可扩展标记语言xml总结_可扩展标记语言XML | 第2部分


XML –最常见的语言 (XML – most common language)

  • XForms: as its name suggests, is a language born to create forms (forms) of type HTML into an XML document.


  • SMIL (Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language): This language defined in XML, is used to describe the content and manage the timing of multi-media presentations that can combine videos, audio, images and text.


  • MathML (Mathematical Markup Language): MathML is used for describing mathematical notation, taking a while to fix the structure and content, it can be reported and processed on the Web

    MathML(数学标记语言): MathML用于描述数学符号,花费一些时间来固定结构和内容,可以在Web上进行报告和处理

  • X3D (eXtensible 3D): X3D is a language that opens the door to build three-dimensional models, whether simple or sophisticated. So can be applied to objects created animations and mechanisms for user interaction. How language is built on the Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML), in turn assumed to international standard in 1997. In the latter, the X3D will include the ability typical Extensible Markup Language (XML), integration with other technologies of the World Wide Web, validation of content and flexible addition of new hardware extensions if there were any needs.

    X3D(可扩展3D): X3D是一种语言,可用来构建简单或复杂的三维模型。 因此可以应用于为对象创建的动画和用户交互机制。 语言是如何建立在虚拟现实建模语言(VRML)上的,而虚拟现实建模语言又是1997年采用的国际标准。在后者中,X3D将具有典型的可扩展标记语言(XML)的功能,并与万维网上的其他技术集成,内容验证以及如有需要,可以灵活添加新的硬件扩展。

  • Core Profile – There are seven profiles, each of which comprises a set of features commonly used for different purposes. This allows developers to achieve intermediate levels of browser support dell’X3D, without needing to implement at once the complete specification) and componentization browser for faster downloading.

    核心配置文件 –共有七个配置文件,每个配置文件包含一组通常用于不同目的的功能。 这使开发人员可以实现中等水平的浏览器支持dell'X3D,而无需立即实现完整的规范)和组件化浏览器以加快下载速度。

  • XBRL (eXtensible Business Reporting Language) is a language used for communication and exchange of financial and accounting data in electronic format


XML和网页:XHTML (XML and web pages: XHTML)

The traditional HTML is not a real standard because of its excessive flexibility and operation unchanged even in the presence of semantic errors, syntax and grammar. Alongside him is XHTML or HTML traditional XML-based, with its rigid structure with its own rules.

传统HTML并不是真正的标准,因为即使在出现语义错误,语法和语法的情况下,它的过度灵活性和操作也保持不变。 他旁边是XHTML或基于HTML的传统XML,它具有严格的结构和自己的规则。

For example, in XHTML, unlike in traditional HTML, empty tags should be closed with a slash (/) final empty attributes must be treated with true or false, the closing tag must be mirrored (if you open a tag and before closing it will open another, you must first close the second tag and then the first), many tags and many attributes are missing, the special characters should be managed along with other features, but also there is a dedicated DTD.


An XHTML (or XHTML code, since the extension of the page independent of the code in this case) does not work if written incorrectly and sent the correct mime type (application / xhtml + xml). When it is sent as text / html works because it is interpreted as html (with errors, such as closed <br /> tags) just does not meet the standard and does not enjoy its benefits, including the first browser and portability different clients.

如果编写不正确并发送了正确的mime类型(应用程序/ xhtml + xml),则XHTML(或XHTML代码,因为在此情况下,页面扩展与代码无关)不起作用。 当它以text / html格式发送时,因为它被解释为html(带有错误,例如封闭的<br />标签),因此不符合该标准并且不能享受其好处,包括第一个浏览器和可移植性不同的客户端。

Study: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The text is available under the Creative Commons.

研究:来自维基百科,免费的百科全书。 该文本可在“ 知识共享”下找到

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/extensible-markup-language-xml-part-2/






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