微软服务器_Microsoft Windows小型企业服务器2003


Microsoft Windows小型企业服务器2003 (Microsoft Windows Small Business Server 2003)

Microsoft Windows Small Business Server 2003 is a network operating system from the software manufacturer Microsoft. It has been specially tailored to the needs of small businesses. The combination of several software products at a comparatively low price for small businesses in particular should be mentioned as a buyer.

Microsoft Windows Small Business Server 2003是来自软件制造商Microsoft的网络操作系统。 它是专门针对小型企业的需求量身定制的。 特别是对于小型企业来说,价格相对较低的几种软件产品的组合应被视为买方。

版本差异 (Edition Differences)

Microsoft Windows Small Business Server 2003 R2 is available in a Standard and Premium Edition.

Microsoft Windows Small Business Server 2003 R2有标准版和高级版。

The Standard Edition contains the following Microsoft-specific products:


  • Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition

    Microsoft Windows Server 2003标准版
  • Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 Standard Edition

    Microsoft Exchange Server 2003标准版
  • Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services

    Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services
  • Microsoft Shared Fax

  • Microsoft Outlook 2003

    Microsoft Outlook 2003

The Premium Edition includes all components of the Standard Edition and includes the following further from the version R2 Technologies:

高级版包括标准版的所有组件,并且还包括R2 Technologies版中的以下组件:

  • Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2004 Standard Edition

    Microsoft Internet安全和加速服务器2004标准版
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Workgroup Edition

    Microsoft SQL Server 2005工作组版
  • Microsoft FrontPage 2003

    Microsoft FrontPage 2003

定义R2(版本2) (Definitions R2 (Release 2))

Some of Microsoft’s server products have been refined in the first half of 2006 by some features. These are known as “R2” behind the actual product name. The term “R1” is sometimes used to “R2” version explicitly to distinguish it from its predecessors: it was never part of the official product names.

Microsoft的某些服务器产品已在2006年上半年通过某些功能进行了改进。 这些在实际产品名称后称为“ R2”。 有时将术语“ R1”用于“ R2”版本,以区别于其先前版本:它从来都不是正式产品名称的一部分。

R1和R2之间的技术差异 (Technical differences between R1 and R2)

R2 * From the “SQL Server 2005 Workgroup Edition is included” in the package of the Premium Edition. The first release includes the standard version of MSDE (Microsoft Data Engine) and the “SQL Server 2000 Standard in Premium Edition. If you want to upgrade to R2, you should first check if all the installed applications are compatible database to the SQL Server 2005. Installation of SQL Server 2005 Workgroup Edition is mandatory and can not be prevented.

R2 *高级版程序包中的“包含SQL Server 2005工作组版”。 第一版包括标准版本的MSDE(Microsoft数据引擎)和“高级版中SQL Server 2000 Standard”。 如果要升级到R2,则应首先检查所有已安装的应用程序是否都是SQL Server 2005兼容的数据库。SQLServer 2005 Workgroup Edition的安装是强制性的,不能阻止。

Update Services (Green Check) were introduced. This feature helps administrators to keep Microsoft software for enterprise-to-date, as far as the Windows update is cocerned. This is actually an integration of WSUS in the Small Business Server 2003 R2. This version of WSUS is limited to two groups, computers and servers. The management is integrated into the SBS management console and is manageable.

引入了更新服务(绿色检查)。 此功能可帮助管理员在需要Windows更新的情况下使Microsoft软件保持企业最新状态。 这实际上是WSUS在Small Business Server 2003 R2中的集成。 WSUS的此版本仅限于两个组,计算机和服务器。 该管理已集成到SBS管理控制台中,并且是可管理的。

The maximum size of the Exchange database has been increased from 16 to 75 Gigabytes. This extension is due to exclusion of the “Microsoft Small Business Server 2003” contained “Exchange Server 2003 Standard” on the disk of the second release, the Service Pack 2 for Exchange server already contains, which is responsible for the enlargement from 16 to 75 gigabytes.

Exchange数据库的最大大小已从16 GB增加到75 GB。 此扩展是由于排除了第二个版本的磁盘上包含的“ Exchange Server 2003 Standard”中的“ Microsoft Small Business Server 2003”,Exchange Server Service Pack 2已包含该文件,负责将其从16扩展到75千兆字节。

SBS 2003 R2 includes the File Server Resource Management “. This allows management of a quota (quotas), file by file verification program (file screening) such as blocking of multimedia content for specific folders, and disk quotas and file reports for review.

SBS 2003 R2包括“文件服务器资源管理”。 这允许管理配额(配额),逐文件验证程序(文件筛选),例如阻止特定文件夹的多媒体内容,以及磁盘配额和文件报告以供查看。

SBS 2003 R2 includes “Distributed File System Replication DFS-R,” which was introduced along with the other releases of Windows Server 2003 R2. SBS 2003 R2 has to remain normal with the DFS and be content with its limitations with respect to site replication (lack of bandwidth optimization).

SBS 2003 R2包括“分布式文件系统复制DFS-R”,它与Windows Server 2003 R2的其他版本一起引入。 SBS 2003 R2必须与DFS保持正常连接,并且要满足站点复制方面的限制(缺乏带宽优化)。

The R2 version of SBS is pure 32-bit software. It was not until the end of 2008, Microsoft released successor to Windows Small Business Server 2008 is pure 64-bit software, which also requires appropriate hardware.

R2版本的SBS是纯32位软件。 直到2008年底,微软发布的Windows Small Business Server 2008的后继产品是纯64位软件,它也需要适当的硬件。

R1和R2之间的许可技术差异 (License Technical differences between R1 and R2)

Using the Microsoft Small Business Server 2003 is R1:

使用Microsoft Small Business Server 2003是R1:

  • The Small Business Server Client Access Licenses (CALs SBS) allow users / devices to access other Windows servers across the network.

    小型企业服务器客户端访问许可证(CAL SBS)允许用户/设备通过网络访问其他Windows服务器。
  • The Small Business Server CALs “do not permit access to additional Exchange or SQL Server on the network.

    “小型企业服务器CAL”不允许访问网络上的其他Exchange或SQL Server。

使用Microsoft Small Business Server 2003 R2: (Using the Microsoft Small Business Server 2003 R2: )

  • The Small Business Server CALs “allow users / devices to other Windows server to access the network.

  • The Small Business Server CALs “allow access to additional Exchange Server 2003 Standard and SQL Server 2005 Workgroup Edition” within the network. This rule applies only to these two products, and if they are within the same network as the Small Business Server.

    小型企业服务器CAL“允许访问网络中的其他Exchange Server 2003 Standard和SQL Server 2005 Workgroup Edition”。 该规则仅适用于这两种产品,并且与小企业服务器位于同一网络中。

发牌 (Licensing)

It comes with five so-called CALs (Client Access License). This means that five users or computers from accessing the servers have made available resources. Common is to operate the licensing per user and not per device. In businesses that operate shifts, but may be the per device licensing of financial advantage.

它带有五个所谓的CAL(客户端访问许可证)。 这意味着有五名用户或计算机无法访问服务器,从而提供了可用资源。 常见的做法是按用户而不是按设备操作许可。 在经营轮班的企业中,可能会获得按设备许可的财务优势。

A CAL for a user allows the user to use any of the included technologies of the Small Business Server 2003 in its entirety. As the Small Business Server to small and medium enterprises has been designed, the software includes a restriction to 75 CALs. In more than five CALs, the recommended system requirements are met, otherwise there may be a slowdown of the server.

用户的CAL允许用户整体使用Small Business Server 2003包含的任何技术。 由于已经为中小型企业设计了小型企业服务器,因此该软件包括75个CAL的限制。 在五个以上的CAL中,满足了建议的系统要求,否则服务器的速度可能会变慢。

Using the Transition Pack is the Small Business Server 2003 will be converted into its individual components. After applying the transition pack has to be both technically and by license of the basic components of the SBS2003 in its respective version. The restrictions on the SBS2003 to the basic components are then removed. This concerns in particular the restriction to 75 CAL license number and the role restriction of the server. The Terminal Services are now available for use, but to get through the Transition Pack No license (TSCAL) for that.

使用Transition Pack的Small Business Server 2003将被转换为其单独的组件。 在应用过渡包之后,必须从技术上以及通过各自版本中SBS2003基本组件的许可获得许可。 然后,取消了对SBS2003基本组件的限制。 这尤其涉及对75 CAL许可证号的限制以及服务器的角色限制。 现在可以使用终端服务,但是要获得过渡包无许可证(TSCAL)。

其他技术资料 (Other technical information)

  • All components of the Microsoft Windows Small Business Servers 2003 are to be installed on one physical computer. It is not permitted or impossible to install a member of technology on a different computer, without being licensed separately.

    Microsoft Windows Small Business Servers 2003的所有组件都将安装在一台物理计算机上。 未经单独许可,不允许或不可能在另一台计算机上安装技术成员。
  • The Microsoft Windows Small Business Server 2003, the first domain controller (DC) of the domain. The domain may contain other domain controllers.

    Microsoft Windows Small Business Server 2003,域的第一个域控制器(DC)。 该域可能包含其他域控制器。
  • Additional DC (not SBS) at remote sites where replication is possible and allowed.

  • The Microsoft Windows Small Business Server 2003 does not support terminal server functionality, although this part of the Windows Server 2003 on which the Microsoft Windows Small Business Server 2003 is based technically seen. However, it is possible for maintenance up to three remote desktop connections to the server set up (two new connections and one to take on the console).

    尽管从技术上看,Microsoft Windows Small Business Server 2003是Windows Server 2003的这一部分,但Microsoft Windows Small Business Server 2003不支持终端服务器功能。 但是,最多可以维护与服务器设置的三个远程桌面连接(两个新连接,一个在控制台上)。
  • It is possible to deploy Terminal Services on another server in the domain. This server may not be a SBS. This may even be a virtual server in a Microsoft Virtual Server 2005 to be on the SBS.

    可以在域中的另一台服务器上部署终端服务。 该服务器可能不是SBS。 这甚至可能是SBS上Microsoft Virtual Server 2005中的虚拟服务器。

Study: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The text is available under the Creative Commons.

研究:来自维基百科,免费的百科全书。 该文本可在“ 知识共享”下找到

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/microsoft-windows-small-business-server-2003/






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