如何将Outlook.com电子邮件地址添加到Microsoft Outlook

The Microsoft Outlook desktop application supports Outlook.com addresses ending in @outlook.com, @hotmail.com, @live.com, and @msn.com. However, it’s not necessarily obvious how to add them–especially if you’re using two-step verification.

Microsoft Outlook桌面应用程序支持以@ outlook.com,@ hotmail.com,@ live.com和@ msn.com结尾的Outlook.com地址。 但是,添加它们并不一定很明显-尤其是在使用两步验证的情况下。

We used Outlook 2016 for this tutorial, although this same process also works on Outlook 2013 and up-to-date versions of Outlook 2010.

尽管本过程同样适用于Outlook 2013和最新版本的Outlook 2010,但我们在本教程中使用的是Outlook 2016。

如何将Outlook.com电子邮件地址添加到Outlook (How to Add an Outlook.com Email Address to Outlook)

Even if you’ve signed into Windows 10 with a Microsoft account, Microsoft Outlook won’t notice and offer to add that account. Only the much more basic Mail app included with Windows 10 can automatically sign into your the Outlook.com email address associated with your Microsoft account.

即使您已使用Microsoft帐户登录Windows 10,Microsoft Outlook也不会注意到并提议添加该帐户。 只有Windows 10附带的更为基本的Mail应用程序才能自动登录到与Microsoft帐户关联的Outlook.com电子邮件地址。

To add an Outlook.com email address to Microsoft Outlook, you’ll have to add it like any other email account. First, open the Outlook application on your PC.

要将Outlook.com电子邮件地址添加到Microsoft Outlook,您必须像添加其他任何电子邮件帐户一样将其添加。 首先,在PC上打开Outlook应用程序。

Click the “File” menu at the top left corner of the Outlook window.


Click the “Add Account” button under Account Information on the Info pane to start adding your email account.


In the Add Account screen that appears, enter your Outlook.com email address and password in the “Email Address” and “Password” fields.


You should also enter your name in the “Your Name” box–this name will be sent attached to any outgoing emails you send from Microsoft Outlook.

您还应该在“您的姓名”框中输入您的姓名-该姓名将发送到您从Microsoft Outlook发送的所有外发电子邮件中。

Assuming you provided the correct login information, Microsoft Outlook should quickly establish the network connection, get the appropriate settings for your @outlook.com, @hotmail.com, @live.com, or @msn.com address, and log on to the mail server. Outlook will tell you the account was successfully configured and ready to use if you entered the details correctly.

假设您提供了正确的登录信息,Microsoft Outlook应该快速建立网络连接,为您的@ outlook.com,@ hotmail.com,@ live.com或@ msn.com地址获取适当的设置,然后登录到邮件服务器。 如果您正确输入详细信息,Outlook会告诉您该帐户已成功配置并可以使用。

If you see a “Problem Connecting to Server” error and you’re sure you typed the correct password and email address, read below for the likely solution.


如果您有两步验证,如何解决“问题连接到服务器”错误 (How to Fix the “Problem Connecting to Server” Error if You have Two-Step Verification)

If you see a “Problem Connecting to Server” error, there’s a good chance you’ve set up two-step verification for your Outlook.com email account.


Microsoft Outlook does a very poor job of handling this and informing you of the problem. Instead, it says that “an encrypted connection to your mail server is not available.” This just isn’t true.

Microsoft Outlook在处理此问题并将问题通知您方面做得很差。 而是说“与邮件服务器的加密连接不可用。” 事实并非如此。

To get past this error, you’ll need to generate an app password for Microsoft Outlook. Outlook itself should tell you this, but doesn’t.

要克服此错误,您需要为Microsoft Outlook生成一个应用密码。 Outlook本身应该告诉您,但事实并非如此。

To create a special password for Outlook, sign into the Microsoft account page with the Outlook.com email address you’re trying to add and click “Security & Privacy”.

要为Outlook创建特殊密码,请使用您要添加的Outlook.com电子邮件地址登录到Microsoft帐户页面 ,然后单击“安全和隐私”。

If two-step verification is enabled, you’ll see a message saying “Your account is protected by two-step verification.” If so, click “Create a new app password” under App passwords.

如果启用了两步验证,您将看到一条消息,提示“您的帐户受两步验证保护。” 如果是这样,请单击“应用程序密码”下的“创建新的应用程序密码”。

If two-step verification isn’t enabled, there’s a different problem with connecting to your Outlook.com account. Be sure you’ve entered your account details correctly. You should also ensure you can connect to the Internet properly–there may be a problem with your Internet connection, proxy server, or VPN.

如果未启用两步验证,则连接到Outlook.com帐户会有另一个问题。 确保您正确输入了帐户详细信息。 您还应该确保可以正确连接到Internet-Internet连接,代理服务器或VPN可能存在问题。

Go through the account-adding process in Microsoft Outlook again, providing the “App password” shown here instead of your actual Outlook.com password.

再次执行Microsoft Outlook中的帐户添加过程,提供此处显示的“应用密码”,而不是您的实际Outlook.com密码。

Outlook should now connect to the Outlook.com account properly, with no errors.


You don’t need to write down the app password. Instead, if you ever want to create a new app password, head to the Microsoft account security page and click the “Create a new app password” link.

您无需写下应用密码。 相反,如果您要创建新的应用程序密码,请转到Microsoft帐户安全页面,然后单击“创建新的应用程序密码”链接。

To erase any existing app passwords, click “Remove existing app passwords” here. Any applications you signed into with app passwords will then stop working until you provide a new app password.

要删除任何现有的应用程序密码,请在此处单击“删除现有的应用程序密码”。 您使用应用密码登录的所有应用都将停止工作,直到您提供新的应用密码。

如何使用您的Outlook.com帐户 (How to Use Your Outlook.com Account)

Your Outlook.com account will appear alongside any other email accounts you’ve added in Outlook’s sidebar.


Microsoft Outlook uses the Exchange ActiveSync protocol to synchronize your emails with Outlook.com. This means that any changes you make in the Outlook desktop application will also be made in Outlook.com. For example, if you delete an email in Outlook, it’ll also be deleted on Outlook.com.

Microsoft Outlook使用Exchange ActiveSync协议将您的电子邮件与Outlook.com同步。 这意味着您在Outlook桌面应用程序中所做的任何更改也将在Outlook.com中进行。 例如,如果您在Outlook中删除电子邮件,则也会在Outlook.com上将其删除。

To configure your account, remove it, or choose your default email account if you have multiple accounts in Outlook, head to File > Info > Account Settings and use the options in the Account Settings window.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/275023/how-to-add-your-outlook.com-email-address-to-microsoft-outlook/





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