已是操作系统的一部分_什么是操作系统 第2部分


操作系统–文件系统 (Operating System – File System)

The computer’s main memory is volatile, and its size is limited by the cost of hardware. Thus, users need some method to store and retrieve information permanently.

计算机的主内存易失,其大小受硬件成本的限制。 因此,用户需要某种方法来永久存储和检索信息。

A file is a set of bytes, typically stored in a peripheral non-volatile (eg disk), which can be read and written by one or more processes.


操作系统–用户界面 (Operating System – User interface)

Operating systems provide hardware abstraction so that its resources can be used in a correct and standardized, but to be able to operate a computer, you must also provide an interface for the user to enjoy the resources of the system. Currently there are two types of interfaces: GUI (graphical user interface) or GUI and CUI (command-line user interface) or command line interface.

操作系统提供了硬件抽象,以便可以正确正确地使用其资源,但是要能够操作计算机,还必须提供一个接口,供用户使用系统资源。 当前有两种类型的界面:GUI(图形用户界面)或GUI和CUI(命令行用户界面)或命令行界面。

操作系统– GUI(图形用户界面) (Operating System – GUI (Graphical User Interface))

In this type of interface, the user has available a work environment composed of menus, icons, windows and other items available. The user interacts with this type of interface using the mouse and can also use the keypad and shortcut keys. You can do all sorts of tasks using the graphical interface, such as editing videos and pictures, only a few very specific types of tasks that do best in command line. Add ease of use and speed is the goal of the GUI, with the disadvantage of consuming much more memory than command line interfaces. On unix systems-likes, it is possible to choose the window manager to use, greatly increasing the freedom of choice of environment.

在这种类型的界面中,用户可以使用由菜单,图标,窗口和其他可用项目组成的工作环境。 用户使用鼠标与这种类型的界面进行交互,也可以使用键盘和快捷键。 您可以使用图形界面执行各种任务,例如编辑视频和图片,只有少数几种非常特殊的任务类型在命令行中表现最佳。 GUI的目标是增加易用性和速度,其缺点是要比命令行界面消耗更多的内存。 在类似unix的系统上,可以选择要使用的窗口管理器,从而大大增加了环境选择的自由度。

CUI(命令行用户界面) (CUI (Command-line user interface))

Besides the graphical interface, there is a command line interface, which works primarily with the typing of commands, and that relatively little interaction. The typed commands are interpreted by a shell, also known by shells, quite common in systems unix-likes. An example would be the shell Bash. Usually used by advanced users and specific activities, such as remote management, uses minimal hardware resources compared to the graphical interface. In this environment, we rarely use the mouse, although it is possible using the ncurses library in the development of software.

除了图形界面之外,还有一个命令行界面,主要用于键入命令,并且交互相对较少。 键入的命令由外壳解释,也称为外壳,这在类unix的系统中很常见。 一个例子就是shell Bash。 与图形界面相比,通常由高级用户和特定活动(例如远程管理)使用的硬件资源最少。 在这种环境下,尽管可以在软件开发中使用ncurses库,但很少使用鼠标。

操作系统–分类 (Operating System – Classifications)

In relation to your project (architecture), according to Tanenbaum (1999):


  • Core or monolithic bloc: the core consists of a single process running in protected memory (kernel space) running the core functions. Example: MAC OS X, OS / 2, Windows, Linux, FreeBSD.

    核心或整体块:核心由运行在运行核心功能的受保护内存(内核空间)中的单个进程组成。 例如:MAC OS X,OS / 2,Windows,Linux,FreeBSD。
  • Micronucleus or client-server model: the core consists of minimal functions (communication and process management), and other functions such as file systems and memory management, are implemented in user space as services, and applications (programs) customers. E.g., GNU Hurd, Mach.

    微核或客户机/服务器模型:核心由最少的功能(通信和流程管理)组成,其他功能(例如文件系统和内存管理)在用户空间中作为服务和应用程序(程序)客户实现。 例如,GNU赫德,马赫。
  • System in layers: core functions will run on different layers, according to their level of privilege. E.g., Multics.

    分层系统:核心功能将根据其特权级别在不同的层上运行。 例如,Multics。
  • Virtual Machine Monitor: provides an abstraction of the hardware for various operating systems. Eg VM/370, VMware, Xen.

    虚拟机监视器:为各种操作系统提供硬件的抽象。 例如VM / 370,VMware,Xen。

As for process management, you can use the following classification:


  • Tasking: can run only one process at a time eg MS-DOS.

  • Multitasking: beyond the OS itself, several user processes (tasks) are loaded into memory, and one may be occupying the processor and others are lined up, waiting their turn. Sharing time on the processor is done so that the user has the impression that multiple processes are running simultaneously. Each process takes a while to run. After this period, another process is executed. This alternating process is called competition. Ex: OS / 2, Windows, Linux, FreeBSD and Mac OS X. It is noteworthy that processes may be running simultaneously if the system is multiprocessor, since in each time instant, only one process is running on a processor or processing core (core).

    多任务处理:除了操作系统本身以外,还有几个用户进程(任务)被加载到内存中,一个可能正在占用处理器,而另一个正在排队,等待轮到他们。 在处理器上共享时间是为了让用户有多个进程正在同时运行的印象。 每个过程需要一段时间才能运行。 在此期间之后,将执行另一个处理。 这个交替的过程称为竞争。 例如:OS / 2,Windows,Linux,FreeBSD和Mac OSX。值得注意的是,如果系统是多处理器,则进程可能会同时运行,因为在每个时刻,处理器或处理核心(核心)。
  • Multiprocessing: OS distributes the tasks between two or more processors. If the process is in the same physical machine, the system is called tightly coupled multiprocessor system. If you are on different machines, it is a loosely coupled multiprocessor system.

    多处理:OS在两个或多个处理器之间分配任务。 如果进程在同一台物理计算机上,则该系统称为紧密耦合多处理器系统。 如果您在其他计算机上,则它是一个松耦合的多处理器系统。

可以同时使用系统的用户数量: (The quantity of users who can concurrently use the system:)

  • Single-user: only one user at a time (though it can support features such as Fast User Switching). Example: Windows. This can also be accessed by terminals and remote connection.

    单用户:一次仅一个用户(尽管它可以支持快速用户切换等功能)。 示例:Windows。 也可以通过终端和远程连接进行访问。
  • Multiuser: Many users use the computer at the same time, either by multiple terminals, or by remote connection such as SSH. Eg Linux, Unix.

    多用户:许多用户通过多个终端或通过远程连接(例如SSH)同时使用计算机。 例如Linux,Unix。

操作系统示例: (Examples of operating systems:)

  • Linux

  • Mac OS X

    Mac OS X
  • Windows XP

    Windows XP
  • Solaris

  • FreeBSD

  • Haiku

  • EComStation

  • FreeDOS

  • Unix System V


  • OpenBSD

  • NetBSD

  • DragonflyBSD

  • MenuetOS

  • Google Chrome

  • Windows 7

    Windows 7的
  • Windows Vista

    Windows Vista
  • Ubuntu

  • Windows XP

    Windows XP

Important examples of operating systems that have been discontinued:


  • MS-DOS

  • OS / 2

    操作系统/ 2
  • BeOS

  • NeXTStep

  • CP / M

    CP /米
  • Windows 2000

    Windows 2000
  • Windows 98

    Windows 98

Study: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The text is available under the Creative Commons.

研究:来自维基百科,免费的百科全书。 该文本可在“ 知识共享”下找到

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/what-is-an-operating-system-part-2/






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