windows 10 索引_如何对Windows 10上的Windows搜索索引器进行故障排除

windows 10 索引

windows 10 索引

The icon for Microsoft's Indexer Diagnostics tool on a Windows 10 desktop.

Do you have a problem with the search function in Windows 10’s Start menu or File Explorer? Whether Windows can’t find your files, indexing is using too much CPU or search isn’t working, Microsoft’s Indexer Diagnostics tool can help troubleshoot.

Windows 10的“开始”菜单或“文件资源管理器”中的搜索功能是否存在问题? 无论Windows找不到文件,索引使用过多的CPU还是搜索不起作用,Microsoft的Indexer Diagnostics工具都可以帮助解决问题。

This tool provides insight into the inner workings of the Windows Search indexer service, and it can help you identify problems and fixes. It’s similar to the Diagnostic Data Viewer—a power user tool that provides extra information you can’t normally see about Windows 10’s internals.

此工具可深入了解Windows搜索索引器服务的内部工作原理,并且可以帮助您确定问题和解决方法。 它类似于Diagnostic Data Viewer(一种强大的用户工具),它提供了您通常无法查看的有关Windows 10内部的额外信息。

To get started, download Microsoft’s Indexer Diagnostics tool from the Microsoft Store. Launch it and give it administrator access—it needs those permissions to access and updated the Windows search indexer.

首先,请从Microsoft Store下载Microsoft的Indexer Diagnostics工具 。 启动它并为其授予管理员访问权限-它需要这些权限才能访问和更新Windows搜索索引器。

Click between the tabs in the left pane to view information about the indexing service, its status, which files it’s indexing, and what it’s searching. There are also various troubleshooting tools on this pane. The main pane is “Service Status,” which will show you how many items the indexer has in its database, and how many files it’s indexed in the last hour, day, and week.

单击左窗格中的选项卡之间,以查看有关索引服务,其状态,正在索引的文件以及正在搜索的内容的信息。 此窗格上还有各种故障排除工具。 主窗格是“服务状态”,它将向您显示索引器在其数据库中有多少个项目,以及在过去一小时,一天和一周中为多少索引的文件。

The Service Status pane in Indexer Diagnostics.

If Windows search isn’t working at all, click “Search Is Not Working” in the left pane. Use the “Restart” button to quickly restart the search service to fix problems.

如果Windows搜索根本不起作用,请单击左窗格中的“搜索不起作用”。 使用“重新启动”按钮快速重新启动搜索服务以解决问题。

If that doesn’t help, click the “Reset” button to reset the state of the indexing service. This will take several minutes. As the interface points out, a reset “will help if the Search Indexer is stuck in a bad state.”

如果那没有帮助,请单击“重置”按钮以重置索引服务的状态。 这将需要几分钟。 正如界面所指出的那样,重置“将在搜索索引器处于错误状态时提供帮助”。

Troubleshooting Windows Search not working in Indexer Diagnostics.

If search can’t find a file, click “Is my file being indexed?”, browse to the file you want Windows to find, and click “Verify.”


Windows will tell you whether the file is found in the search index and, if not, will explain why the search indexer is ignoring it so you can address any problems.


Testing whether a file is being indexed and why in Microsoft's Indexer Diagnostics.

Other tools available in Indexer Diagnostics include:

Indexer Diagnostics中可用的其他工具包括:

  • What is being indexed? – Displays the paths being indexed and any excluded paths that aren’t being indexed. You can add and remove included and excluded paths here.

    正在索引什么? –显示正在建立索引的路径以及所有未建立索引的排除路径。 您可以在此处添加和删除包含和排除的路径。

  • Search roots – Shows you where Windows will begin searching—for example, in the root of the C:\ directory.

    搜索根目录 –显示Windows将开始搜索的位置,例如,在C:\目录的根目录中。

  • Content Viewer – View the files the indexer is indexing, and the precise time it indexed them. For example, if the search indexer was using a lot of CPU at a specific time, you can see what files it was indexing at that time and consider excluding them from “What is being indexed?”.

    Content Viewer –查看索引器正在索引的文件,以及索引它们的准确时间。 例如,如果搜索索引器在特定时间使用大量CPU,则可以看到它当时正在索引的文件,并考虑将它们从“正在索引的内容?”中排除。

  • Query Viewer – Monitor what search queries are being sent to the Windows search indexer. You can click “Start Listening,” perform searches, and see exactly what’s going on in the background.

    查询查看器 –监视将哪些搜索查询发送到Windows搜索索引器。 您可以单击“开始收听”,执行搜索,然后确切地查看后台发生了什么。

  • Index Item Stats – View how many items are indexed per each app on your system. You can also export details about the index to a CSV file.

    索引项目统计信息 –查看系统上每个应用程序为多少项目建立索引。 您也可以将有关索引的详细信息导出到CSV文件

  • Feedback – This tab lets you collect traces and logs that will monitor the indexer’s resource usage and functions. There’s a “File Bug” button here that will let you file reports about problems with the indexer with Microsoft.

    反馈 –此选项卡使您可以收集跟踪和索引器,以监视索引器的资源使用情况和功能。 这里有一个“文件错误”按钮,可让您提交有关Microsoft索引器问题的报告。

Many of these functions are only useful for developers working on the search indexer or people sending bug reports to those developers, but it’s still great to have such insight into the inner workings of Windows 10.

这些功能中的许多功能仅对使用搜索索引器的开发人员或向这些开发人员发送错误报告的人员有用,但是对Windows 10的内部运行情况有如此深入的了解仍然很棒。

Microsoft has been addressing resource usage problems with the indexer—look at the fixes made in Windows 10’s May 2020 Update—and this tool suggests Microsoft’s developers are hard at work optimizing the search feature, reducing resource usage, and fixing bugs.

微软一直在使用索引器解决资源使用问题-查看Windows 10 2020年5月更新中所做的修复-该工具表明微软的开发人员正在努力优化搜索功能,减少资源使用并修复错误。


windows 10 索引





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