
If you see “about:blank” in your web browser’s address bar, you’re viewing an empty page built into your web browser. It’s a part of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer, and other browsers.

如果您在网络浏览器的地址栏中看到“关于:空白”,则说明您正在浏览网络浏览器中内置的空白页面。 它是Google Chrome,Mozilla Firefox,Apple Safari,Microsoft Edge,Internet Explorer和其他浏览器的一部分。

There’s nothing wrong with about:blank. Many people choose to use about:blank as their home page, ensuring their web browser always opens with an empty white screen. If your web browser always opens with about:blank and you don’t like it, we’ll show you how to stop that from happening.

about:blank没有问题。 许多人选择使用about:blank作为主页,以确保其Web浏览器始终以空白屏幕打开。 如果您的网络浏览器始终以about:blank打开,但您不喜欢它,我们将向您展示如何阻止这种情况的发生。

什么是空白? (What Is about:blank?)

This is a blank page built into your web browser. The “about:” part of the address tells the browser to show internal, built-in web pages. For example, in Chrome, you can type about:settings into the address bar to open the Settings page or about:downloads to view Chrome’s file downloads list.

这是Web浏览器中内置的空白页。 地址的“关于:”部分告诉浏览器显示内部的内置网页。 例如,在Chrome中,您可以在地址栏中输入about:settings来打开“设置”页面,或者在about:downloads中查看Chrome的文件下载列表。

When you type about:blank into the address bar and press Enter, your web browser will load an empty page with nothing on it. This page isn’t from the internet—it’s built into your web browser.

当您在地址栏中输入about:blank并按Enter时,您的网络浏览器将加载一个没有任何内容的空白页面。 该页面不是来自互联网,而是内置于您的Web浏览器中。

为什么about:blank有用? (Why Is about:blank Useful?)

Many people use about:blank as their home page. This gives you an empty page each time you open your browser.

许多人使用about:blank作为主页。 每次打开浏览器时,这都会为您提供一个空白页。

To achieve this, all you have to do is go into your browser’s settings and tell it to open with “about:blank” instead of another web page.

为此,您要做的就是进入浏览器的设置,并告诉它以“ about:blank”(而不是另一个网页)打开。

Web browsers may also open the blank about:blank page if they launch and don’t know what else to display. A browser always has to display something, after all, and loading about:blank is a way of displaying a blank page.

Web浏览器如果启动但不知道要显示什么,也可能会打开空白的about:blank页面。 毕竟,浏览器总是必须显示一些内容,而加载about:blank是显示空白页面的一种方式。

它是病毒还是恶意软件? (Is It a Virus or Malware?)

The about:blank page isn’t malware or anything dangerous. However, if you’re concerned your computer might have malware on it, we recommend performing a scan with your antimalware program of choice.

about:blank页面不是恶意软件或任何危险的东西。 但是,如果您担心计算机上可能装有恶意软件,建议使用所选的反恶意软件程序进行扫描。

We like Malwarebytes, and we recommend giving your computer a scan with it. The free version can perform manual scans and remove malware. The paid Premium version just adds automatic background scanning. Malwarebytes supports both Windows PCs and Macs.

我们喜欢Malwarebytes ,我们建议您使用它进行扫描。 免费版本可以执行手动扫描并删除恶意软件。 付费高级版仅添加自动背景扫描。 Malwarebytes支持Windows PC和Mac。

如何摆脱about:blank? (How Can You Get Rid of about:blank?)

You can’t actually get rid of or remove about:blank. It’s part of your web browser, and it’ll always be there under the hood. However, you never have to see it again if you don’t want to.

您实际上无法摆脱或删除about:blank。 它是您的网络浏览器的一部分,它将永远存在于引擎盖下。 但是,如果您不想这样做,就不必再看到它。

If you always see about:blank whenever you open your web browser, and you’d rather see your browser’s New Tab page or any other web page, all you have to do is change your web browser’s home page.


In Google Chrome, head to menu > Settings. Scroll down to the “On startup” section and select either “Open the New Tab page” or delete about:blank from the web pages that open on startup and choose your favorite web page.

在Google Chrome浏览器中,转到菜单>设置。 向下滚动到“启动时”部分,然后选择“打开新标签页”,或从启动时打开的网页中删除about:blank,然后选择您喜欢的网页。

Removing about:blank home page from Chrome

In Mozilla Firefox, click menu > Options > Home. Select your desired home page for new windows and new tabs. Ensure “about:blank” or “Blank Page” isn’t selected here.

在Mozilla Firefox中,单击菜单>选项>主页。 为新窗口和新选项卡选择所需的主页。 确保此处未选择“ about:blank”或“ Blank Page”。

Stopping Firefox from opening with blank windows

In Apple Safari on a Mac, click Safari > Preferences > General. Under Homepage, remove “about:blank” and enter your desired home page.

在Mac上的Apple Safari中,单击Safari>首选项>常规。 在首页下,删除“关于:空白”,然后输入所需的首页。

Disabling about:blank in Safari on macOS Catalina

In Microsoft’s new Chromium-based Edge browser, click menu > Settings > On startup. Select “Open a new tab” or remove about:blank from the list of pages Edge opens when you launch it.

Microsoft新的基于Chromium的Edge浏览器中 ,单击菜单>设置>启动时。 选择“打开新选项卡”或从页面列表中删除about:blank在启动时会打开边缘。

Removing about:blank from the new Microsoft Edge's startup pages

In Internet Explorer, you can change this from the Internet Options window. (You shouldn’t be using Internet Explorer anymore, of course. Even Microsoft recommends you leave IE behind. But it may still be necessary for some old business applications and other legacy software.)

在Internet Explorer中,您可以从“ Internet选项”窗口中进行更改。 (当然,您不应该再使用Internet Explorer。即使Microsoft建议您也不要使用IE。但是对于某些旧的业务应用程序和其他旧版软件,它仍然是必需的。)

Click the gear-shaped menu button and select “Internet Options.” Remove “about:blank” from the home page box at the top of the General pane. Enter the address of your desired home page.

点击齿轮形的菜单按钮,然后选择“ Internet选项”。 从“常规”窗格顶部的主页框中删除“ about:blank”。 输入所需主页的地址。

Stopping Internet Explorer from opening with about:blank

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/656466/what-is-aboutblank-and-how-do-you-remove-it/





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