
In recent years, the Internet does not use were only the very lazy person. It’s so convenient to introduce some queries in search engines – and there you have a ready answer to all questions. However, to access the Internet must go somewhere. And so eager to acquire their home Internet connection. It is quite reasonable and feasible desire. But you need to buy the necessary equipment. Yet, what equipment is needed to connect to the Internet?

近年来,互联网不只是使用那些很懒惰的人。 在搜索引擎中引入一些查询非常方便–在那里,您可以立即回答所有问题。 但是,访问Internet必须到某个地方。 因此渴望获得他们的家庭互联网连接。 这是相当合理可行的愿望。 但是您需要购买必要的设备。 但是,需要什么设备才能连接到Internet?

Whatever type of Internet access you choose to start with the selection of a suitable computer, laptop or netbook. Although you can try to access the Internet from your phone, but it’s not very convenient.

无论选择哪种类型的Internet访问,都首先要选择合适的计算机,笔记本电脑或上网本。 尽管您可以尝试通过手机访问Internet,但这并不是很方便。

Next stage – a selection of an appropriate form of access. Today is quite common access via 3G modems. This kind of access allows you to stay connected anywhere, anytime. True, this is only possible with proper coverage of the region.

下一阶段–选择适当的访问方式。 今天,通过3G调制解调器的访问非常普遍。 这种访问方式使您可以随时随地保持连接状态。 没错,这只有在适当覆盖该区域的情况下才有可能。

You can do the usual modem – internal or external. In this case, you’ll go out into the world of the Internet with your home phone. On the one hand, it is convenient. You only pay for the used unit online. On the other hand, low internet speed just kills. Moreover, this version differs expensive.

您可以使用普通的调制解调器-内部或外部。 在这种情况下,您将使用家庭电话进入Internet的世界。 一方面,这很方便。 您只需在线购买二手设备。 另一方面,低互联网速度只会使人丧命。 而且,此版本价格昂贵。

The best way – it’s High Speed Internet connection. To do this you access to specialists. In the office, sign the contract. Then they provide you with an ADSL modem – and a special login and password. With their help, you will connect and continue to surf the Internet. Significant advantage of this method of access – this is a significant data transfer speeds. In addition, as a bonus you get to choose the appropriate rate.

最好的方法–是高速Internet连接。 为此,您可以联系专家。 在办公室,签订合同。 然后,他们为您提供ADSL调制解调器-以及特殊的登录名和密码。 在他们的帮助下,您将连接并继续浏览Internet。 这种访问方法的显着优势–这是显着的数据传输速度。 另外,作为奖励,您可以选择合适的利率。

By the way, pay for Internet access will be relatively low. Agree, it’s better to sit in a comfortable chair in front of the monitor’s favorite laptop than to go to internet cafes for doing your online work. But from there return home. Choose comfort!

顺便说一句,互联网访问的费用将相对较低。 同意,最好是坐在显示器最喜欢的笔记本电脑前的舒适椅子上,而不是去网吧进行在线工作。 但是从那里回到家。 选择舒适!

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/what-equipment-is-needed-to-connect-to-the-internet/





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