软件开发 外包_软件开发外包:选择它的理由

软件开发 外包

Do you know that great feel when a splendid idea comes to your mind? You generate a solution that will simplify, optimize, improve people’s lives. After brainstorming, you come up with its advanced form: now, you know for sure how to build an app that will be considerably better than the rival tools. But wait a minute… Do you really know how to build this app? Do you have a deep vision of the development process? Or are you an experienced IT engineer that can do all by yourself? Even if you are, that’s too hard to bring a great idea to life on your own.

当您想到一个绝妙的主意时,您知道那种很棒的感觉吗? 您生成的解决方案将简化,优化,改善人们的生活。 经过集思广益,您会想到它的高级形式:现在,您肯定会知道如何构建一个比竞争对手工具要好得多的应用程序。 但是请稍等...您真的知道如何构建此应用程序吗? 您对开发过程有很深的了解吗? 还是您是一位经验丰富的IT工程师,可以自己完成所有工作? 即使您是,也很难靠自己实现一个好主意。

Who can help you with high-quality software products development? Obviously, you need to build cooperation with a team of skilled engineers. Today, we are going to discuss the available methods, explain why it is the best option to outsource app development and have a glance at top IT companies that will help you with it.

谁可以帮助您进行高质量的软件产品开发? 显然,您需要与一组熟练的工程师建立合作关系。 今天,我们将讨论可用的方法,解释为什么它是外包应用程序开发的最佳选择,并一览将为您提供帮助的顶级IT公司。

Software Development Outsourcing

内部开发人员vs自由职业专家vs外包合作伙伴 (In-house Developers vs Freelance Specialists vs Outsourcing Partner)

Typically, you can choose from 3 most popular options:


内部开发人员 (In-house Developers)

This type of cooperation means that you hire engineers to work together with you right in your office. It sounds pretty attractive: building a product shoulder to shoulder, you can be fully aware of its specifics. Besides, you can build close business relations with your co-workers. But after deep research, you discover the disadvantages: hiring on-site developers is a time-consuming and expensive process.

这种类型的合作意味着您可以在办公室内聘请工程师与您一起工作。 这听起来很有吸引力:并肩构建产品,您可以完全了解它的细节。 此外,您可以与同事建立紧密的业务关系。 但是经过深入研究,您发现了缺点:雇用现场开发人员是一个耗时且昂贵的过程。

First of all, you need to rent a convenient office and decide on how to maintain it effectively. After that, you need to hire HR and recruitment experts to help you with a search. IT engineers are in high demand: a qualified software developer may get up to a dozen job offers per week. Developers hardly look for a job; a job finds them instead. Thus, you need to get ready to invest much time and money in recruitment. Onboarding processes take time, too.

首先,您需要租用便利的办公室并决定如何有效维护它。 之后,您需要聘请人力资源和招聘专家来帮助您进行搜索。 IT工程师的需求量很高:合格的软件开发人员每周可能获得多达12个工作机会。 开发商几乎找不到工作 ; 工作找到了他们。 因此,您需要准备在招聘中投入大量时间和金钱。 入职流程也需要时间。

And last but not least, software engineers’ salaries in the US are high. Thus, let’s proceed with 2 more options.

最后但并非最不重要的一点是,美国的软件工程师的薪水很高 。 因此,让我们继续使用2个选项。

自由专员 (Freelance Specialists)

There’s much fish in the ocean; there are many engineers on freelance platforms like Upwork. You can find here everyone you need: from a QA engineer with minimum salary expectation to a UI/UX designer with sky-high hourly rates. You can get access to their portfolios and testimonials but it’s not so easy to find a reliable partner here.

海洋里有很多鱼。 Freelance平台(如Upwork)上有许多工程师。 您可以在这里找到所需的每个人:从期望最低薪资的质量检查工程师到时薪高昂的UI / UX设计师。 您可以访问他们的投资组合和推荐书,但是在这里找到可靠的合作伙伴并不容易。

There are 2 hidden pitfalls:


  • How many specialists you need?

  • What is their reputation?


You look for a whole development team so take a deep breath and start browsing hundreds of pages with candidates’ profiles, study their works and be attentive to details. It will take much time and attention to hire 4-6 engineers to delegate the development tasks to.

您需要一个整个开发团队,因此请深呼吸,开始浏览数百页包含求职者资料的页面,研究他们的作品,并注意细节。 雇用4-6名工程师将开发任务委托给它会花费很多时间和精力。

Take into account that these people have never worked together. Issues may occur anytime; and it may negatively affect your product design.

考虑到这些人从未合作过。 问题随时可能发生; 可能会对您的产品设计产生负面影响。

外包业务 (Outsourcing)

Nowadays, software development outsourcing is the best method for high-quality app production. It allows to:

如今,软件开发外包是高质量应用程序生产的最佳方法。 它允许:

  • Start development process fast;

  • Set strict deadlines and break into the unoccupied niche right on time;

  • Work with well-educated, highly-skilled and experienced engineers;

  • Extend your business boundaries;

  • Save money.


We have analyzed the statistics provided by job search websites along with good old Statista and Glassdoor. Now, we can confidently say it is much cheaper to build cooperation with a team of developers overseas than to hire on-site experts.

我们分析了求职网站提供的统计数据,以及良好的StatistaGlassdoor 。 现在,我们可以自信地说,与海外开发人员团队建立合作要比雇用现场专家便宜得多。

NB: product’s quality won’t suffer.


外包给乌克兰 (Outsourcing to Ukraine)

There are so many outsourcing destinations! We have thought much about which one to choose to help you to reach success. Some of the outsourcing destinations are extremely cheap; others have convenient work hours. And there is the one that combines these factors and an opportunity to work with brilliant talents that speak English flawlessly. The developers work in a convenient time zone and their salary won’t eat your budget. These engineers are based in Ukraine, one of the greatest outsourcing destinations.

外包目的地太多了! 我们已经考虑过选择哪一个可以帮助您获得成功。 一些外包目的地非常便宜。 其他人有方便的工作时间。 有一种将这些因素结合在一起的机会,并且有机会与精通英语的优秀人才一起工作。 开发人员在一个方便的时区工作,他们的薪水不会消耗您的预算。 这些工程师位于最大的外包目的地之一乌克兰。

Why should you pay your attention to Ukraine?


  • A huge amount of resources: there are more than 185,000 IT experts in this country;


  • Seniority: more than 60,000 IT engineers have more than 5 years of experience;

  • Companies: many Ukrainian IT outsourcing companies are included in the top 100 ITO companies list;

  • Clients: such successful business giants as Microsoft, Samsung, Huawei, Siemens outsource their development to Ukraine.

    客户: 微软三星华为西门子等成功的商业巨头将其开发工作外包给乌克兰。

乌克兰5大外包公司 (Top 5 Ukrainian Outsourcing Companies To Take A Look At)

The choice is hard. There are so many service providers in the market and there isn’t even enough time to consider all of them! We have shortlisted medium-size outsourcing companies, analyzed their ratings on Clutch and their former customers’ opinions. So take a look at the best representatives of Ukrainian outsourcing companies:

选择是困难的。 市场上有太多的服务提供商,甚至没有足够的时间考虑所有服务提供商! 我们入围了中型外包公司,分析了他们对Clutch的评级以及他们以前的客户的意见。 因此,请看一下乌克兰外包公司的最佳代表:

智能软件 (Intellectsoft)

Here, custom mobile app development is the engineers’ primary skill. The company works with medium and large businesses from all over the world. We have noticed the products for Jaguar in the company’s portfolio.

在这里,定制移动应用程序开发是工程师的主要技能。 该公司与来自世界各地的大中型企业合作。 我们已经注意到该公司产品组合中的Jaguar产品。

顺时针软件 (Clockwise Software)

Company’s specialists can help you with full-cycle product development. They deal with everything from deep requirements’ analysis to high-quality development and further app’s support. The engineers have expertise in building products for supply chain, eCommerce industry, marketing needs etc.

公司的专家可以帮助您进行全周期产品开发。 他们处理从深入的需求分析到高质量开发以及应用程序进一步支持的所有内容。 工程师在为供应链,电子商务行业,营销需求等构建产品方面具有专业知识。

回声 (Echo)

The company builds products for clients from North America and Western Europe. Company’s founders claim to have a huge pool of Ukrainian IT talents: in case you are looking for a dedicated team, Echo can build a great one for your needs.

该公司为北美和西欧的客户生产产品。 公司的创始人声称拥有大量的乌克兰IT人才:如果您正在寻找一支专业的团队,Echo可以根据您的需要建立一支优秀的团队。

Sigma软件 (Sigma Software)

Have you ever organized your flights with Scandinavian Airlines? Sigma has developed software products for these world-known airlines. Sigma’s specialists work mostly with eCommerce, Big Data and business automation projects.

您是否曾经在北欧航空公司组织过航班? Sigma为这些世界知名的航空公司开发了软件产品。 Sigma的专家主要从事电子商务,大数据和业务自动化项目。

Devcom (Devcom)

Almost 20 years in the market! This is quite an impressive result. The company operates in Lviv and works with logistics, healthcare, financial and eCommerce software products.

市场将近20​​年! 这是一个令人印象深刻的结果。 该公司在利沃夫(Lviv)运营,并与物流,医疗保健,金融和电子商务软件产品合作。

To make the right choice, don’t miss a chance to get acquainted with the representatives and find out more about each business. Consider not only hard skills but also soft skills and communication. And don’t hesitate to delegate important tasks to qualified experts.

要做出正确的选择,请不要错过与代表结识并深入了解每项业务的机会。 不仅要考虑硬技能,还要考虑软技能和沟通能力。 并且不要犹豫,将重要任务委托给合格的专家。

翻译自: https://www.thecrazyprogrammer.com/2019/11/software-development-outsourcing.html

软件开发 外包

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