

Social media is getting bigger and bigger to the point that today, it will provide more information in days than what the entire world had mere decades ago. Understanding it and figuring out how to use it for your business is essential and, as the workload increases, it will require newer and newer technological advances and ideas.

社交媒体越来越大,以至于今天,它在几天之内将提供比全世界几十年前更多的信息。 了解它并弄清楚如何在您的业务中使用它是必不可少的,并且随着工作量的增加,它将需要越来越新的技术进步和思想。

As the data scientist consultants from ActiveWizards explain, following the growth of social media is of great value to those who are willing to learn and use social networks to get financial gain. However, this is no secret and the competition is ever improving, so the one with the best understanding and adaptability will most likely be the one to get ahead.

正如ActiveWizards数据科学家顾问所解释的那样,社交媒体的增长对于那些愿意学习和使用社交网络获得经济利益的人来说具有巨大的价值。 但是,这不是秘密,竞争也在不断发展,因此具有最佳理解和适应能力的人很可能会取得成功。

How Social Media and Big Data will Unleash What We Know

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Every year, the developers have to put in extra hours to advance their technology in order to get insight and context from interactions happening on social media websites. The reason is simple; there are millions upon millions of conversations happening daily out in the open. Every time someone comments, shares, replies to a comment, or even likes something online, they actually create the conditions needed for a conversation thread to start, and that means data that can be used to improve your services or; at least, to improve on your sales tactics. Of course, social media brings up a whole new slew of questions regarding the privacy and legality of using data acquired this way, but the fact is that most of these conversations take place in the open and not in private messages.

每年,开发人员都必须投入额外的时间来改进其技术,以便从社交媒体网站上发生的互动中获得洞察和背景。 原因很简单; 每天都有成千上万的对话在公开进行。 每当有人发表评论,分享,回复评论,甚至在线上喜欢某件事时,他们实际上都会创建一个对话线程启动所需的条件,这意味着可以用来改善服务的数据;或者 至少可以改善您的销售策略。 当然,社交媒体对使用这种方式获取的数据的隐私性和合法性提出了一系列全新的问题,但是事实是,大多数此类对话都是公开进行的,而不是私人信息。

Now, a person is simply not capable of analyzing the information that is put in; the language that is used is natural, the sentences are not always (if ever) properly constructed, and the amount of information is insurmountable for any mortal. So, the actual use of this information requires technologies that are still being developed. That technology does not only need to be powerful enough to handle the size, complexity, and speed of the input, it also needs to do that in a way that is cost effective.

现在,一个人根本无法分析所输入的信息。 所使用的语言是自然的,句子并非总是(如果有的话)正确构造的,信息量对于任何凡人都是无法克服的。 因此,此信息的实际使用需要仍在开发中的技术。 该技术不仅需要足够强大的功能来处理输入的大小,复杂性和速度,还需要以经济高效的方式做到这一点。

The intriguing part of the entire story about online comments is that they are permanent. Whatever someone writes down without even thinking about it is stored for what is possibly an eternity. This is valuable information because not only does it make it possible to investigate the market and get precise statistical information, but it will also allow for historical tracking of trends.

有关在线评论的整个故事中有趣的部分是它们是永久性的。 无论有人写下什么,甚至都没有想过,都会被保存下来,以备不时之需。 这是有价值的信息,因为它不仅使调查市场和获得精确的统计信息成为可能,而且还可以对趋势进行历史跟踪。

This is where big data steps in. It provides new ways of approaching this issue and it is showing promise in regards to being able to adapt to the incredible growth of social media. Another big issue today is trying to follow the trends and, when that does not work as well as intended, trying to get ahead of them. In order to be really successful, you need to know what will happen before it does and, in order to do that, you must first know what to ask for. Big data actually helps with that as well. Some tools are actually smart enough to recognize these patterns and offer knowledge you might need before you even realize it.

这是大数据介入的地方。它提供了解决此问题的新方法,并且在能够适应社交媒体的惊人增长方面显示出了希望。 今天的另一个大问题是试图顺应趋势,而当趋势不尽如人意时,则要努力追赶潮流。 为了真正取得成功,您需要先知道会发生什么,然后再这样做,必须首先知道要求什么。 大数据实际上也有帮助。 实际上,有些工具足够聪明,可以识别这些模式,并在您意识到它们之前就提供了可能需要的知识。

Nevertheless, big data still needs to grow and these are the things it is likely to develop:


1. Apps that plug directly into social networks for both the consumer and enterprises alike.


Big data is the only thing, well, big enough to actually approach this information as it is happening. More and more social networks include third-party software to be used as analytic programs. What big data offers is the possibility of getting a full report of queries, trends, and insights that would help you improve your business.

大数据是唯一的东西,足够大,足以在发生这种情况时实际处理这些信息。 越来越多的社交网络包括用作分析程序的第三方软件。 大数据提供的是获得完整的查询,趋势和见解报告的可能性,这将有助于您改善业务。

2. Interconnections


The Internet is probably the main method of communication in the twenty-first century. This means that now, almost every subject around actually has a public forum for it to be discussed. This will lead to more and more connections between consumers and enterprises. If a company is to succeed in the future, it should include the capabilities to follow both of these.

互联网可能是二十一世纪的主要通信方式。 这意味着现在,几乎每个主题实际上都有一个公开论坛可供讨论。 这将导致消费者与企业之间的联系越来越多。 如果一家公司要在将来获得成功,则应包括遵循这两种能力的能力。

3. Spying concerns


Even now, a lot of consumers online are worried about big companies and governments spying on them and illegally acquiring information regarding their behavior. It is rather important to be able to put those worries at ease and grow your work without the brand of being the “Big Brother” for your clients.

即使是现在,许多在线消费者仍然担心大型公司和政府对他们进行监视并非法获取有关其行为的信息。 能够轻松消除这些烦恼并增加您的工作,而不必成为客户的“老大哥”品牌,这一点非常重要。

翻译自: https://www.thecrazyprogrammer.com/2017/03/social-media-and-big-data.html






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