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Linux历史记录资源 (Linux History resources)

Version 1.0 of Linux was released on March 14, 1994. This release only supported uniprocessor computer systems based on i386. Portability has become a concern, and soon, in version 1.2, released on March 7, 1995, won support for processors using computer systems based on Alpha, SPARC, and MIPS.

Linux的1.0版于1994年3月14日发布。此版本仅支持基于i386的单处理器计算机系统。 可移植性已经成为人们关注的问题,并且很快在1995年3月7日发布的1.2版中获得了对使用基于Alpha,SPARC和MIPS的计算机系统的处理器的支持。

Version 2.0 was released on 09 June 1996. There had been 41 releases in the series. The main feature of 2.0 was support for symmetric multiprocessing, ie, support for multiple processors on a single system and support for more processor architectures.

2.0版于1996年6月9日发布。该系列已有41个版本。 2.0的主要功能是支持对称多处理,即在单个系统上支持多个处理器,并支持更多处理器体系结构。

Version 2.2 was released on January 26, 1999, who removed the global spinlock and provided improved support for multiprocessor and also added support for the m68k and PowerPC architectures, as well as new file systems, including support only leitra to NTFS from Microsoft.


Version 2.4.0, released on January 4, 2001, contains support for ISA Plug and Play, USB, and PC Cards. It also included support for PA-RISC processor from Hewlett-Packard. Development for the 2.4.x has changed somewhat in that more resources were made available through the duration of the series, including Bluetooth support, [Logical Volume Manager (Linux) | Logical Volume Manager (LVM)] version 1, RAID, file systems and InterMezzo ext3.

2001年1月4日发布的2.4.0版包含对ISA即插即用,USB和PC卡的支持。 它还包括对惠普公司PA-RISC处理器的支持。 2.4.x的开发发生了一些变化,因为在整个系列过程中提供了更多资源,包括蓝牙支持,[Logical Volume Manager(Linux)| Linux]。 逻辑卷管理器(LVM)]版本1,RAID,文件系统和InterMezzo ext3。

Version 2.6.0 was released on December 18, 2003. The 2.6 kernel series is still the number of stable nuclei active in April 2010. The development for the 2.6.x has changed to include more new features through the duration of the series. Among the changes that were made are: integration of µClinux the main source code of Linux, support for physical address extension (PAE), supports several new lines of CPUs, Integration Architecture Advanced Linux Sound (ALSA) in the main code of Linux, supporting up to 232 users (over 216), support for up to 229 process IDs (over 215), substantially increased the number of device types and number of devices for each type. He has perfected the support 64-bit, support for file system up to 16 terabytes, the preemptive kernel, support for the library’s native threads, POSIX, Linux integration in user mode code to the Main Linux, SELinux integration the main code of Linux, support for InfiniBand, and more.

版本2.6.0于2003年12月18日发布。2.6内核系列仍然是2010年4月活跃的稳定核的数目。2.6.x的开发已更改,以在整个系列过程中包括更多新功能。 所做的更改包括:集成µClinux是Linux的主要源代码,支持物理地址扩展(PAE),支持几行新的CPU,在Linux的主要代码中集成了Advanced Architecture Advanced Linux Sound(ALSA),支持多达232个用户(超过216个),支持多达229个进程ID(超过215个),大大增加了设备类型的数量以及每种类型的设备数量。 他完善了对64位的支持,对高达16 TB的文件系统的支持,抢占式内核,对库的本机线程,POSIX的支持,将用户模式代码中的Linux集成到Main Linux,将SELinux集成到Linux的主要代码,支持InfiniBand等。

Also notable are the additions of several file systems through the 2.6.x releases: FUSE, JFS, XFS, ext4 and more. Details of the history of the 2.6 kernel series can be found in records of change (changelog) in the area of release 2.6 of the nuclei site.

同样值得注意的是,在2.6.x发行版中增加了几个文件系统:FUSE,JFS,XFS,ext4等。 2.6内核系列历史记录的详细信息可以在nuclei kernel.org站点2.6版区域的更改记录(changelog)中找到。

Linux模型开发 (Linux Model development)

The current development model of Linux is the way that Linus Torvald perform the launch of new versions, also called cores “vanilla” or “major” (mainline), which means that they contain the main extension and general development. This extension launches a new version every three months or so, after an initial period Torvalds holds major changes for integration for all developers, and several other pre-release to fix defects.

Linux当前的开发模型是Linus Torvald执行新版本发布的方式,新版本也称为核心“ vanilla”或“ major”(主线),这意味着它们包含主要扩展和一般开发。 在最初阶段之后,此扩展会每三个月左右发布一个新版本,Torvalds对所有开发人员进行了重大的集成更改,并修复了一些其他预发行版以修复缺陷。

In the current scheme, the main branch of development is not the traditional “stable”, but instead, it incorporates all kinds of changes, both latest features and security fixes, and defects. For users who do not want to risk upgrading to new versions, containing code that may not have been tested enough, a separate set of extensions “stable” exists, one for each released version, which are designed for users who just want the security fixes and defects, but not a completely new version. These extensions are kept stable by the time (stable team) (Greg Kroah-Hartman, Chris Wright, maybe others).

在当前方案中,开发的主要分支不是传统的“稳定”,而是结合了各种变化,包括最新功能和安全修复程序以及缺陷。 对于不想冒险升级到包含未经过充分测试的代码的用户,存在一组单独的“稳定”扩展名,每个发行版都有一个扩展名,这些扩展名专为仅需要安全修复程序的用户而设计。和缺陷,但不是全新版本。 这些扩展在稳定的时间(团队稳定)(Greg Kroah-Hartman,Chris Wright,也许还有其他人)保持稳定。

Most Linux users use the version provided by their distributions. Some distributions provide the units “vanilla” and / or “stable.” However, many Linux distributors like Red Hat and Debian, maintains another set of extensions to Linux that are integrated into their products. These are typically updated at a slower pace compared with the extension “vanilla” and they usually include all fixes the extension “stable” matching, but at the same time they can add support for drivers or features that have not been released in version “vanilla” in which the distributor was based originally set for your version.

大多数Linux用户使用其发行版提供的版本。 有些发行版提供了“香草”和/或“稳定”单位。 但是,许多Linux发行商(如Red Hat和Debian)维护了另一套Linux扩展,这些扩展已集成到其产品中。 与扩展“ vanilla”相比,这些更新的更新速度通常较慢,并且它们通常包含扩展“ stable”匹配的所有修复程序,但同时它们可以添加对版本“ vanilla”中尚未发布的驱动程序或功能的支持。 ”,最初是为您的版本设置发行商所基于的。

The development model for Linux 2.6 has been a significant change in the model used for the Linux 2.5. Previously there was a stable branch, the 2.4, with only relatively minor revisions were made and safe, and an unstable branch, the 2.5, where bigger changes and cleanups were allowed. Both branches were maintained by the same group of people, led by Torvalds. This meant that users would always have a well-tested version 2.4 with the latest security patches and defects to use, although they had to wait for the resources that went into 2.5 branch. The disadvantage of this was that the core “stable” was so far behind that he could not stand most recent hardware, and lacked the necessary resources.

Linux 2.6的开发模型是Linux 2.5所用模型的重大变化。 以前有一个稳定的分支2.4,仅进行了较小的修订且很安全,而一个不稳定的分支2.5允许进行较大的更改和清理。 两个分支由托瓦尔兹领导的同一批人维护。 这意味着用户将始终拥有经过良好测试的2.4版,其中包含要使用的最新安全补丁和缺陷,尽管他们不得不等待进入2.5分支的资源。 这样做的缺点是核心“稳定”值远远落后,以至于他无法忍受最新的硬件,并且缺少必要的资源。

At the end of the 2.5.x series, some sponsors have chosen to try to port your changes to the number of stable nuclei, which resulted in defects being introduced in the 2.4.x kernels 2.5 The extension was then officially declared stable, and renamed to 2.6, but instead of opening a branch unstable, 2.7, developers have chosen to continue to make major revisions in the branch 2.6, allowing release much faster than the 2.4.x branch, but still, slower than 2.5.x. This brought the desired effect of making new resources available quickly, and get more testing of the new code, which was added to branches smaller and easier to test.

在2.5.x系列的结尾,一些赞助商选择尝试将您对稳定核数的更改移植到2.4.x内核2.5中,从而引入了缺陷。然后正式将该扩展名声明为稳定,并重命名了该扩展名。到2.6,但是开发人员选择继续在2.6分支中进行重大修订,而不是打开不稳定的2.7版本,从而允许发布比2.4.x分支快得多,但仍比2.5.x慢。 这带来了快速提供新资源的预期效果,并对新代码进行了更多测试,这些代码被添加到分支中,变得更小且更易于测试。

In response to the lack of a stable core of the tree, some people coordinated the collection of fixes, and in December 2005 Adrian Bunk announced that he would keep the release of nuclei 2.6.16.y, even when the team continued to 2.6.17. He also included some driver updates, making maintenance of the number of cores 2.6,16 very similar to the old rules for maintaining a stable series, such as 2.4. Since then, the “fixed time” (stable team) was created, and could continue to update the versions of the core with wide mail. In September 2008, Adrian Bunk announced that he would maintain 2.6.27 for a few years as a substitute to 2.6.16. The team took the steady approach and since 2010, they continue to maintain that version, releasing patches for it, besides others.

由于缺少树的稳定核心,一些人协调了修复程序的收集,2005年12月,Adrian Bunk宣布他将保持2.6.16.y核的发布,即使该团队继续使用2.6。 17。 他还包括一些驱动程序更新,使内核2.6,16的维护与维护稳定序列的旧规则(例如2.4)非常相似。 从那时起,创建了“固定时间”(稳定的团队),并且可以继续通过宽邮件来更新核心版本。 2008年9月,阿德里安·邦克(Adrian Bunk)宣布,他将维持2.6.27几年的历史,以取代2.6.16。 团队采用了稳定的方法,自2010年以来,他们继续维护该版本,并为其发布补丁。

After the change in the model with the 2.6.x development, developers continued to care what you call a tree unstable nucleus, one that changes as fast as new patches arrive. Andrew Morton has decided to redirect its tree-mm memory management, to serve as a target for all new code and / or experimental. In September 2007, Morton decided to stop maintaining your tree. In February 2008, Stephen Rothwell created the linux-next tree that fixes that aims to be incorporated in the next cycle of development are met. Several maintainers of subsystems also adopted the suffix-next for its trees containing code to be submitted for inclusion in the next release cycle.

在2.6.x开发中对模型进行更改之后,开发人员继续关注所谓的树不稳定核,该核随新补丁的出现而Swift变化。 Andrew Morton已决定重定向其tree-mm内存管理,以作为所有新代码和/或试验性目标。 在2007年9月,Morton决定停止维护您的树。 2008年2月,斯蒂芬·罗斯威尔(Stephen Rothwell)创建了linux-next树,该树的修复旨在满足下一个开发周期的要求。 子系统的几个维护者也为它们的树采用了后缀-sextix-next,其中的树包含要提交以包含在下一个发行周期中的代码。









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