorage – access to personal files through a standard web browser

    NetStorage –通过标准的Web浏览器访问个人文件
  • IPrint – you can install printers from a web browser and submit print jobs via the Internet, using the standard protocol IPP

    IPrint –您可以使用标准协议IPP从Web浏览器安装打印机并通过Internet提交打印作业
  • IManager – web-based administration tool for NetWare and other Novell products

    IManager –用于NetWare和其他Novell产品的基于Web的管理工具
  • The Apache web server and Tomcat servlet container

    Apache Web服务器和Tomcat Servlet容器
  • Native File Access Protocols – supports SMB, AFP and NFS, to provide client Windows, Macintosh and Unix / Linux access files on a NetWare server, without using a Novell Client

    本机文件访问协议–支持SMB,AFP和NFS,可在NetWare服务器上提供客户端Windows,Macintosh和Unix / Linux访问文件,而无需使用Novell Client

NetWare 6.5 was released in August 2004. Some of the new features in this release were:

NetWare 6.5于2004年8月发布。此版本中的一些新功能包括:

  • More open-source products such as PHP, MySQL and OpenSSH

  • A port of the Bash shell and many traditional Unix utilities such as wget, grep, awk and sed to provide additional capabilities of scripting

    Bash Shell的端口和许多传统的Unix实用程序(例如wget,grep,awk和sed)可提供脚本附加功能
  • Support for iSCSI (both target and as initiator)

  • Virtual Office – a web portal “ready” to provide end users access to email, personal disk space, corporate address book, etc..

  • Ability to operate as a Windows Domain Controller

  • Universal Password

  • DirXML Starter Pack – synchronizing the user advances to another eDirectory tree, a Windows NT domain or Active Directory.

    DirXML Starter Pack –将用户进度同步到另一个eDirectory树,Windows NT域或Active Directory。
  • ExteNd Application Server – a Java EE 1.3 compliant application server

    ExteNd应用程序服务器–符合Java EE 1.3的应用程序服务器
  • Support for custom profiles and auditing of printer drivers use the printer

  • Support for NX bit

  • Support for USB mass storage

  • Support for encrypted volumes


Novell Open Enterprise服务器 (Novell Open Enterprise Server)

In 2003, Novell announced the successor to NetWare: Open Enterprise Server (OES). Initially released in March 2005, OES complete separation of the services traditionally associated with NetWare (Directory Services, file-and-print) of the underlying platform to deploy these services. OES is essentially a set of applications (eDirectory, NetWare Core Protocol services, iPrint, etc..) That can be run on a platform with a Linux and NetWare kernel. OES cluster deployments can even migrate services from NetWare to Linux and vice versa, making Novell one of the few companies to offer a multi-platform clustering solution.

2003年,Novell宣布了NetWare的后继产品:Open Enterprise Server(OES)。 OES最初于2005年3月发布,它完全分离了传统上与底层平台的NetWare相关的服务(目录服务,文件和打印),以部署这些服务。 OES本质上是一组应用程序(eDirectory,NetWare核心协议服务,iPrint等)。它们可以在具有Linux和NetWare内核的平台上运行。 OES集群部署甚至可以将服务从NetWare迁移到Linux,反之亦然,这使Novell成为少数几个提供多平台集群解决方案的公司之一。

Following the acquisition by Novell’s Ximian and SuSE (a German Linux distribution) has been widely observed that could be moved from Novell NetWare and shift its attention to Linux. Officially, however, Novell denies these assumptions and supports the intention to focus on both. In fact, virtually all Novell products run at least on both Linux and NetWare, and some (such as eDirectory, GroupWise, Identity Manager) on many other platforms.

在被Novell的Ximian和SuSE(德国Linux发行版)收购之后,已被广泛观察到,可以从Novell NetWare转移并将其注意力转移到Linux。 但是,从官方角度而言,Novell否认了这些假设,并支持将重点放在这两个方面的意图。 实际上,几乎所有Novell产品至少都可以在Linux和NetWare上运行,而某些产品(例如eDirectory,GroupWise,Identity Manager)则可以在许多其他平台上运行。

While NetWare is still used by many organizations, especially in schools and government, is not nearly as popular as it was at its peak in the early nineties. At the time NetWare was considered the de facto standard for file and print services on the server platform compatible with the Intel x86 family.

尽管NetWare仍被许多组织(尤其是学校和政府机构)使用,但其流行程度却不及90年代初期的最高水平。 当时,NetWare被认为是与Intel x86家族兼容的服务器平台上文件和打印服务的事实上的标准。

Novell’s market share began to decline with the arrival of Windows 95 and Windows NT 3.51, in 1995. Before Windows 95, DOS and Windows 3.11 did not include sharing capabilities, and a NetWare server or similar products were a need to share files over a local network.

1995年,随着Windows 95和Windows NT 3.51的出现,Novell的市场份额开始下降。在Windows 95,DOS和Windows 3.11之前,不包括共享功能,并且需要NetWare服务器或类似产品在本地共享文件网络。

While the installation of NetWare was completely in text mode command line, Windows NT could be installed almost automatically in graphical mode. Use NetWare requires extensive knowledge of the commands and the names of the Netware Loadable Module (NLM), and relied on the familiar Windows NT graphical user interface and use the mouse. This difference enables inexperienced users to successfully install a server instead of relying on a Microsoft Certified Novell Engineer (CNE) to install.

虽然NetWare的安装完全以文本模式命令行进行,但Windows NT几乎可以以图形模式自动安装。 使用NetWare需要对命令和Netware可加载模块(NLM)的名称有广泛的了解,并且需要使用熟悉的Windows NT图形用户界面并使用鼠标。 这种差异使经验不足的用户能够成功安装服务器,而不必依赖Microsoft认证的Novell工程师(CNE)进行安装。

NetWare 3.x bindery was designed with a service to store user names to a single server. NetWare 4.x introduced the Novell Directory Services (NDS) to synchronize the user names across multiple servers. The added complexity NDS created a significant deterrent update for users of NetWare 3.x with a single server. Because Windows NT 3.5/4.0 did not include any directory service to support multiple servers, it seemed easier to switch from NetWare 3.x to Windows NT 3.51/4.0, rather than NetWare 4.x with NDS. A multi-directory synchronization server for Windows was introduced from Windows 2000 Server, with the release of Active Directory. While trumpeting the benefits of Novell NDS, users with a single server from an upgrade to NetWare 4.x and went instead to Windows NT.

NetWare 3.x活页夹设计用于将用户名存储到单个服务器的服务。 NetWare 4.x引入了Novell目录服务(NDS),以在多个服务器之间同步用户名。 增加的复杂性NDS为具有单个服务器的NetWare 3.x用户创造了重要的威慑性更新。 因为Windows NT 3.5 / 4.0不包含任何目录服务来支持多台服务器,所以从NetWare 3.x切换到Windows NT 3.51 / 4.0似乎比使用NDS的NetWare 4.x更容易。 随着Active Directory的发布,Windows 2000 Server引入了Windows的多目录同步服务器。 在大力宣传Novell NDS的优势的同时,拥有一台服务器的用户可以从NetWare 4.x升级到Windows NT。

Two other technical issues caused the decline of Novell: the difficulty of expanding and supporting a non-standard TCP / IP. NetWare allows 4 partitions on a physical disk and did not provide a method to expand or to manage partitions. Is there a way to extend the usable disk space, which is simple but which few people are aware of. MS-DOS and Windows support up to four partitions on a physical disk. The software to manage these partitions became widely available at an affordable price. In the end, several companies, including Symantec (Norton Ghost for NetWare) and PowerQuest (ServerMagic) produced relatively expensive utilities that allow you to extend partitions NetWare.

其他两个技术问题导致Novell的衰落:扩展和支持非标准TCP / IP的困难。 NetWare允许在物理磁盘上有4个分区,但没有提供扩展或管理分区的方法。 有没有一种方法可以扩展可用的磁盘空间,这很简单,但是很少有人知道。 MS-DOS和Windows在物理磁盘上最多支持四个分区。 用于管理这些分区的软件以可承受的价格广泛可用。 最终,包括Symantec(NetWare的Norton Ghost)和PowerQuest(ServerMagic)在内的多家公司生产了相对昂贵的实用程序,使您可以扩展NetWare的分区。

Despite the fact that the Windows-based networks were far less reliable and more expensive, Microsoft began to wrest market share from NetWare in favor of NT. Microsoft, through the major journals, was more visible to managers of companies, while NetWare tended to be visible only to staff and IT magazines. Novell was also slow to adapt its pricing model, and NetWare seemed therefore more expensive. Companies often were more influenced by the initial costs of licenses, and the costs of long-term management, and NetWare was often not able to compete from that point of view.

尽管基于Windows的网络可靠性要差得多,而且价格昂贵,但是Microsoft还是开始从NetWare夺取市场份额,转而使用NT。 微软通过主要期刊对公司的管理者更为可见,而NetWare往往仅对员工和IT杂志可见。 Novell在调整其定价模型方面也很慢,因此NetWare似乎更昂贵。 公司通常更受许可证的初始成本和长期管理成本的影响,从这个角度来看,NetWare通常无法竞争。

In addition, Windows NT seemed to be more scalable. For small workgroups, a network could be installed without having to use a dedicated machine as a server, which made it more attractive than Windows NetWare. Microsoft continually stated that such a system could climb without major changes in the operating system and with little additional training, but in practice the structure of NT Domains grew heavy and complex to manage large-scale deployments, compared to Novell Directory Services (NDS ). To counter this problem, Microsoft later developed its own directory service called Active Directory. Its wide applicability, combined with a lower entry barrier in terms of training, was something that NetWare was hard to compete.

此外,Windows NT似乎更具可扩展性。 对于小型工作组,可以安装网络而不必使用专用计算机作为服务器,这使其比Windows NetWare更具吸引力。 微软不断声明,这样的系统可以在不进行操作系统重大变化且无需额外培训的情况下进行爬升,但是实际上,与Novell Directory Services(NDS)相比,NT Domains的结构变得笨重且难以管理大规模部署。 为了解决此问题,Microsoft随后开发了自己的目录服务,称为Active Directory。 NetWare具有广泛的适用性,再加上培训方面的入门门槛较低,因此NetWare很难竞争。




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