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翻译 云游戏的技术 流化技术_与蔚蓝的事件中心交叉流和流分析云专家

云游戏的技术 流化技术This blog provides a practical example of how to use Azure Stream Analytics to process streaming data from Azure Event Hubs. You should be able to go through this tutorial using the Azure P...

2020-10-16 07:13:54 1351

翻译 如何部署分析工作负载

“It works on my machine”. That’s great. But now how do you make sure it runs in production, repeatedly and reliably? Here we share our lessons learned from deploying many analytics solutions at client...

2020-10-16 07:03:44 1004

翻译 wsl使Windows上的软件开发再次变酷

I felt in love with Ubuntu a long time ago, when I was able to run World of Warcraft on my machine that had 256MB and no graphics card at all, and I’ve been coding there ever since. The bad thing abou...

2020-10-16 06:54:43 824

翻译 4 vs代码扩展使工作轻松

Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is praised by many programmers as the ultimate weapon of development. By the extensions, VS Code can almost code in 99% of the programming languages. These extensions are ...

2020-10-16 06:45:30 505

翻译 赛普拉斯强大的集成测试

If you are writing a moderately complex web application, eventually, you will run into difficulties that can occur when a change in one place has unintended consequences elsewhere in the application. ...

2020-10-16 06:34:39 324

翻译 怎么快速学习一门编程语言_快速学习编程语言

怎么快速学习一门编程语言“Every form of human creativity and genius is a process of doing it and getting better at it. Become a programmer by programming, there is no other ways. So do it, do it more, do it better...

2020-10-16 06:24:20 248

翻译 两组滑块宽度设计_发现颤抖如何创建滑块如何创建炫酷的文字设计

两组滑块宽度设计30周内颤动提示(Flutter Tips in 30 weeks)How about we create a mini-application that will cover a specific topic, which is in line with our intention to practice and create the habit of learning Flu...

2020-10-16 06:14:53 184

翻译 苹果铅笔怎么链接_我现在有一支苹果铅笔

苹果铅笔怎么链接I’m not affiliated with Apple. I’m not an Apple person. I’ve never been an Apple person. But a few months ago, I got an iPad and thought heck, I might as well get the stylus.我不隶属于苹果公司。 我不是苹果人。...

2020-10-16 06:04:18 398

翻译 拉取请求是谦虚必不可少的课程

Two years ago, I started my journey as a software engineer. I threw away a successful career in search engine optimization, and jumped into web development.两年前,我以软件工程师的身份开始了自己的旅程。 我放弃了在搜索引擎优化方面的成功事业,并...

2020-10-16 05:53:44 172

翻译 python joblib_使用joblib加快python管道的速度

python joblibMake your Python work faster!使您的Python工作更快! 动机:(Motivation:)With the addition of multiple pre-processing steps and computationally intensive pipelines, it becomes necessary at some poi...

2020-10-16 05:43:07 1160

翻译 azure web应用部署_如何在Azure Web应用程序中托管Python Dash Fastapi

azure web应用部署The story starts with implementing a light-weighted dashboard app for some end users from the business side. Looking into the market nowadays, there is a wide range of data visualization ...

2020-10-16 05:33:12 449

翻译 适用于Visual Studio代码的Windows中的C的Google测试安装指南

Hey, budding c++ coders out there! On your way to becoming a fleshed out developer? I presume you have installed a code editor of your choice, installed compilers, debuggers and all the necessary libr...

2020-10-16 05:22:41 163

翻译 用r选择项目

工业工程师R(R for Industrial Engineers) 行动调查(Operations Research)Operations Research is a scientific approach for decision making that seeks for the best design and operation of a system, usually under ...

2020-10-16 05:13:36 413

翻译 软件需求规格说明书通用模版_通用需求挑战和机遇

软件需求规格说明书通用模版When developing applications there will be requirements that are needed on more than one application. Examples of such common requirements are non-functional, cookie consent and design pa...

2020-10-16 05:02:59 415

翻译 mysql根据 字符串分区_字符串分区

mysql根据 字符串分区The picture above is a graphic representation of the partitioning of word “stringpartitioning”.上图是单词“ stringpartitioning”的分区的图形表示。Take a deep, deep look. 深入了解。How many partitions do you...

2020-10-16 04:53:34 2408

翻译 电脑编程从哪里开始学习_我想学习编程,但我不知道从哪里开始

电脑编程从哪里开始学习How and Where Should I Learn Programming?我应该在哪里学习编程?Software development is a challenging and lucrative career option. Our daily utility items — light bulbs, televisions, cars, banking, sh...

2020-10-16 04:42:58 2539

翻译 优化HTML和Markdown图像加载

This is the third article about image optimization I implemented in my blog on Nuxt with Netlify CMS.这是我在Netxify CMS上的Nuxt博客中实现的关于图像优化的第三篇文章。Check previous ones if you haven’t already: 如果您还没有,请检查以前的那...

2020-10-16 04:33:38 213

翻译 在Java中回避潜在的空指针警告的一种方法

It’s silly to hate null pointer exceptions. If you pay attention to compiler warnings, it’s unlikely that a null pointer exception will catch you by surprise in a production context.讨厌空指针异常是愚蠢的。 如果您注意...

2020-10-16 04:24:24 272

翻译 计算机研究生是怎样上课的_在上课之前,它是一个对象

计算机研究生是怎样上课的介绍(Introduction)With the advent of wide-spread availability of training data and computational resources, computer vision and object detection have become increasingly more accessible. Ho...

2020-10-16 04:15:09 303

翻译 通过撬更好地了解您的Ruby代码

As you continue your journey as a beginner “rubyist” you will notice an increase in complexity in the coding challenges or “labs” you are approached with. That being said, in these early stages you’re...

2020-10-16 04:04:33 143

翻译 aws waf sql注入_您可以使用AWS在纸上运行sql查询吗

aws waf sql注入Have you ever drawn some wonderful tabular data on a piece of paper and thought, “Wouldn’t it be nice if I could run an SQL query on this”?您是否曾经在纸上绘制过一些很棒的表格数据,并想过:“如果我可以对此进行SQL查询,那会不会很好?...

2020-10-16 03:54:47 145

翻译 apache nifi iops问题

介绍(Introduction)In this article, I’ll present the problem with having large amount of data processed in our NiFi data flows regularly — while being bounded by IOPS. Since NiFi is IOPS intensive, this...

2020-10-16 03:44:35 214

翻译 python概述_python基本概述

python概述Python has many unique features that help make it what it is. Some of these features include:Python具有许多独特的功能,可帮助使其成为现实。 其中一些功能包括:Python is Interpreted — Python compiles at runtime. 解释了Python-...

2020-10-16 03:35:33 271

翻译 前端开发优秀简历_这就是如今成为优秀的前端开发人员所需要的

前端开发优秀简历重点(Top highlight)Front-end developers are currently highly in demand and that’s for good reason. But companies are also very demanding when it comes to picking their developers. They only want...

2020-10-16 03:25:57 1291

翻译 学习在React Native和React JS之间共享代码

React Native is a popular choice for web and mobile apps, being a framework for creating native apps using JavaScript. It compiles to the native app components, which make creating native mobile apps ...

2020-10-16 03:15:26 516

翻译 pyqt5 gui_pyqt5用于构建gui网格创建器

pyqt5 guiAn effective PyQt5 workflow for developing a desktop application with the example GUI for drawing a grid in an image.有效的PyQt5工作流程,用于使用示例GUI开发桌面应用程序以在图像中绘制网格。Graphical user interfaces are usu...

2020-10-16 03:05:47 304

翻译 什么是keycloak如何在nodejs第2部分中使用它

Welcome back to our two part series on configuring and using Keycloak in real world. In this part I will focus more on using the Keycloak setup that we configured back in Part 1 in a nodejs express ap...

2020-10-16 02:55:35 1151

翻译 node deno_deno rest用于deno restful api的样板

node denoDeno — A very young modern, and secure runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript that uses V8 and is built in Rust, and Tokio.Deno —一个非常年轻的,现代且安全JavaScript和TypeScript运行时,使用V8,并在Rust和Tokio中构建。I h...

2020-10-16 02:44:45 244

翻译 使用influxdb存储传感器数据

1.下载InfluxDB容器(1. Download InfluxDB container)Download influxDB docker image下载InfluxDB Docker映像sudo docker pull influxdb 2.启动InfluxDB服务器容器(2. Start InfluxDB server container)sudo docker run -d -p ...

2020-10-16 02:34:59 458

翻译 软件帝国的历程

When I was a child, I liked building Lego models. I still do like building Lego models, but these days I also building software products. And those are a bit more tricky…小时候,我喜欢构建乐高模型。 我仍然喜欢构建Lego模型,但...

2020-10-16 02:25:30 260

翻译 字谜分组_数组中的字谜分组

字谜分组问题:(Problem:)Given an array of strings, group anagrams together. 给定一个字符串数组,将字谜分组在一起。For example, given the following array: 例如,给定以下数组:['eat', 'ate', 'apt', 'pat', 'tea', 'now']Return: 返回:[ ['...

2020-10-16 02:14:42 90

翻译 linux应用程序开源架构_构建命令行应用程序以检查开源漏洞

linux应用程序开源架构重点(Top highlight)Vulnerabilities in open source software, programming languages or projects is a big thing as a single exploit could cause a lot of chaos and lead to the loss of thousands...

2020-10-16 02:05:38 176

翻译 npm软件安装包_如何发布您的第一个npm软件包

npm软件安装包What makes JavaScript great to work with is its vast ecosystem of useful packages. There’s a package for almost any problem you might encounter.使JavaScript很棒的原因是其庞大的有用软件包生态系统。 几乎可以解决您遇到的所有问题的软...

2020-10-16 01:55:41 329

翻译 Laravel 8有什么新功能

Has it been six months already?! It sure has. You know what that means: A new Laravel version is here — Laravel 8!已经六个月了吗? 它肯定有。 您知道这意味着什么:Laravel 8是一个新的Laravel版本!Laravel 8 was released two days ago ...

2020-10-16 01:44:49 448

翻译 在nestjs中使用websocket套接字io redis和docker构建实时聊天应用程序

Nowadays, life is hectic and the world is running in real-time.Every news, data, and information ..etc are transforming very fast and seem like immediately. Not only journalist, retail, or financial m...

2020-10-16 01:34:56 3009

翻译 所有开发人员都应该知道的行话

Software development has a lot of abbreviations, and every day new ones appear. In this article, I’ve compiled some frequently used software development terms. It is better that you know them (if you ...

2020-10-16 01:24:42 273

翻译 赛普拉斯天线_赛普拉斯在gitlab ci管道中设置了首次验收测试

赛普拉斯天线Late evening calls, reverted releases, lost revenue, and eventually fear of touching anything in legacy code not to break something. Nobody likes that. Do you know what is one of the best ways t...

2020-10-16 01:15:34 452

翻译 es6 写util函数_为什么我喜欢Java util函数

es6 写util函数One of the greatest things that happened to Java8 is FunctionalInterface . It’s amazing. It makes java developer’s life so functional that you will love it. By name, we get some idea that i...

2020-10-16 01:06:14 113

翻译 lstm bi-lstm_关于堆栈质量问题的LSTM网络

lstm bi-lstmAsking well defined questions is crucial when it comes to programmers, because most of the questions have been answered, but in the plethora of information that are on Google, it can be ha...

2020-10-13 12:47:09 245

翻译 非对称路径流量_互联网流量不对称如何捕获反向路径问题

非对称路径流量We have written a series of articles about traceroutes, the most popular tool that network engineers use to troubleshoot network performance. Subscribe to our blog for upcoming articles.我们写了一系列...

2020-10-13 12:36:28 915



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