unix系统操作系统_Unix操作系统| 第1部分


Unix作业系统 (Unix Operating System)

UNIX is a portable computer operating system originally developed by a group of research laboratories of AT & T and Bell Labs, among which were initially Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie.

UNIX是一种便携式计算机操作系统,最初由AT&T和Bell Labs的一组研究实验室开发,最初是Ken Thompson和Dennis Ritchie。

UNIX的历史 (History of UNIX )

Unix was designed at Bell Laboratories. The first system that can be defined for all purposes as “Unix System” was developed by Ken Thompson in 1969 to run a program called “Space Travel” that simulated the movements of the sun and planets, as well as the movement of a spaceship that could land in different places.

Unix是在贝尔实验室设计的。 肯·汤普森(Ken Thompson)于1969年开发了第一个可用于所有目的的系统,称为“ Unix系统”,该程序运行一个名为“太空旅行”的程序,该程序模拟太阳和行星的运动以及飞船的运动。可以降落在不同的地方。

UNIX功能 (UNIX Features)

The Unix operating system can be summarized into the following characteristics:


  • Multi user: multiple users can interact simultaneously (from different terminals) with the system, which avoids interference between the activities of different users. Within the system each user is uniquely identified by a logical name (the username). In addition, users are divided into groups, each uniquely identified by its name (group name). In every system is called the root, which is the system administrator, and that, in general, has no limitation in access to resources of the system;

    多用户:多个用户可以同时(从不同终端)与系统交互,从而避免了不同用户活动之间的相互干扰。 在系统内,每个用户均由逻辑名(用户名)唯一标识。 此外,用户分为几组,每组均由其名称(组名)唯一标识。 在每个系统中都称为根,它是系统管理员,并且通常对系统资源的访问没有限制。

  • Multiprogramming (multitasking): its core can support the simultaneous execution of multiple processes run time division;


  • Memory management: virtual memory management system based on Unix paging and segmentation. These features allow any process to address a memory size may exceed those of the main memory that is available;

    内存管理 :基于Unix分页和分段的虚拟内存管理系统。 这些功能允许任何处理内存大小的过程都可以超过可用主内存的大小;

  • Portable: through the use of C in the implementation of the system, it has high portability, and is now available on a wide range of architectures;


  • Open: especially in more recent versions of Unix features have gradually aligned with the POSIX standard. Also produces some of the most common Unix services and communication protocols of the Internet, enabling easy integration of Unix systems within a network;

    开放:尤其是在最新版本的Unix中,功能已逐渐与POSIX标准保持一致。 还产生一些Internet上最常见的Unix服务和通信协议,从而使Unix系统可以轻松地集成到网络中;

  • Development environment for C programs: UNIX still maintains a close link with the C language This relationship is also evident in the availability of system utilities within a fairly rich set of tools for C application development (including the compiler cc).

    C程序的开发环境: UNIX仍然与C语言保持紧密的联系。在相当丰富的C应用程序开发工具集(包括编译器cc)中,系统实用程序的可用性也证明了这种关系。

UNIX和贝尔实验室(六十年代) (UNIX and the Bell Laboratories (Sixties) )

The development of Unix is partly due to a previous project, Multics, very quickly dismissed by the management at Bell Labs because of its perceived complexity.

Unix的开发部分归功于先前的Multics项目,该项目由于其复杂性而很快被Bell Labs的管理层驳回。

Multics was born with conditions very advanced for its time, in particular, was an operating system that supports execution of applications in time-sharing. We chose to develop it internally, given the lack of support that the then computer manufacturer gave to this. His name BESYS the operating system that was installed by default on machines, and this was more like a simple extension of the hardware. BESYS requires massive manual intervention by operators, each sequence of operations should be charged the man with great waste of time.

Multics诞生时具有非常先进的条件,尤其是一个支持分时共享应用程序执行的操作系统。 考虑到当时的计算机制造商对此缺乏支持,我们选择内部开发它。 他的名字叫BESYS,是计算机上默认安装的操作系统,这更像是对硬件的简单扩展。 BESYS需要操作员进行大量的手动干预,每个操作序列都应被浪费大量时间。

It was with the intent to automate these operations (timesharing), who was born Multics (Multiplexed Information and Computing Service). The project was however too complex, especially for researchers accustomed to operating systems and classical perfectly linear. Was soon abandoned in favor of another system much simpler, but much more modest: GECOS. Some researchers did not think the correct decision and decided nevertheless to continue the development of the project. They were, especially Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie, not to give up: it was through their efforts that, on an old PDP-7 machine, came the final version of UNICS (hereinafter Unix). Name was to emphasize simplicity of design compared to poorly managed complexity of Multics. Following completion of the first kernel, Thompson and others evolved a set of programming:

正是出于自动化这些操作(分时)的目的,他诞生于Multics(多路复用信息和计算服务)。 但是,该项目太复杂了,特别是对于习惯于操作系统和经典完美线性的研究人员而言。 不久就被放弃,而支持另一个更简单但更谦虚的系统:GECOS。 一些研究人员没有考虑正确的决定,因此决定继续进行该项目的开发。 他们尤其是Ken Thompson和Dennis Ritchie不放弃:通过他们的努力,在一台旧的PDP-7机器上发布了UNICS的最终版本(以下称Unix)。 与Multics管理不善的复杂性相比,其名称是强调设计的简单性。 在第一个内核完成之后,Thompson和其他人开发了一套编程:

1.    it makes any program do one thing well; 2.    it is expected that the output of one program becomes the input of another; 3.    software is developed with the idea that it will be tested immediately: do not hesitate to share the program; 4.    using special tools in the planning and do not try to reinvent the wheel.

1.它使任何程序都能做好一件事情; 2.期望一个程序的输出成为另一个程序的输入; 3.开发软件时,应立即进行测试:不要犹豫,共享程序; 4.在计划中使用专用工具,不要尝试重新发明轮子。

C的发明 (Invention of C )

The invention of the C language is an important step in the history of Unix. C, developed by Thompson and Ritchie during 1969-1973, has now brought the kernel on different platforms from the original PDP-7, constituting in fact the first software in history to be able to operate in totally different environments. Along with the kernel, or core (nucleus) of the operating system, Unix was accompanied by a series of standard applications for file management and users, which are still used in modern operating systems. First applications in the company (the seventies)

C语言的发明是Unix历史上的重要一步。 由Thompson和Ritchie在1969-1973年间开发的C现在已将内核与原始PDP-7置于不同的平台上,实际上构成了历史上第一个能够在完全不同的环境中运行的软件。 Unix与操作系统的内核(核心)一起,伴随着一系列用于文件管理和用户的标准应用程序,这些标准应用程序仍在现代操作系统中使用。 公司的首次申请(七十年代)

Bell Laboratories were owned by AT & T (telephone communications company operating in the U.S.), which held the rights to Unix. Just at that period in the early seventies, the U.S. telephone system was undergoing a revolution inside: the use of mini-computers for the management of voice and data traffic. These were provided with minimal software type, which allowed maintenance rather limited. Soon it was discovered as Unix, with its modern design and versatility and by allowing mini-computer to do more complex operations. For the first time, maintenance could be handled centrally without sending technicians to investigate the place for any single failure.

贝尔实验室归AT&T(在美国运营的电话通信公司)所有,后者拥有Unix的权利。 就在70年代初的那个时期,美国电话系统发生了一场内部革命:使用微型计算机来管理语音和数据流量。 这些提供了最小的软件类型,这使得维护相当有限。 不久,它被发现为Unix,它具有现代化的设计和多功能性,并允许小型计算机执行更复杂的操作。 首次可以集中处理维护工作,而无需派技术人员调查任何单个故障的位置。

UNIX –大学的发展(八十年代和九十年代) (UNIX – Development by the university (the eighties and nineties) )

AT & T would not have any royalty on the use and modification of Unix. This is not for charity, as one might think wrongly, but for a fact “political”. As a monopolist, AT & T had a range of services to be offered to the market limited by law and not a Unix business directly related to the telecommunications, although in some respects he was. At the center of strong criticism because of its dominant position, which allowed the AT & T Unix source code was freely available for study at universities worldwide.

AT&T不会对Unix的使用和修改收取任何使用费。 这不是为了慈善,因为人们可能会错误地认为,而是出于“政治”事实。 作为垄断者,AT&T可以向法律提供有限的市场范围的服务,而不是与电信直接相关的Unix业务,尽管在某些方面他是。 由于其优势地位而受到强烈批评的中心,这使得AT&T Unix源代码可以免费在世界各地的大学中学习。

Obtaining a copy of the operating system was very simple and very inexpensive: Just pay the shipping costs of the support. Quickly formed a worldwide community at the university focused on developing new components and applications for Unix following the lines of Open Source modern. Through this process, during the seventies saw the light of the first seven versions of the operating system.

获得操作系统的副本非常简单且非常便宜:只需支付支持的运输费用。 在大学中Swift建立了一个全球社区,致力于遵循开源现代的路线为Unix开发新的组件和应用程序。 通过这个过程,在70年代,看到了操作系统的前七个版本。

Unix formed a strong aggregator for the emerging science of information. In fact, you can even say that it was its joint development to create for the first time the idea of computing as a science. Unix has also produced a series of highly desirable consequences in science: the creation of a common environment within which the researchers could monitor and control experiments, the work could be reused and improved products, was the final transition from the laboratory isolated to a workplace community, where everyone could contribute.

Unix是新兴信息科学的强大聚集器。 实际上,您甚至可以说,首次创建计算科学的思想是它的共同发展。 Unix在科学领域也产生了一系列令人非常希望的结果:创建一个共同的环境,研究人员可以在其中监视和控制实验,可以重复使用工作和改进产品,这是从实验室到工作场所社区的最终过渡,每个人都可以贡献力量。

To solve the problems of sharing the code was introduced for the first time copying files between systems located in different parts of the world through the telephone line. The system was called UUCP (Unix to Unix Copy) and although he was soon overshadowed by the burgeoning ARPANET (later the Internet), is an example vibrant and productive environment that was built around Unix.

为了解决共享代码的问题,首次引入了通过电话线在位于世界不同地区的系统之间复制文件的方法。 该系统称为UUCP(Unix到Unix复制),尽管他很快就被新兴的ARPANET(后来称为Internet)所掩盖,但它是围绕Unix构建的一个充满活力和高效的示例环境。



翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/unix-operating-system-part-1/






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