网站流量统计_研究网站流量统计| 第1部分


研究网站流量统计 (Studying Website Traffic Statistics)

Analyzing as well as studying the actual web statistical data is an important task which you must do regularly to understand how your website is performing on the net. Analyzing can be carried out for a lot of purposes, however prior to performing this kind of evaluation, you should really know what the available information indicates, and the way to understand and use with this vital information.

分析和研究实际的Web统计数据是一项重要任务,您必须定期执行此操作才能了解您的网站在网络上的运行情况。 可以出于很多目的进行分析,但是在执行这种评估之前,您应该真正了解可用信息指示的内容以及理解和使用这些重要信息的方式。

Basically, just about every web hosting service provider provides customers with substantial web related information as well as traffic details. This particular information needs to be understood by you and also operate upon to know how you can further enhance the performance of your site. This information is so comprehensive that it gets to be a laborious job even to fully understand its each and every factor, after which how you can jointly make use of the information towards achieving more success for your site as well as your web based business.

基本上,几乎每个网络托管服务提供商都为客户提供大量与网络相关的信息以及流量详细信息。 您需要了解这些特殊信息,并且还需要了解这些信息,才能进一步提高网站的性能。 该信息是如此全面,以至于要完全理解其每个要素,都将变得十分艰巨,之后,您将如何共同利用这些信息来为您的网站以及基于Web的业务取得更大的成功。

Initially, probably the key information which the web statistics gives you concerns how many website surfers visit your site. This will be on a daily basis or perhaps a weekly or even on a monthly time frame. This valuable information concerning the site visitors inform you of the site’s activities, i.e., whether or not your site is bringing in plenty of visitors. However although you may notice a large amount of website traffic captured, it may nevertheless be a misleading fact, in the sense that lots of internet search engine spiders as well visit the site on the day-to-day or perhaps on a periodic time frame. Generally there can even be a number of ‘hits’ coming to your site which can be for a really brief time. Subsequently, the ‘hits’ can even be wrongly recorded, for the reason that when the web page includes, for instance, 30 images, then every web page load will mean an additional 30 ‘hits’. thus the ‘hits’ are not able to provide you with the precise quantity of site visitors as a result of many other factors, including the quantity of images existing on your web page.

最初,网络统计信息可能会为您提供关键信息,这关系到有多少网站浏览者访问您的网站。 这将是每天一次,或者每周一次,甚至每月一次。 有关站点访问者的这些有价值的信息会通知您站点的活动,即您的站点是否吸引了大量访问者。 但是,尽管您可能会注意到捕获了大量的网站流量,但是从某种意义上说,这可能是一个误导性的事实,因为很多互联网搜索引擎蜘蛛也每天或可能定期访问该网站。 。 通常,在您的网站上甚至可能会有很多“点击”,这可能是很短的时间。 随后,甚至可能错误地记录“点击数”,原因是当网页包含例如30张图像时,则每个网页加载都将意味着另外30个“点击数”。 因此,由于许多其他因素(包括您网页上现有图片的数量),“点击数”无法为您提供准确的网站访问者数量。

To actually learn how your site as well as how its web pages are working, you need to have the ability to precisely understanding the particular website traffic information. A group research into the unique website visitors, volume of visitors, web pages watched, and also the hits should be taken into consideration. This kind of evaluation provides you with the proper perception of exactly how your site is performing on the day-to-day or even month-to-month basis. This kind of evaluation additionally provides you with the knowledge regarding whether your site is expanding or even decreasing in popularity.

要真正了解您的网站及其网页的工作方式,您需要具有精确了解特定网站访问量信息的能力。 应当对一组独特的网站访问者,访问者数量,观看的网页以及访问量进行研究。 通过这种评估,您可以正确了解您的网站每天甚至每月的运行情况。 这种评估还为您提供有关您的网站是正在扩展还是正在逐渐减少的知识。

We will first learn what hits, pages, as well as bandwidth indicate:


Hits: Hits indicates how often one of the website page had been requested online. In the event the “Hits” show 1500 visits, it indicates that there has been 1500 requests for the page by all types of visitors. Pages: Pages include the numerous web pages which are included on your site. Bandwidth: This is actually the total quantity of data transfer or data transfer usage your site has used during a period of 1 month.

点击数:点击数表示在线请求网站页面之一的频率。 如果“命中”显示1500次访问,则表明所有类型的访问者对该页面都有1500个请求。 页面:页面包括您网站上包含的众多网页。 带宽:这实际上是您的网站在1个月内使用的数据传输总量或数据传输使用量。

If you use the cPanel, then the Web / FTP Statistics menu can provide you with the admittance to the different web related data regarding your site. The following are the different resources which you can use for the research into the website statistics:

如果使用cPanel,则“ Web / FTP统计信息”菜单可为您提供有关您站点的与Web相关的其他数据的权限。 以下是可用于研究网站统计信息的不同资源:



Awstats is actually a cost-free, open source, and extremely effective diagnostic web tool that generates excellent statistics. AWStats provides enhanced web statistics, also tells about the streaming statistics, file transfer protocol as well as mail server figures graphically in the form of bars. This unique log analyzer displays the many possible details as a result of analyzing different log files via the many exceptional server resources such as the WebStar, the Apache log files, the IIS (W3C log format), as well as some additional web, proxy, mail servers, and some file transfer protocol servers. Despite doing all complex analysis, the results are displayed swiftly and are straightforward to learn.

Awstats实际上是一种免费的,开源的,非常有效的诊断Web工具,可生成出色的统计数据。 AWStats提供了增强的Web统计信息,还以条形图形式以图形方式显示了流统计信息,文件传输协议以及邮件服务器数据。 这种独特的日志分析器显示了许多可能的详细信息,这是通过许多出色的服务器资源(例如WebStar,Apache日志文件,IIS(W3C日志格式)以及一些其他Web,代理,邮件服务器和一些文件传输协议服务器。 尽管进行了所有复杂的分析,结果仍可以快速显示,并且易于学习。

Awstats can show: The amount of visits along with the number of unique website visitors, the  length of time of the actual visit and also the last visit, the amount of authenticated end users, as well as their final authenticated visits, the domains as well as places of visitors, IP addresses, etc. It also displays the operating system used by the actual website visitors as well as the web browsers used to look at the pages. the visits by search engine robots, and other such important information can be displayed by this very sophisticated application. It shows the importance of the AWStats tool in understanding how your website is performing and thus you can take further measures to improve your website, especially its popularity.

Awstats可以显示:访问量以及唯一身份网站访问者的数量,实际访问的时间长度以及最后一次访问的时间,经过身份验证的最终用户的数量,以及他们最终经过身份验证的访问,以及域例如访问者的位置,IP地址等。它还显示实际的网站访问者使用的操作系统以及用于查看页面的Web浏览器。 这个非常复杂的应用程序可以显示搜索引擎机器人的访问以及其他此类重要信息。 它显示了AWStats工具在了解您的网站运行情况方面的重要性,因此您可以采取进一步的措施来改善您的网站,尤其是其受欢迎程度。



The Webalizer is certainly an extremely fast as well as cost-free web server analytical application. It will create extremely comprehensive reports in the HTML format. Webalizer is really a sophisticated statistical application. It creates number of web traffic related statistical charts as well as graphs.

Webalizer当然是一个非常快速且免费的Web服务器分析应用程序。 它将以HTML格式创建极其全面的报告。 Webalizer实际上是一个复杂的统计应用程序。 它创建许多与Web流量相关的统计图表以及图形。

Webalizer FTP

Webalizer FTP

Webalizer FTP is another sophisticated as well as very special statistical application which creates graphical understanding of the actual website visitors to your site using FTP.

Webalizer FTP是另一个复杂且非常特殊的统计应用程序,它使用FTP创建对您网站的实际网站访问者的图形理解。

Sub-domain Stats


This can display statistics for the sub domains present on your web hosting account.


Latest Visitors


This can demonstrate the last 300 site visitors that reached your website and several fascinating details about them.




It will display the number of bytes your web hosting account has transferred within that particular month.


Error Log


It will display errors that will be present on your website, images that are not launching, information about the missing files, and so on. This is extremely ideal for debugging CGI scripts.

它将显示将在您的网站上显示的错误,未启动的图像,有关丢失文件的信息等等。 这对于调试CGI脚本非常理想。









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